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Mika in Belgian Press - 2019


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20 hours ago, ellie said:

his UK label comissioned the video though and the official version is slightly censored actually


I noticed that too and don't get why they did it really... I mean it is allowed for under 18 to see that scene just for 2 seconds instead of 4, or what? :rolleyes:

20 hours ago, ellie said:

Maybe they were just mad he didnt filmed a music video for Tomorrow and Im overthinking :aah:


They must be happy now that he did Domani though :teehee:


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8 hours ago, StephMF said:

Bonjour, savez-vous où je peux voir cette interview? Merci d'avance 🙂



Salut! I'm sorry but I don't know where we can listen to the interview from Radio Nostalgie :dunno:

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LM magazine

157 - Décembre 2019  

Published on Nov 25, 2019 

Mika - LM magazine
nov 12, 2019

Cordes sensibles


Jadis on prenait Mika pour une star éphémère. On lui prédisait un quart d’heure de gloire entre quelques comètes vite oubliées. Eh bien non. Le Libanais a tenu bon et s’est forgé une oeuvre. Pas le genre de chansons qui vous font briller dans les dîners en ville, c’est vrai. Non, celles qui pénètrent l’oreille pour ne plus la lâcher. Ce grand échalas revisite ses totems à sa manière, conjugue la brillance de Jobriath au brio des Bee Gees (toutes périodes confondues) et place, évidemment, Queen au-dessus de tout. Mais là où Freddie et ses sbires suintaient la prétention et se vautraient dans le ridicule, Mika avance détendu, modeste, simple vecteur d’une pop sans complexes, destinée à faire chavirer les coeurs et les âmes. En s’ouvrant sur son homosexualité, son enfance de gamin harcelé, il peut aider plus d’un ado, c’est certain. Alors, évidemment, avoir révélé quelques tanches chez The Voice (Kendji Girac, Fréro Delavega) demeure parfaitement inexcusable. Mais tant qu’il composera des hymnes tels Grace Kelly, Tiny Love ou Ice Cream, on fermera les yeux.


:uk: Google translator



Sensitive Cords


Formerly we took Mika for an ephemeral star. He was predicting a quarter of an hour of glory between some comets quickly forgotten. Well no. The Lebanese has stood firm and has forged a work. Not the kind of songs that make you shine in the dinners in town, it's true. No, those who penetrate the ear not to let go. This great eclipse revisits his totems in his own way, combines the brilliance of Jobriath to the brilliance of the Bee Gees (all periods combined) and place, obviously, Queen above all. But where Freddie and his henchmen oozed pretense and wallowed in ridicule, Mika advanced relaxed, modest, simple vector of a pop without complexes, intended to capsize hearts and souls. By opening up on his homosexuality, his childhood kid harassed, he can help more than one teen, that's for sure. So, obviously, to have revealed some tench at The Voice (Kendji Girac, Frero Delavega) remains perfectly inexcusable. But as long as he composes hymns like Grace Kelly, Tiny Love or Ice Cream, we will close our eyes.



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On 10/13/2019 at 11:26 PM, mellody said:


Thanks. It seems an interesting interview, he tells a lot of details about some of the songs (Tomorrow, Dear Jealousy, Sanremo, Paloma, and he also mentions Tiny Love). He also says something about having different singles in different countries... I hope at some point the @Subtitling Team will have time again to catch up with all that's been published lately... :teehee:


We're slowly catching up :thumb_yello: Here's the translation: 


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