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Mika @ Zalgiris Arena, Kaunas, Lithuania -- 23 May 2016


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It's nice to see he's doing a concert here, but I'm not sure I can go  :(

By the way, Kaunas is one city, Vilnius is another city. Mika will be in Kaunas  :)


I hope you are able to make it Milda - you have waited a long time :crossed:

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It's nice to see he's doing a concert here, but I'm not sure I can go  :(

By the way, Kaunas is one city, Vilnius is another city. Mika will be in Kaunas  :)


Milda, hope you can make it. You deserve it very much  :huglove:

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It's nice to see he's doing a concert here, but I'm not sure I can go  :(

By the way, Kaunas is one city, Vilnius is another city. Mika will be in Kaunas  :)

Thank you Milda, I've edited the name  :thumb_yello:

I really hope you can make it, fingers crossed for you! 

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I hope you are able to make it Milda - you have waited a long time :crossed:



Milda, hope you can make it. You deserve it very much  :huglove:



Thank you Milda, I've edited the name  :thumb_yello:

I really hope you can make it, fingers crossed for you! 


Thank you Ladies, I hope it too  :pinkbow:

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Hey everyone, long time no see :) 


I will be going, already have my ticket :) 


Yeah, they gave a code for pre-sale, but as I checked today, prices are the same - with code or without. So, no worries :) 

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Hey everyone, long time no see :)


I will be going, already have my ticket :)


Yeah, they gave a code for pre-sale, but as I checked today, prices are the same - with code or without. So, no worries :)


I bought tickets for fan zone. That's is the right one? Nearest the stage? So happy he is doing Baltic countries again! :thumb_yello:  I didn't expect it at all. 

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I bought tickets for fan zone. That's is the right one? Nearest the stage? So happy he is doing Baltic countries again! :thumb_yello:  I didn't expect it at all. 


Yeah, fan zone is nearest the stage :) I will be there as well  :thumb_yello:


I'm so happy he hasn't forget about us, tho it's been 6 years since he last been here. Anyways, can't wait :) 

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I bought tickets for fan zone. That's is the right one? Nearest the stage? So happy he is doing Baltic countries again! :thumb_yello:  I didn't expect it at all. 


I also bought fan zone for this one and sit place for Riga. Is anyone else doing both shows? Did you decide how to go from one place to the other?

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  • 2 months later...

I also bought fan zone for this one and sit place for Riga. Is anyone else doing both shows? Did you decide how to go from one place to the other?

Im hoping to do both.. :das:

I already have a fan zone ticket in Riga... but for Zalgiris arena I dont have yet... :)

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  • 8 years later...

We've missed this interview ! :doh:






Kaune koncertuosiantis Mika:

„Paveikslai iš Lietuvos iki šiol kabo ant mano namų sienų“


Kultinis britų atlikėjas Mika Kaune koncertuos gegužės 23-iąją. Lietuvoje jis dainuos antrąkart – pirmąsyk čia lankėsi 2010-aisiais, per Jūros šventę Klaipėdoje. 


Būsimas Mikos pasirodymas Lietuvoje yra įtrauktas į pasaulinį gastrolių turą, kurio metu jis pristatys savo naujausią albumą „No Place in Heaven“, taip pat atliks populiariausius savo hitus – „Grace Kelly“, „Relax, Take It Easy“, „Lollipop“, „Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)“, „Happy Ending“ ir kitas puikiai žinomas dainas.

Scenoje talentingasis atlikėjas žiba jau dešimtmetį, jo populiarumas neblėsta. Gerbėjus Mika keri originaliu stiliumi, paprastumu ir... drąsa – prieš ketverius metus žvaigždė viešai pareiškė, kad yra homoseksualus


Išskirtinio interviu su Žmonės.lt metu Mika negailėjo gražių žodžių Lietuvai, paatviravo apie savo sėkmės paslaptį, homoseksualumą ir lūkesčius Kaune. 

Kai su kuo nors kalbu apie Lietuvą, visad atsiliepiu labai gerai, pozityviai. 

Pastarąjį kartą Lietuvoje lankėtės 2010-aisiais. Ar dar prisimenate tą viešnagę?


Puikiai. Tada prieš koncertą toje šventėje prie jūros turėjau kelias laisvas dienas. Praleidau jas Vilniuje. Gėriau alų, vaikščiojau po restoranus... Atradau labai gražų miestą. Tie pastatai, tos gatvės, žmonės... Oras buvo labai geras, o aš buvau apsistojęs pačioje senamiesčio širdyje. Priešais mano viešbutį buvo restoranas, kuriame buvo verdamas alus.

Buvo nuostabu, puikiai praleidau laiką. Nuėjau į kelias meno galerijas, jose nusipirkau paveikslų. Paveikslai iš Lietuvos iki šiol kabo ant mano namų sienų. Kai su kuo nors kalbu apie Lietuvą, visad atsiliepiu labai gerai, pozityviai. 


Šįkart važiuojate į Kauną. Ar planuojate ir čia ką nors pamatyti, aplankyti?


Ten niekad nebuvau, todėl nieko nežinau. Bet esu iš tų, kurie tikrai labai mėgsta pasivaikščioti. Kiekvieną laisvą akimirką stengiuosi išeiti į gatvę ir eiti, kur akys veda, po visą miestą. 

Jei visą laiką praleisčiau viešbučio kambaryje, man pasidarytų labai liūdna. Kai keliauji tiek, kiek aš, išeiti pasivaikščioti, apsidairyti – tiesiog būtina.

Juokinga, kad mano gerbėjai apie šį mano pomėgį jau žino. Todėl išėjęs pasivaikščioti taip dažnai jų susitinku! O geriausia dalis ta, kad jie palieka mane vieną, – tik pasisveikina, pamojuoja ir nueina. Kartais būna, kad gerbėjai mane atpažįsta kokiam restorane. Tada irgi pasisveikina, bet įkyriai nelenda. 


Nejau taip niekad ir neįkyri? Nejau nėra jūsų išgąsdinę ar, pavyzdžiui, tiesiog persekioję?


Ne, gerbėjai išgąsdinę tikrai nėra. Manau, kad man labai pasisekė. Kai prieš kelias savaites lankiausi Pietų Italijoje, pastebėjau tendenciją: jeigu nuo gerbėjų nebėgi, jie ir nesiveja. Jei maloniai pasisveikini, pabendrauji, nusifotografuoji, tada jie išlieka ramūs. Bet jei pats imi bėgti, tada žmonės tiesiog pakvaišta! Tampa košmaru!

Kai prieš kelias savaites lankiausi Pietų Italijoje, pastebėjau tendenciją: jeigu nuo gerbėjų nebėgi, jie ir nesiveja.

Tame Italijos oro uoste ėjau su apsaugininkais, jie man uždraudė kalbėti. Tada visi gerbėjai ir pakvaišo. Žmonės ėmė bėgti paskui, šūkauti, kilo panika. Štai ir taisyklė: jei imi kalbėtis – su tavimi kalba, jei bėgti – bėga paskui. Ir tai ne gerbėjų problema, o to, kaip pats susitvarkai su situacija. 

Nors geriau pagalvojus, tokių atvejų, kada gerbėjai pasirodė tikrai pakvaišę, buvo. Tik per tuos dešimt metų, kada stoviu scenoje, jų buvo vienetai.

Prisimenu, kaip mano draugams kažkoks asmuo ėmė siųsti siuntinius – nugaišusių gyvūnų kūnus, neva vudu. Siuntinius pasirašinėjo mano vardu. Netrukome išsiaiškinti, kas tas žmogus. Tada prirėmėme jį prie sienos: išaiškinau, kad jis tikrai nėra mano gerbėjas, o tik žmogus, kuris siekia iškrėsti kvailystę. 


Kai koncertavote Klaipėdoje, nustebinote šou rengėjus griežtu reikalavimu rūšiuoti atliekas. Ko pageidaujate šįkart?


Dabar rūšiuoti atliekas prašo beveik visos garsenybės, čia jau nieko naujo. Ir labai gerai! Juk daugelis mūsų rūšiuoja atliekas namuose, tai kodėl nedaro to arenose? Bet dabar galiu pasakyti atvirai: tada tai nebuvo mano prašymas. Pats apie jį sužinojau tik vėliau. Matyt, tai koncerto organizatorių arba viešųjų ryšių atstovų mintis. Nesvarbu – gerai, kad paprašė. 

Ko pageidauju šįkart? Nežinau, nėra nė vieno pribloškiančio reikalavimo. Ateikite į mano šou ir pamatysite, kad ten nieko prisigalvoti nereikia. Tiesiog noriu, kad visi jaustųsi laisvi, laimingi, spontaniški, rodytų emocijas ir niekas nieko neteistų. Koncertas apie tai, o ne apie kokius nors reikalavimus. 


Garsus visame pasaulyje esate bene 10-metį. Kokia jūsų paslaptis? Tiek žmonių svajoja apie pasaulinę šlovę, bet jiems nepasiseka. 


Nesistenkite sukurti hito. Jeigu žmogus stengiasi sukurti hitą, jam nepasiseks. Jis tiesiog griauna savo karjerą. Pasaulis pasikeitė. Dabar atlikėjai, kurie niekad nėra išleidę jokio radijo hito, gastroliuoja po pasaulį ir surenka didžiausias gerbėjų minias.

Nesistenkite sukurti hito. Jeigu žmogus stengiasi sukurti hitą, jam nepasiseks.

Tiesiog reikia pasakoti savo istoriją ir tam pasitelkti visus įmanomus būdus. Išlikite kūrybiški, įdomūs. Aš filmuojuosi televizijose, atsiduriu laikraščiuose, nes nedarau to, ką daro visi. Galbūt esu labiau teatrališkas nei daugelis. Gal dėl to žmonės ateina į mano koncertus? Nes nori pamatyti, kaip atrodau realybėje? 

Rašau knygą. Įrašinėju albumus, kurie yra labai asmeniški, tačiau tuo pat metu suprantami visiems. Taigi nesiekite sukurti hito. Nesivaikykite svetimos šlovės. Raskite savo laimę, siekite savo karjeros. Nesvarbu, kurioje stadijoje dabar esate. 


Paminėjote, kad jūsų albumai – labai asmeniški. Žinau, kad esate įrašęs ir tokį, kuriame skambančios dainos – apie jūsų santykius su vyrais. Savo homoseksualumą pripažinote prieš ketverius metus. Kaip tai paveikė jūsų karjerą?


Visiškai nepaveikė. Tokio albumo, kuriame visos dainos būtų vien apie santykius, išleidęs nesu. Manęs ši tema visai neįkvepia.

Net keista, kad prisipažinimas įtakos karjerai neturėjo. Nors gal ir logiška. Savo dainas rašau pats, nesu kažkieno įrankis – svetimas dainas dainuojantis atlikėjas. Jei, pavyzdžiui, dainuočiau vaikinų grupėje, o ne būčiau solistas, arba dainuočiau kitų parašytas dainas, kurios man būtų svetimos ir kuriomis meluočiau, tada, matyt, būtų paveikę.


Lietuva laikoma homofobiška valstybe. Kaip patartumėte ugdyti toleranciją?


Toleranciją reikia išprovokuoti. Nemanau, kad įmanoma jos išprašyti mandagiai. Tačiau kai toleranciją provokuoji, reikia tą daryti protingai ir su džiaugsmu. Pavojinga daryti apibendrinimus, klasifikuoti žmones. Jei taip elgiamasi, galima prarasti daug šalininkų. Pažvelkime į Italiją. Nors šalies visuomenė įsitempusi dėl krizės, valstybė vis tiek išlieka viena tolerantiškiausių Europoje.  

Savo ruožtu aš taip pat stengiuosi perduoti žmonėms žinutę: noriu, kad mano pasirodymų metu visi jaustųsi laisvai ir neteisiami. Man nesvarbu, kas tu toks, iš kur tu, koks tu, jei tik esi pasiruošęs eiti išvien ir dviem valandoms atsisakyti savigynos.

Kai visi ims galvoti panašiai, priims žmogų tokį, koks jis yra, visuomenė taps labiau tolerantiška. Tai – pagrindinis tikslas.


Lietuvoje pristatysite naują albumą. Ko tikėtis tiems, kurie jau turi bilietą į jūsų šou Kaune?


Šou jus nublokš į kitą pasaulį, o skambesys privers pasijausti it muzikiniame burbule. Atrodytų, lyg naujasis albumas būtų įrašytas aštuntajame dešimtmetyje, bet iš tiesų – šiais laikais.

Tai tikrai visai kitoks albumas, nei kad dabar kuria kiti atlikėjai. Jūsų gyvenime, o ir muzikinėje bibliotekoje, albumas tikrai ras savo vietą. Jis gana alternatyvus, bet tuo pat metu ir popsinis. Albumo įrašai ne itin tinkami groti per radiją, bet ras kelią į jūsų širdis.



Mika: “Tolerance must be provoked”

Posted on: 7:00, March 31 (Thu), 2016


A British singer and songwriter Mika, who will perform in Lithuania for the second time in Kaunas Žalgiris arena on the 23d May, 2016 spoke to portal 15min.lt about homophobia and the need to foster tolerance in Lithuania and abroad.


You have mentioned that your albums are very personal. I understand that one of them contained songs about your relationships with men. You came out of the closet four years ago. How did it affect your career?


It didn’t affect it at all. I have never released an album containing song only about relationships. Such themes do not inspire me.

It is somewhat strange that the coming-out did not affect my career. Although maybe, it is understandable. I write songs myself, I’m not anyone’s tool – a singer who sings someone else’s songs. If, for example, I sang in a boy band and I wasn’t a soloist or if I sang songs written by others, which were foreign to me and made me lie, then, presumably, it would have affected me.


Lithuania is regarded as a very homophobic country. How do you think tolerance could be fostered?


Tolerance must be provoked. I don’t think it’s possible to solicit it politely. However, when you attempt to provoke tolerance, you need to do it sensibly and joyfully. It’s dangerous to make generalizations or categorize people. By doing so, you might loose a lot of supporters. Let’s look at Italy. Even though the public is under stress due to the crisis, the country remains one of the most tolerant in Europe.

In turn, I am also trying to convey a message to people – I want that during my performances everyone could feel at ease and free from judgment. It doesn’t matter to me who you are, where you are from, what you are, as long as you are willing to go shoulder to shoulder and abandon your self-defense for two hours.

When everyone will start to think this way and will accept a person for who she/he is, the society will become more tolerant. This is the main goal.

Want to contribute to fostering tolerance and the social inclusion of LGBT* people in Lithuania? Help us to move forward – support LGL’s “Baltic Pride” 2016 crowdfunding campaign!

We say it loudly and proudly – “WE ARE PEOPLE, NOT PROPAGANDA”. Thank you for your encouragement and support. We are hoping to see you in the Baltic Pride events on June 13th – 19th. Together we are one!



:uk: Google translator


Mika performing in Kaunas:

"Paintings from Lithuania still hang on the walls of my house"

British cult performer Mika Kaune will perform on May 23. He will sing in Lithuania for the second time - he first visited here in 2010, during the Sea Festival in Klaipėda.

Mika's upcoming performance in Lithuania is part of his world tour, during which he will present his latest album "No Place in Heaven" and also perform his most popular hits - "Grace Kelly", "Relax, Take It Easy", "Lollipop", " Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)", "Happy Ending" and other famous songs.

The talented performer has been shining on the stage for ten years, his popularity is not waning. Mika charms fans with his original style, simplicity and... courage - four years ago, the star publicly declared that he was homosexual.

During an exclusive interview with Lenői.lt, Mika did not spare beautiful words for Lithuania, he opened up about the secret of his success, homosexuality and expectations in Kaunas.


   When I talk to someone about Lithuania, I always respond very well, positively.


The last time you visited Lithuania was in 2010. Do you still remember that stay?


Excellent. Then I had a few days off before the concert at that holiday by the sea. I spent them in Vilnius. I drank beer, walked around restaurants... I discovered a very beautiful city. Those buildings, those streets, the people... The weather was very good and I was staying in the heart of the old town. There was a restaurant across the street from my hotel that served beer.

It was amazing, I had a great time. I went to several art galleries and bought paintings there. Paintings from Lithuania are still hanging on the walls of my house. When I talk to someone about Lithuania, I always respond very well, positively.

This time you are going to Kaunas. Are you planning to see or visit something here?

I've never been there, so I don't know anything. But I am one of those who really likes to go for a walk. Every free moment I try to go outside and go where my eyes lead me, all over the city.

If I spent all my time in a hotel room, I would be very sad. When you travel as much as I do, going out for a walk, looking around is simply a must.

It's funny that my fans already know about this hobby of mine. That's why I meet them so often when I go for a walk! And the best part is that they leave me alone, just say hello, wave and walk away. Sometimes fans recognize me in a restaurant. Then he also says hello, but he doesn't get intrusive.

Don't you ever get so intrusive? Didn't they scare you or, for example, just chase you?

No, the fans are definitely not scared. I consider myself very lucky. When I visited southern Italy a few weeks ago, I noticed a trend: if you don't run from the fans, they don't chase you. If you kindly say hello, chat, take a picture, then they remain calm. But if you start running yourself, then people just go crazy! It's becoming a nightmare!


      When I visited southern Italy a few weeks ago, I noticed a trend: if you don't run from the fans, they don't chase you.


In that Italian airport I walked with security guards, they forbade me to speak. Then all the fans go crazy. People started running after, shouting, panic arose. Here is the rule: if you start talking, they talk to you, if you run, they run after you. And it's not the fans' problem, it's how you handle the situation yourself.

Although come to think of it, there have been cases where fans have turned out to be really crazy. Only in the ten years that I have been on stage, there have been units of them.

I remember how some person started sending parcels to my friends - bodies of dead animals, supposedly voodoo. The parcels were signed for in my name. It didn't take long for us to find out who the man was. Then we put him against the wall: I made it clear that he really wasn't a fan of mine, but just someone who was trying to spread stupidity.

When you performed in Klaipėda, you surprised the organizers of the show with a strict requirement to sort waste. What do you want this time?


Now, almost every celebrity asks to sort the waste, there is nothing new here. And very good! After all, many of us sort waste at home, so why not do it in arenas? But now I can say frankly: it was not my request then. I found out about him myself only later. Apparently, this is the idea of the concert organizers or public relations representatives. It doesn't matter - it's good that you asked.

What do I want this time? I don't know, there's no overwhelming demand. Come to my show and you will see that there is nothing to think about. I just want everyone to feel free, happy, spontaneous, show their emotions and not be judged. The concert is about that, not about any demands.

You have been famous all over the world for almost 10 years. What's your secret? So many people dream of world fame but fail.

Don't try to create a hit. If a person tries to create a hit, he will not succeed. He's just ruining his career. The world has changed. Now, artists who have never had a radio hit are touring the world and garnering the biggest crowds of fans.


    Don't try to create a hit. If a person tries to create a hit, he will not succeed.


You just need to tell your story and use all the possible ways to do it. Stay creative, stay interesting. I'm on television, I'm in the papers because I'm not doing what everyone else is doing. Maybe I'm more theatrical than most. Maybe that's why people come to my concerts? Because you want to see what I look like in reality?

I'm writing a book. I record albums that are very personal, but at the same time understandable to everyone. So don't aim for a hit. Don't chase other people's glory. Find your happiness, pursue your career. It doesn't matter what stage you are in right now.

You mentioned that your albums are very personal. I know you've also recorded one with songs about your relationships with men. You admitted your homosexuality four years ago. How has it affected your career?

Not affected at all. I have not released such an album in which all the songs are only about relationships. This topic does not inspire me at all.

It is even strange that the confession did not affect the career. Although maybe logical. I write my own songs, I'm not someone else's tool - an artist singing someone else's songs. If, for example, I sang in a boy band instead of being a soloist, or if I sang songs written by others that were foreign to me and lied about, then apparently it would have had an effect.

Lithuania is considered a homophobic state. What advice would you give to develop tolerance?

Tolerance must be provoked. I don't think it's possible to ask her out politely. However, when you provoke tolerance, you need to do it intelligently and with joy. It is dangerous to make generalizations, to classify people. If you do, you can lose a lot of supporters. Let's look at Italy. Although the country's society is tense due to the crisis, the country still remains one of the most tolerant in Europe.

For my part, I also try to convey a message to people: I want everyone to feel free and non-judgmental during my performances. I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you're like, as long as you're willing to go it alone and give up self-defense for two hours.

When everyone starts thinking alike, accepting a person as he is, society will become more tolerant. This is the main goal.

You will present a new album in Lithuania. What can those who already have a ticket to your show in Kaunas expect?

The show will transport you to another world, and the sound will make you feel like you are in a musical bubble. The new album sounds like it was recorded in the 70s, but it's actually in the present day.

This is definitely a very different album than what other artists are making now. The album will definitely find its place in your life and in your music library. It's quite alternative, but at the same time pop. The album's tracks aren't exactly radio-friendly, but they'll find their way into your hearts.




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