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Is Mika vegetarian?


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This radio interview is where he says he doesn't eat beef....


Thanks for digging that up, Aaurora! I'd never heard that one before.


Hmm, he doesn't drink champagne? I think a few vids have surfaced of him partaking in a wee bit o' bubbly...

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I'm vegan, and I can assure you, I don't just eat fruit and seeds! :roftl: And I don't need milk for bones because I get my calcium from other sources... including enriched soymilk! (Which is delicious, it has a slight nutty flavor.)


I don't eat cheese, milk or eggs because the animals are treated very cruelly in order to get those products even if they are not killed. Egg hens are forced to live in overcrowded cages that break their wings, their beaks are cut off so that they don't peck each other, and male roosters are killed right off 'cause they are useless. The hens' sleep and hormone cycles are disturbed so that they can produce eggs even when they naturally shouldn't... they die quicker, or are killed anyway when they get old.


Cows are forced to give birth and then their calves are slaughtered for veal, over and over, so that they can keep producing milk... and they're also pumped full of hormones and over-milked so that their udders leak pus.


So this is why I try not to eat any animal products at all. It's easier to do that in the USA though, and especially near a big city, I think. It must be much harder to do it in Europe--I have no idea if it's even possible in France unless you cook all your own food from scratch and never go out to restaurants. In New York, there are plenty of vegan and vegetarian restaurants, and even fast food places!


Here's a local favorite, in case you are curious as to what vegans can eat! :naughty:Here's another one.


At home, I also eat a lot of Asian and Middle-eastern inspired food, as well as modified Russian recipes. And I like to visit these food blogs for ideas. :thumb_yello:


(My dinner today: split pea, carrot and potato soup, chinese vegetable steamed dumplings, and apple crisp for dessert.)


By the way, any of you whose parents are worried that going vegetarian will be unhealthy, you should get them this book. It's not actually about vegetarianism--it's about eating well, period--but the author's research leads him to conclude that eating a vegetarian diet is one of the healthiest ways you can eat. (He says nothing about vegans, so I have no personal bias in recommending this--it's just a very good book.)


Oh, and you should also know that after your body gets used to NOT eating meat, you can get stomachaches if you try to eat it again, because it's actually pretty hard to digest. So you should tell any relatives who say that a bit of meat won't hurt you that in fact, it might.



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As for Mika, I'm pretty sure that when he says "I don't eat beef" or "I don't drink champagne," he means "I usually don't eat beef" and "I usually don't drink champagne." :mf_rosetinted:


Plus I think maybe he meant beef as in, steaks or large pieces of it--he may not consider the meatballs as "beef" per se.



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As for Mika, I'm pretty sure that when he says "I don't eat beef" or "I don't drink champagne," he means "I usually don't eat beef" and "I usually don't drink champagne." :mf_rosetinted:


Plus I think maybe he meant beef as in, steaks or large pieces of it--he may not consider the meatballs as "beef" per se.




That might be true. He has been known in the past to bend the truth ever so slightly :mf_rosetinted:


Thanks for your description about being a vegetarian, it was an informative read and I had no idea that dairy cows were treated in this manner. I buy eggs that are free range (farm eggs) because it is less cruel than the tiny caged eggs, but probably not by much....it's a sad industry.

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In New York, there are plenty of vegan and vegetarian restaurants, and even fast food places!--Jack


*moves to New York*


Eating out is a giant pain. I usually end up getting a pair of appetizers, since the token vegetarian entree is usually something utterly unappealing. I can't imagine being vegan and trying to eat out, especially here. :blink:


Alberta is moo country - this says it all:



Thanks for the links!

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*moves to New York*


Eating out is a giant pain. I usually end up getting a pair of appetizers, since the token vegetarian entree is usually something utterly unappealing. I can't imagine being vegan and trying to eat out, especially here. :blink:


Alberta is moo country - this says it all:



Thanks for the links!


Yeah, veganism is kind of a priviledged lifestyle--not everyone has the option to be vegan, at least not easily. Unless you live in poverty and just don't eat out, and simply buy vegetables to cook.


Which is why I think it's good if everyone can do the best they can to reduce animal suffering considering their circumstances, but I know it's easier for me than for a lot of people.




P.S. My Lebanese boy isn't vegan, or even vegetarian, but he's started buying soymilk instead of regular milk, and he always bought vegan butter, so now whenever I come over we both eat vegan. He also often orders vegan food when we go out, so we can share. And he was the one who introduced me to that book, so now he says he's thinking of just basically going vegetarian. That makes me happy. :mf_rosetinted:

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That might be true. He has been known in the past to bend the truth ever so slightly :mf_rosetinted:




slightly?:roftl: i love your euphemisms my love


do veggies eat chicken now?

as far as i'm concerned I am a v myself and i dont eat any kind of meat and chicken is no vegetables, or is it?

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:roftl: i love you, your the best, no comment mmmmwwwwahhh!!




sometimes when someone get's drunk or they really want to get drunk, they will drink anything....I remember one time on a boat trip I ordered a HUGE glass of vodka and lemon and they gave me bacardi which was FOUL but I drunk it anyway cause I just wanted to be drunk LOL

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sometimes when someone get's drunk or they really want to get drunk, they will drink anything....I remember one time on a boat trip I ordered a HUGE glass of vodka and lemon and they gave me bacardi which was FOUL but I drunk it anyway cause I just wanted to be drunk LOL


oouach! my poor baby, how i understand you...bacardi instead of vodka it must ahve caused you a shock! you've been courageous and brave!*proud*

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*realises this thread is ridiculously old, but decides to post anyway*


He seems to be very healthy. The first thing I thought was: "No meat! Is he vegetarian?"

I'm a vegetarian girl (not vegan because I drink milk and eat eggs)!

I'd like to know if someone saw him eating meat!


*points out famous 'chubby bunnies' interveiw*

While it was slightly possible he was eating some form of veg-balls in that spaghetti pic, I know that brand of marshmallows, and they aint vegetarian :wink2:


With that out of the way ...

*joins veg*n discussion*


Uh same here, I don't eat meat, but I do drink milk and eat eggs:thumb_yello:

i hope he is!!!

coz im a vegetarian ...and have been for 4 and a half years now...killing for meat is sooooo cruel!!! but i must say i do miss...chicken nuggets!!!!

Welcome to the vegetarian threat!!! :bleh:
I've been vegetarian sice February, and it turned out it wasn't impossible, but still difficult. I don't have any veggie friends, or at least that support my decision (this is a meat lover country).


*joins 'vegetarian threat'*


I am also vegetarian, not vegan. I have a friend who is vegetarian like me and a friend who is vegan. :wink2:


They make vegetarian chicken nuggets, you know. I haven't tried them, but I've been meaning to get to this shop in the city to try and get some ... http://members.iinet.net.au/~yongcorp/product1.html Second one down ... they might have a shop like this in your capital?


I'm vegan, and I can assure you, I don't just eat fruit and seeds! :roftl: And I don't need milk for bones because I get my calcium from other sources... including enriched soymilk! (Which is delicious, it has a slight nutty flavor.)


Exactly. I thought people earlier in the thread were being a bit strange about veganism. Vegetarian is no big jump, it's just not eating meat, and then vegan is no big jump again, it's still the same just no milk/eggs/honey. There's all those enriched cow-milk replacements, and who needs eggs? It's not 'sickly unhealthy' at all. I eat vegan all the time around my vegan friend, and it's easy peasy to have vegan parties (that the other guests don't even notice have no meat).


And I learn about all the horrible farming techniques at school :thumbdown: But I was vegetarian before I learnt all that anyway ... eating things that can think is gross! :naughty:

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*points out famous 'chubby bunnies' interveiw*

While it was slightly possible he was eating some form of veg-balls in that spaghetti pic, I know that brand of marshmallows, and they aint vegetarian :wink2:



I couldn't be bothered watching all that again - what brand did they give him?


He is not vegetarian, but I revived the thread cause I wanted to why why he doesn't eat beef (or why doesn't he usually eat beef as per Jack) :naughty:

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*realises this thread is ridiculously old, but decides to post anyway*


not vegetarian :shocked: *panics* they were pascall brand


i am a vego, and i also don't drink milk, soymilk for me


thanks for all the links jack :flowers: i recently found this blog, it's so decadent!


i forgot to add this random piece :doh: that you can buy vegan cheese, it uses sources other than cow gut lining for its rennin

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I couldn't be bothered watching all that again - what brand did they give him?


He is not vegetarian, but I revived the thread cause I wanted to why why he doesn't eat beef (or why doesn't he usually eat beef as per Jack)


Yeah, pascalls, I've definately seen them at the shops :naughty:

Yeah, I forgot to MQ in my other post, but I agree with Jack, I think he means actual chunks of meat - steak. Most people wouldn't think of 'meatballs' as 'beef' - heck, I didn't even know that, but it is obvious come to think of it. Meat balls ... sausage rolls ... meat pies ... they don't really fall under a beef/chicken/pork kind of classification to me, they are just random meat.

My whole life I never liked/ate steak, it's gross and chewy - I would think Mika's reasoning might also be something like that.

Except I haven't listened to that interveiw yet, because my brother wont let me download right now :thumbdown::bleh:


not vegetarian :shocked: *panics* they were pascall brand


i am a vego, and i also don't drink milk, soymilk for me


thanks for all the links jack :flowers: i recently found this blog, it's so decadent!


i forgot to add this random piece :doh: that you can buy vegan cheese, it uses sources other than cow gut lining for its rennin


OG, that site is way beyond my cooking skill (which is plain cupcakes and cakes :naughty: ) But look at those 'Petit fours" .... wish I could manage that, but I'm not even going to try.

Do you mean vegan cheese or just vegetarian cheese? Yeah I get the one from normal shops that says "non-animal rennet" but my friend said she tried some vegan one from a spec shop but it wasn't very realistic or soemthing:thumbdown:

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i recently found this blog, it's so decadent!


Wow, thank you, those desserts are so gorgeous!


Like Oakie Doke, I am also enthralled with the petit-fours... I may have to ask the boy to bake them for me for Valentine's day. :wub2: (My baking skills are non-existent.)


I don't know about vegetarian cheese, but the vegan cheese I've tried, I haven't liked much. Some things can be replicated really well with soy (ice cream!) and some things apparently cannot (cheese :thumbdown: ).



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Wow, thank you, those desserts are so gorgeous!


Like Oakie Doke, I am also enthralled with the petit-fours... I may have to ask the boy to bake them for me for Valentine's day. :wub2: (My baking skills are non-existent.)


I don't know about vegetarian cheese, but the vegan cheese I've tried, I haven't liked much. Some things can be replicated really well with soy (ice cream!) and some things apparently cannot (cheese :thumbdown: ).




Haha, good work!

Yeah, I think so too, about the cheese. Oh well.

That's why I'm not ready to give up milk yet .. just for the other things that have milk in them that are hard to get substitutes for ... chocolate :wub2:


Aww they look awful !!!:thumbdown:
Really? I think they're beautiful!




Yeah! I thought so too! They are amazing! Way too amazing ... why would anyone make something like that edible. And then who could have the heart to devour it? :naughty:

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I don't know about vegetarian cheese, but the vegan cheese I've tried, I haven't liked much. Some things can be replicated really well with soy (ice cream!) and some things apparently cannot (cheese :thumbdown: ).




cheese can easily be replaced...there is 7678899 types of vegetarian cheese and most of them are actually excellent...you can find a list of the brands on the internet...


some people are vegetarian by fashion and they dont even know that they eat boiled bones and animal lungs every day...in buiscuits, cheese,almost everything anyway...

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I know that it's a another silly threat but we all adore it!!! :naughty:


I saw in an another threat that Mika left a bag with:


a cucumber

a bag of carrots

some pears and clementines

and popcorn


He seems to be very healthy. The first thing I thought was: "No meat! Is he vegetarian?"


I'm a vegetarian girl (not vegan because I drink milk and eat eggs)!


I'd like to know if someone saw him eating meat!



HAHHAHAHA a cucumber and carrots and chicken :roftl: :roftl: :roftl: Sorry sorry I'm in the most horrible mood when I laugh at immature things HAHAHAHAH :roftl:


I'm veggie too btw, veggie pride!

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