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Mika's Tartan Trousers!


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OK, finally got round to editing this!


So, a fairy tale ending to our tartan trouser project! On 16th May at Barrowlands, Glasgow we managed to meet Mika before the gig and give him the trousers that we made for him. Five of us had met up and spent a hilarious day making them and we were SO excited when we actually managed to give them to him! Then, of course, it was huge anticipation to see if he would actually WEAR them.............and he did!

Towards the end of the set he left the stage then came back on, wearing OUR trousers. I would imagine you could hear the resulting screams reverberating around the globe!


What an absolute angel to do that! There is a clip in my signiture, the sound quality isn't brilliant but Mika is saying that the band are teasing him as he looks like Rupert the bear but he thinks they are quite nice. He then looks at us and says,'They are really tight fitting on the arse girls'!!!!!!!!!!! We got a result there then!


Thanks so much Mika, you made us beyond delirious! x


Original Post

Hi Everyone.


Some of us that are going to the Glasgow gig have been hatching a plan! Spured on by the brilliant ideas of Sivan and Robertina we decided that we needed to come up with an idea of our own of something to give to Mika at the Glasgow gig. We have given up all hope of anything on this forum remaining a secret (!) so have just decided to come out in the open about it!


So...all thoughts of cunning plans and amazing inspirational ideas have culminated in scg coming up with the brilliant (!) idea of a pair of tartan trousers! Now, those of you that are old enough to remember The Bay City Rollers need not get worried! I can assure you (and Mika if you are reading this) that THESE tartan trousers will be truely special! The best tartan on offer will be sourced, the design will be especially Mikaised and they will be put together with all the love, care and skill that is available to us incredibly talented Mika fans! We now that Mika loves bright clothes so we are hoping that he will apreciate our gift! Alternatively, he may fall about laughing......either way, it should put a smile on his face which is after all, our main aim!


Early research has indicated that the best way to ensure a good fit is to take a pattern from 'well worn pants'! We are still working on this part!


First meeting of the 'Tartan trouser Group' is schedualed for 9pm (UK time) on this thread this evening. See ya there!:gathering:

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Girls, love your work. :punk::thumb_yello:


Is there anything I can do from Aussieland?


*does a highland fling in honour of Mika's tartan troosers*




Aussie :insane:

RAINBOW SKY! The best honuary Scot on the Mika Forum! We know you are with us in spirit..........and when we are being driven nuts by tempremental sewing machines (or tempremental selves!) we will need your support! We also know that your special 'Mika package' is, as we speak, winging it's way to Scotland so that we can give it to Mika along with the trousers!

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RAINBOW SKY! The best honuary Scot on the Mika Forum! We know you are with us in spirit..........and when we are being driven nuts by tempremental sewing machines (or tempremental selves!) we will need your support! We also know that your special 'Mika package' is, as we speak, winging it's way to Scotland so that we can give it to Mika along with the trousers!



I thank ye, my friend. :D:thumb_yello:


Oh yes, MY package!! Mika, if you happen to read this forum... I've sent you something from Australia that the Glasgow Fab Five will hopefully deliver to you in person at the Glasgow concert. ...along with said tartan troosers. :punk:


Okay girls, I'll be on the support team when the going gets tough with the plans and the sewing machines. :thumb_yello:


additional swooning, drooling and giggling provided by Rainbow Sky: the craziest kilt-obsessed girl in the world


Aussie :insane:

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I want to help as much as I can...

(Even I can't do too much from here)


Shouldn't the pattern be skinny-pants-like?

And pockets in the behind would be awesome! :)

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Don't know how long it will take to rattle up a pair of trousers, but I have a suggestion.


Kath, GITB, Wendi and myself were planning a wee get together, so why don't we do it before the gig and get the trousers done then??


SCG, you are welcome to come too. If we can decide today on a date (there is a bank holiday weekend before the concert), I will keep the B&B free, and we could do a mega team effort. Not good at sewing machine stuff but can cut material out and provide lots of cups of tea until the job is done, then lots of wine! Kath & GITB could bring their sewing machines here!


What do you think?????

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Don't know how long it will take to rattle up a pair of trousers, but I have a suggestion.


Kath, GITB, Wendi and myself were planning a wee get together, so why don't we do it before the gig and get the trousers done then??


SCG, you are welcome to come too. If we can decide today on a date (there is a bank holiday weekend before the concert), I will keep the B&B free, and we could do a mega team effort. Not good at sewing machine stuff but can cut material out and provide lots of cups of tea until the job is done, then lots of wine! Kath & GITB could bring their sewing machines here!


What do you think?????

Leezy! Inspirational.....runs to check calendar!

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Maybe you could come a day early to do the button hole!

Hmm, It's not impossible thought.. If it's okay with you?

It's a time ago I made my button holes tho... :naughty:

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Monday May 7th? I think that is a great idea! It would be so much more fun to be able to do it together and will be much more of a team effort. Great to have a Mini Mike Meet too!

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*gets up on stage*


*borrows Mika’s microphone for a bit*


Someone should play the spoons while I sing this…


I just down from the Isle of Skye

I'm no very big but I'm awful shy

All the lassies shout as I walk by,

"Mika, Where's Your Trousers?"


Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low

Through the streets in my kilt I go

All the lassies cry, "Hello!

Mika, where's your trousers?"


I went to a fancy ball

It was slippery in the hall

I was afeared that I may fall

Because I nay had on trousers


I went down to London town

To have a little fun in the underground

All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying,

" Mika, where's your trousers?"


The lassies love me every one

But they must catch me if they can

You canna put the brakes on a highland man, saying,

" Mika, where's your trousers?"




I thank you. :naughty:


Aussie :insane:

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Hmm, It's not impossible thought.. If it's okay with you?

It's a time ago I made my button holes tho... :naughty:

It would actually suit me much better if you could come a day earlier rather than a day latter if you wanted to extend your stay a wee bit as I am not working on the Tuesday but will be working on the Thursday. Might have got the button hole done by then though but if we can save a job for you to do we will do!

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Rainbow, have you any idea how hard that would be:shocked: , er troosers will have to do!:naughty:

The woman is totally punch drunk on everything Scottish! I think if we were making a kilt we should have started last year!

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*gets up on stage*


*borrows Mika’s microphone for a bit*


Someone should play the spoons while I sing this…


I just down from the Isle of Skye

I'm no very big but I'm awful shy

All the lassies shout as I walk by,

"Mika, Where's Your Trousers?"


Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low

Through the streets in my kilt I go

All the lassies cry, "Hello!

Mika, where's your trousers?"


I went to a fancy ball

It was slippery in the hall

I was afeared that I may fall

Because I nay had on trousers


I went down to London town

To have a little fun in the underground

All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying,

" Mika, where's your trousers?"


The lassies love me every one

But they must catch me if they can

You canna put the brakes on a highland man, saying,

" Mika, where's your trousers?"




I thank you. :naughty:


Aussie :insane:


:groupwave: Fantastic!

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*gets up on stage*


*borrows Mika’s microphone for a bit*


Someone should play the spoons while I sing this…


I just down from the Isle of Skye

I'm no very big but I'm awful shy

All the lassies shout as I walk by,

"Mika, Where's Your Trousers?"


Let the wind blow high and the wind blow low

Through the streets in my kilt I go

All the lassies cry, "Hello!

Mika, where's your trousers?"


I went to a fancy ball

It was slippery in the hall

I was afeared that I may fall

Because I nay had on trousers


I went down to London town

To have a little fun in the underground

All the Ladies turned their heads around, saying,

" Mika, where's your trousers?"


The lassies love me every one

But they must catch me if they can

You canna put the brakes on a highland man, saying,

" Mika, where's your trousers?"




I thank you. :naughty:


Aussie :insane:

I really DO think your medication needs uping a wee bit!

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Off to get charlie's lunch, back later today!


7th May sounds like a good one to me :groupwave:

Yep, I must go and do something too, but as far as I'm concerned the 7th is great. x

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Woaah I loved your performance, Rainbow Sky! :D



Yeah, it's ok I come tuesday since I haven't booked anything yet...

And yes, the button hole it's cool if you do it! :naughty:

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Woaah I loved your performance, Rainbow Sky! :D



Yeah, it's ok I come tuesday since I haven't booked anything yet...

And yes, the button hole it's cool if you do it! :naughty:

I think that is probably a good idea then if you come Tuesday. Wednesday daytime will probably be a bit boring for you as Abby (my daughter) will be at college and we will just be hanging about waiting to go but if you want to come on Tuesday you are perfectly welcome. We live in the country, it is very beautiful but there isn't a lot to do.

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