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Does everyone h8 chris moyles?


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well they basically sang along from start to end, thinking they were funny just cause they were singing a fabulous song and being all dramatic! And its especially bad as radio one make a point of never talking over songs

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This letter you are going to write doesn't represent the views of all the fans on the Mika Fan Club website, so I'd rather you didn't mention the fan club in your response.


Chris Moyles is an arse, it's true, but he's entitled to his opinions and entitled to view them on air if he wants. Someone suggested asking him to apologise! What for, having his own opinion?


Can you imagine how much CM will enjoy reading your letter out on air and having a good laugh at your expense??


Mika himself said in an interview 'you either love my music, or you f****** hate it'.


I think that's totally true.


Let it lie.

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thanks Mikablog, i fully understand and here is the version I would like to send, if anyone wants their name added to this please put it down here...












Dear Chris


This is an open letter to you to thank you for every time you dismiss Mika or poke fun of his music you are in fact giving him free publicity and help him to become an even bigger super star and for that we thank you wholeheartedly!.


Listening to your comments on air about Mika, is has become very clear to us that you have taken a mild dislike to Mika and his music, that is fine because music choice is very personal and individual, what suits one does not necessarily appeal to the next, but why do you need to give a negative feedback every time you talk about him?


Could it be that he is everything that we wish we could achieve one day, and Mika shows it all: great talent, charisma, a super personality with an incredible voice


Or could it be because you have not really taken the time to listen to his music or read up on him …well, here are a few thoughts to help you along…




Mika had appeared from nowhere and jumped straight to no1 with a single and video which is so different to anything seen before....(few know that he had an uphill struggle with the music industry for many years because he refused to be moulded into a 'designer box')


Mika is very gifted, he can play an instrument to perfection and he can use his voice in various ways to suit his songs..... this is unusual and scares people, solo artists are supposed to sing melodramatic ballads......


Mika is a true performer, he can deliver his songs with so much energy that this again makes the onlooker uneasy ....


Mika does not conform to the sometimes very conservative music industry's idea of safe music for solo artists , he fights for his ideas and makes sure they are fully represented ....It again scares the ones in the know how and DJs like yourself. Mika wrote a superb concept album which few people took the trouble to understand for what it is, the album goes full circle and his songs are a modern portrait of our society. He delivers his songs in a way he sees best to get across, ...sadly some only hear and see the songs as 'over-the-top pop' instead of understanding the underlying messages.



Mika speaks very distinctly and he comes across as very educated, through his many changes in his childhood he has travelled a great deal and gained much life experience which reflects in his music, which again sets him apart and some misread this as arrogance...


DJ's have compared his 'privileged' background to that of the Chiefs and other groups, but not to other solo artists with similar backgrounds…


Mika wears colourful loud clothes and he has a great sense for style, this is again a new phenomenon, he has brought colour into the shops big time! Many would like to wear these clothes but are afraid to do so…


Mika is a superb performer and his deliveries are colourful because he wants his fans to let their hair down and have a good time... this scares people because they would like to let go too and yet they can't..


Mika is once again climbing the charts with his new single ‘love today’ which is another infectuous bubbly 'feel good pop song' and it is bound to sit in the top 10 for a few weeks yet


Lastly.....Mika has all the looks and ...some .people are envious of these too


Mika is reviving pop big time and that is a great alternative to the drum & base scene and he deserves to be listened to


My conclusion is that he will have to fight all the way because conservative Britain is not ready for him, not really! But we know that he will fight and he will win!!!


Ps ..His album will probably become an all-time classic in 10 years time when the industry has finally woken up....


About the press: First they build you up just to knock you down




So Chris, you are a great and very popular radio 1 DJ, we hope this has helped you a bit to get to know Mika a bit better…and please, please give Mika a chance!


Love from steph and some members from the Mikafabclub.com

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This letter you are going to write doesn't represent the views of all the fans on the Mika Fan Club website, so I'd rather you didn't mention the fan club in your response.


Chris Moyles is an arse, it's true, but he's entitled to his opinions and entitled to view them on air if he wants. Someone suggested asking him to apologise! What for, having his own opinion?


Can you imagine how much CM will enjoy reading your letter out on air and having a good laugh at your expense??


Mika himself said in an interview 'you either love my music, or you f****** hate it'.


I think that's totally true.


Let it lie.[/QUOTe


that's fine by me i will not mention the fan club is the response, okay . actually I do not really think I attacked him in any way, that wouldn't be like me, but I will of course respect your wish

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This letter you are going to write doesn't represent the views of all the fans on the Mika Fan Club website, so I'd rather you didn't mention the fan club in your response.


Chris Moyles is an arse, it's true, but he's entitled to his opinions and entitled to view them on air if he wants. Someone suggested asking him to apologise! What for, having his own opinion?


Can you imagine how much CM will enjoy reading your letter out on air and having a good laugh at your expense??


Mika himself said in an interview 'you either love my music, or you f****** hate it'.


I think that's totally true.


Let it lie.[/QUOTe


that's fine by me i will not mention the fan club is the response, okay . actually I do not really think I attacked him in any way, that wouldn't be like me, but I will of course respect your wish




Thanks Steph. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, including everyone who signs the letter. It's just not my opinion.

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Thanks Steph. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, including everyone who signs the letter. It's just not my opinion.




sure but do you really think it is an attack? i would be very surprised if he saw it as such

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i dont know wot chris moyles is on about coz ive seen more girls kissing on mika than moyles, mika beating the radio 1 bloke in the charts and im a bigger fan of mika than chris moyles cos





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If it happened in HUngary I'd definately have called that Man,and told Him that He is A BIG ass.

Oh I wouldnt even listen to Him...evry day on the radio?And he poked Mika?

Wtf does he think of himself?Who is He?God?

Mika wouldnt but me...I would box in his face until He changes his stupid mind.Oh I hate people like that...:boxed:

Why didnt you call Him?On the radio?Oh Man I would surely do that.I wouldnt use rude words but I'd tell Him that takes no good to his soul,does it?....Is it good for Him?Does he even feel better?

He is a poor man.Thats all I can say.

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Great response, Steph! Very clear and level and diplomatic. I was worried that fans may use some of the anger expressed here in their letters to him and that certainly would do no one any good. But your response was brilliant! I would be honored to have my name included one the list of fans.


I'm really not trying to be rude and its not a big deal, but I would simply recommend one last edit before its sent off. There were simply a few errors throughout. Still brilliant, though ^_^

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Great response, Steph! Very clear and level and diplomatic. I was worried that fans may use some of the anger expressed here in their letters to him and that certainly would do no one any good. But your response was brilliant! I would be honored to have my name included one the list of fans.


I'm really not trying to be rude and its not a big deal, but I would simply recommend one last edit before its sent off. There were simply a few errors throughout. Still brilliant, though ^_^


letter to chris on page 26


thanks, and yes I will of course edit the letter carefully before it goes off tomorrow, no worries there!


so far on the list are: Blue , Sou, Freddie ,Happikali, Blackwildkitty, Bexxy Shontih.....

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It is, don't worry. Its non-offensive but definitely gets hte point across ~_O


letter to chris on page 26





if i run out of time you can corract it for me later if you want, i'm off to work now...

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Hi Steph I like your letter and it is exactly true, BUT My Moyles will find it very hilarious and flattering that you bothered to write it all out and also he will take the piss out of it, even if he reads it because he just loves penalising groups of ppl like us! I can just hear him now..............


"Well I got this letter this mornign and you will not believe...... this just prooves what sort of ppl Mika attracts and has put the nail in his coffin, ha ha ha i am so funny......these ppl have nothing better to do than sit at their pc screens all day and write letter about pop artists, laugh ha ha heeeeeeee, do they not have to work, well now I see what sort of ppl like mika, losers! ha ha ha, then he will prob go on to slate Mika all the more ...................or something much cleverer and to that effect.


But i really like the letter and all you say is true , but i dont think it will have any good affect on the ears of a plonker like him, other than yipppppppppppeee more material to enable me to belittle people and their views!!!!!!!!! and slate Mika with i love to do as i said he was a one hit wonder and it looks llike I am wrong and i hate that, and also noone liked my stupid song i sung over his grace kelly track... blah la blah...


Just my opinion though.:biggrin2:

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Okay I've just read the letter and I will have to say I wouldn't want my name on it, nor would I like the fan club to be mentioned with it :blush-anim-cl: I agree with your points,I just don't see anything good coming from this :boxed:

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I was a bit worried at first when I started reading this post as I know how Mr Moyles loves people to react to his sarcastic remarks, especailly if it's really strong reactions like some have been on here.

But reading Stephs letter, how well written and polite it came across, although he may take the rise out of it initially, I think Chris might realise that Mikas fan base feel quite strongly about how he is perceived and hopefully back down a bit. Or he could take great pleasure in getting some feedback and tear him to shreds, but Mika will know how loyal we are to him from this and that is really all tha counts in the end isn't it.

Just one more thing, I recall a couple of weeks back when he first played Love Today, that Chris said he wasn't too keen on it, but there was one song on the album he did like but he could renember the title at the time. So there is hope for him yet. And also since Mika is playing at the One Big Weekend festival maybe he and Chris could sit down and Chris could get to know him better, maybe this would alter Chris's opinion and he will get to know the Mika we all know and love.

And Steph if I'm not too late put my name on the letter please. Thank you.

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It looks good .... I think he will read it and end of the day its a mini protest .. which is never a bad thing , I wouldnt include the fan club , it come bring some very bad press and people here


I agree dont include the fan club in the letter

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