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If you were stranded on a desert island with MIKA...

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Well if i was stuck on a island with Mika i would just have long chats with him, sing with him and make sure i had my game of twister with me as you can get very close to people on that game! :naughty: But most of all we would just have a great time and a laugh and make sure we keep in touch after we leave.

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This is my story.



On a luxorius cruise along the Atlantic Ocean,a girl and her family are having the vacation of their lives.And pop singer Mika is taking a vacation.Just when Aubrey,(pronaunced Aw-bre)is walking over to meet him,the ship hits a huge rock,and starts to go down.


Aubrey:I can't belive it's already been 4 days out of 2 weeks of this vacation!


My sister:Mom said that famous people come on this cruise!Iv'e only seen Hilary Duff...*shivers*


Aubrey:I was hoping I'd be able to see Mika here,but what would be those chances?


My sister:You always think your gonna see him,so jst give it up.


Aubrey:Well,this is a luxury cruise,there are better chances here then anywhere else I said he'd be at.






Aubrey jumps out of her seat,and right then,the side of the ship she was on collapsed!She was hanging on to a railing!




My sister:AUBREY!!




The railing collapses,and Aubrey is in the fierce ocean and is swimming to a life preserver on the other side of the boat,but she passes out!


34 hours later...


Aubrey is still kinda out of it,but she looks around.She's not in the water anymore!It appers to be nighttime,and she just lets her head fall in the sand and goes to bed.


Anoymous,(for now):Hey,wake up...wake up...




Aubrey slowly opens her eyes.The voice sounds terribly familiar,but dosen't care at the moment who it is,as long as their willing to help.


Anoymous:Are you ok?


Aubrey:Y-yes,I think so...


Aubrey opens her eyes,then thinks this is a joke...




Stay tuned for Chapter 2!

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Chapter 2.


Aubrey:Oh....my god!


Mika:You know who I am?


Aubrey:Of course!I love your music!


Mika:Thank you!Now,are you ok?


Aubrey:I..don't know...


Mika:Where did you come from?


Aubrey:A cruise ship...it crashed and-


Mika:I was on that ship to!


Aubrey:My sister said that-oh my god my sister!My mom!My dad!


Mika:You were there with your family?You look 14 or 15 years old.


Aubrey:I'm 11,I'm just tall for my age...


Mika:You passed out on your way here...I saw you and took you here...it took a long time...


Aubrey:Thank you so much.Your nicer then they say.


Mika:Now,how do you think we could get back?


Aubrey:I know one thing!




Aubrey:Never drink ocean water.


Mika:I already knew that,but thank you.


Aubrey got up,being wobbly.Her clothes were ripped,she had no suitcase with her,and she didn't know if her family were dead or alive.


Mika:Are you sure your alright?




Mika:Then you just lay down.I'll look for some things around here we could use.


Aubrey layed down under a coconut tree and fell asleep.


A few hours later...


Aubrey woke up,and noticed Mika was trying to make a fire.Aubrey wasn't wobbly anymore,so she went over to him.


Aubrey:Thanks for rescuing me.I would have probably been dead.


Mika:No problem.


Aubrey:I was going to see you on August 10th,to ee you perform,but now we both can't attend it.


Mika had a sad look on his face.


Mika:I'm so screwed.It hurts me to think I'm going to let down millions of people.


Aubrey:Just be glad your alive.And that you can hear someone else besides yourself.


The fire came up.


Aubrey and Mika:Yes!


Aubrey and Mika laughed.


Aubrey:You know,this might not be so bad...

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Chapter 2.


Aubrey:Oh....my god!


Mika:You know who I am?


Aubrey:Of course!I love your music!


Mika:Thank you!Now,are you ok?


Aubrey:I..don't know...


Mika:Where did you come from?


Aubrey:A cruise ship...it crashed and-


Mika:I was on that ship to!


Aubrey:My sister said that-oh my god my sister!My mom!My dad!


Mika:You were there with your family?You look 14 or 15 years old.


Aubrey:I'm 11,I'm just tall for my age...


Mika:You passed out on your way here...I saw you and took you here...it took a long time...


Aubrey:Thank you so much.Your nicer then they say.


Mika:Now,how do you think we could get back?


Aubrey:I know one thing!




Aubrey:Never drink ocean water.


Mika:I already knew that,but thank you.


Aubrey got up,being wobbly.Her clothes were ripped,she had no suitcase with her,and she didn't know if her family were dead or alive.


Mika:Are you sure your alright?




Mika:Then you just lay down.I'll look for some things around here we could use.


Aubrey layed down under a coconut tree and fell asleep.


A few hours later...


Aubrey woke up,and noticed Mika was trying to make a fire.Aubrey wasn't wobbly anymore,so she went over to him.


Aubrey:Thanks for rescuing me.I would have probably been dead.


Mika:No problem.


Aubrey:I was going to see you on August 10th,to ee you perform,but now we both can't attend it.


Mika had a sad look on his face.


Mika:I'm so screwed.It hurts me to think I'm going to let down millions of people.


Aubrey:Just be glad your alive.And that you can hear someone else besides yourself.


The fire came up.


Aubrey and Mika:Yes!


Aubrey and Mika laughed.


Aubrey:You know,this might not be so bad...


This story is fantastic!!!loool!!u r very good writing!!!is finished or there is another chapter???plz...write more!!!:biggrin2:

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If I and Mika were on a desert island-hmmm.........I WOULD FREAK OUT!No, honestly- I would want to talk to him about his life, and I would tell him something about mine.I would like to know his or his manager's telephone number.But I don't think that he would like to do all this stuff.Perhaps, he would want :naughty: to find a way out of the island.I don't know- I 'm not so lucky to meet him anywhere at all!

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Chapter 3.


It was the next morning,and of corse,it was cold.Aubrey woke up and was looking out on the horizon.She couldn't see anything but water.She was absolutly terrified about her family.The whole night last night her and Mika were talking about their families,other bands they liked,and their lives.They found out they had alot in common!


Mika:Aubrey?Are you up?




Mika got up and walked over to her.


Aubrey:I'm really scared.What if we die here?What if no one ever finds us?


Mika:I know.I miss my family to.


Aubrey:Who knows what happened to them!?


Mika hugged her.


Aubrey started to cry.She couldn't help picturing everything that could have happend.Drowning,sharks,even an Pnemonia.But what if they were alive?


Mika:It's ok.


Aubrey:No it's not!


Aubrey got up.


Aubrey:It's not going to be ok!It's never gonna be ok!We're stuck here forever,possibly even less!We're never going to leave!No one's gonna come this far!We're never-


Mika:A plane!A plane!


It just passed right by them.


Aubrey:I told you.


Mika:We should never lose hope.If I lost hope,I wouldn't be here right no-ok,bad example.


Aubrey:No,no your right.


Aubrey sat back down with him.She hugged him back.


Aubrey:Do you know what time it is?


Mika:Yep!I always do!


They giggled.


Mika:It's...10:12 a.m.


Aubrey:I'm gonna look for food.



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I abondoned you guys once again lol... sorry about that, didn't mean to... Fashion class... summer reading... stuff in general... I will try to write sometime soon...


Mika_obsessed... I agree with Jack... your mika is the most realistic :naughty: ... I told everyone before I even wrote mine that "my mika" was a combination of Will Turner from Pirates and Johnny Depp from Chocolat... not that the real mika isn't awesome enough, but generally speaking I'm a drama queen and wanted to play with this thread :-)... but yeah guys awesome job keeping my baby alive lol



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Chapter 4.


Aubrey went to get some coconut's and banana's from there tree's.She got 4 each,2 for her and 2 for Mika.




Aubrey:Your welcome.


Aubrey:Listen,about that outburst-


Mika:No,no it's ok-


Aubrey:No,I feel bad about it.You were right.


Mika:Thank you.And it's ok.


Aubrey:I have a surpraise for you.




Aubrey:Follow me.


They got up and went behind the coconut tree.


Aubrey:I made a hut for us!


Mika:Great!You did a fantastic job!


Then,Mika kissed Aubrey on the cheek.Aubrey blushed.She felt like crying tears of joy!


It was 8:45 p.m.,and Aubrey decided that they could have a cook-out of fish and...coconut's.


After they ate,they went to bed in the hut.It was the best night sleep they had since they got to the island.


In the morning...


Mika was the first one up.He made breakfest of...more fish and more coconut's.


Aubrey started to smell smoke.She quickly woke up.


Aubrey:Good morning!


Mika:Good morning.


Aubrey:I smelled smoke,so I got up.I'm hungry!


Mika gestured for her to sit down next to him.


Aubrey and Mika ate,and Aubey asked if he could sing a song.


Mika started to sing Lollipop!


Aubrey though:I love this guy.

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Chapter 5.


Aubrey has always loved Mika,but she thought it was just a celbrity crush,but come on,I'm only 11!


It was the middle of the night and Aubrey and Mika were sleeping.Mika heard splashing in the water,and went to check it out.


Mika:Is there anyone out there?






He started to here people saying,"HELP!"




Aubrey jumped,and quickly ran to Mika.


Aubrey:What is it!?


Mika:There are people over there who need our help!Can you swim?


Aubrey:Yes.I can go rescue them!


Aubrey swam to the people,grabbed them,and went back to the island.


Mika:Great job!


Aubrey took her breath and helped the people up.




Aubrey hugged them,and started crying tears of joy.


Then a plane flew by!The fire was still going,and the plane landed on the island!


13 hours later,at the Flordia Airport...


Aubrey:Mika,thank you for helping.I'm glad you were there with me,and I'm such a big fan.


Mika:Bye,Aubrey.I'll never forget you.


Aubrey hugged him,then he ran to a plane going to London.


Aubrey was going to miss him,but she was glad she was the only person to have that happen,to be on an island with just her and her Idol.


Aubrey ran with her family to a plane going to the Newark Airport,and took a last look at the best time of her life.



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Chapter 5.


Aubrey has always loved Mika,but she thought it was just a celbrity crush,but come on,I'm only 11!


It was the middle of the night and Aubrey and Mika were sleeping.Mika heard splashing in the water,and went to check it out.


Mika:Is there anyone out there?






He started to here people saying,"HELP!"




Aubrey jumped,and quickly ran to Mika.


Aubrey:What is it!?


Mika:There are people over there who need our help!Can you swim?


Aubrey:Yes.I can go rescue them!


Aubrey swam to the people,grabbed them,and went back to the island.


Mika:Great job!


Aubrey took her breath and helped the people up.




Aubrey hugged them,and started crying tears of joy.


Then a plane flew by!The fire was still going,and the plane landed on the island!


13 hours later,at the Flordia Airport...


Aubrey:Mika,thank you for helping.I'm glad you were there with me,and I'm such a big fan.


Mika:Bye,Aubrey.I'll never forget you.


Aubrey hugged him,then he ran to a plane going to London.


Aubrey was going to miss him,but she was glad she was the only person to have that happen,to be on an island with just her and her Idol.


Aubrey ran with her family to a plane going to the Newark Airport,and took a last look at the best time of her life.




That was brilliant. Good one.

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wow ive missed alot!

Mika_obsessed your mika is the most realistic


I may have not declared this at the beginning, even though mika would be an amaizing man himself, I wanted to have fun writing it, as i am used to writing totally unrealistic fiction stories, my mika is also not like the real mr mika!


Mika_obsessed I love your story, I didnt want it to end so soon!


[ok so if honestly I was on an island with mika I would probably totally freak out! I lived on basically an island all my life, I would not have left it just to be stuck on another one! I would probably totally forget that he was even mika and treat him as any other random person I was stuck on an island with! it would become a lot more like lost, minus the black smoke, the others , the hatch...etc I would become totally depressed and iritable and totally bad to be arround!]


I will finish my story soon! my totally unrealistic, but equally as fun story!

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Charl: Yo MIKA!

Mika: What, was that my song?

C: No, I really was calling your name.

M: (long hard cross-eyed stare) What are you doing here? What am I doing here?

C: God knows. Bonjour started this whole stranded-on-an-island thing.

M: Oh.... BonjourMika from the MFC?

C: The one and only.

M: God help us.


After about 5 minutes...


C: Don't you wish you had some music?

M: Totally. I'm bored out of my skull.

C: (thinking) If I had some rum, I could get you drunk and turn this thread seriously filthy...

M: what?

C: oh. did i say that out loud?

M: Look, you're great and all that but I can't take advantage of u like that.

C: Mika, I'm almost 21.

M: You are? You look young enough to be the Lollipop Girl -

C: (gets crazed obsessed look) What? What did u say? THAT's my FAVE SONG!

At this point Mika starts to inch away carefully...


10 minutes later


C: It's too quiet here.

M: It is a desert island, darling.

C: Mika, why don't you sing?

M: Why don't you sing?

C: Because i can't sing for crap.

M: (sighs)


After a while he starts humming 'Your Song'. Charlemaine lies back on the sand and smiles, imagining his lean arms around her. The moment is greatly interrupted when a crab crawls into her ear.


M: What is it? What is it?!

C: GEDDITOUT Gedditout gedditout!


After much wrestling in an ironically intimate moment which Charlemaine wishes had not occurred for such a stupid reason, Mika gets the little crustacean out her ear and tosses it into the sea.


C: Oh MikathankyouILOVEyou. (proceeds to throw her arms around him and kiss him, and trips over a rock which results in both of them tumbling onto the sand. Which is not such a bad thing, really.)


15 minutes later...


M: How do you suppose we'll ever get off?

C: I dunno. Maybe raft together a couple of sea-turtles and ride them to port?

M: What?? what port? And what is with the sea-turtles?

C: (deadpan stare) What? You can think of a betterway to escape? there's no nearby island here for miles, no rum to burn to start an SOS fire, no supplies to keep us going for even 3 days.

M: Well - fine. And how are we supposed to tie these sea turtles together?


Charlemaine thinks, gets a sly look on her face and looks at Mika's thick curly mop of hair.


M: (getting her drift) You are not touching my hair!

C: Look, i'd use mine but there's not enough of it. (tousles her short choppy hair to prove it) Yours is longer, stronger and - gawd i'm begining to sound like a shampoo ad. the point is, your hair's more suitable to use as rope. One of the girls said it's thick enough for dreadlocks. With beads in it.

M: (slaps a hand to his perfect forehead) This is getting insane. why are we even discussing sea turtles and dreadlocks? Why?




LOL...and that's my bit! i know it was a bit long, sorry. :D

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:roftl: This is so funny Charlemaine! Please write some more! I wanna see if they'll be able to get out of the island! A raft with sea turtles and Mika's hair :roftl: (I would be careful with Mika's hair, some of the girl here might hurt you if you want to cut it :wink2: )

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Charl: Yo MIKA!

Mika: What, was that my song?

C: No, I really was calling your name.

M: (long hard cross-eyed stare) What are you doing here? What am I doing here?

C: God knows. Bonjour started this whole stranded-on-an-island thing.

M: Oh.... BonjourMika from the MFC?

C: The one and only.

M: God help us.


After about 5 minutes...


C: Don't you wish you had some music?

M: Totally. I'm bored out of my skull.

C: (thinking) If I had some rum, I could get you drunk and turn this thread seriously filthy...

M: what?

C: oh. did i say that out loud?

M: Look, you're great and all that but I can't take advantage of u like that.

C: Mika, I'm almost 21.

M: You are? You look young enough to be the Lollipop Girl -

C: (gets crazed obsessed look) What? What did u say? THAT's my FAVE SONG!

At this point Mika starts to inch away carefully...


10 minutes later


C: It's too quiet here.

M: It is a desert island, darling.

C: Mika, why don't you sing?

M: Why don't you sing?

C: Because i can't sing for crap.

M: (sighs)


After a while he starts humming 'Your Song'. Charlemaine lies back on the sand and smiles, imagining his lean arms around her. The moment is greatly interrupted when a crab crawls into her ear.


M: What is it? What is it?!

C: GEDDITOUT Gedditout gedditout!


After much wrestling in an ironically intimate moment which Charlemaine wishes had not occurred for such a stupid reason, Mika gets the little crustacean out her ear and tosses it into the sea.


C: Oh MikathankyouILOVEyou. (proceeds to throw her arms around him and kiss him, and trips over a rock which results in both of them tumbling onto the sand. Which is not such a bad thing, really.)


15 minutes later...


M: How do you suppose we'll ever get off?

C: I dunno. Maybe raft together a couple of sea-turtles and ride them to port?

M: What?? what port? And what is with the sea-turtles?

C: (deadpan stare) What? You can think of a betterway to escape? there's no nearby island here for miles, no rum to burn to start an SOS fire, no supplies to keep us going for even 3 days.

M: Well - fine. And how are we supposed to tie these sea turtles together?


Charlemaine thinks, gets a sly look on her face and looks at Mika's thick curly mop of hair.


M: (getting her drift) You are not touching my hair!

C: Look, i'd use mine but there's not enough of it. (tousles her short choppy hair to prove it) Yours is longer, stronger and - gawd i'm begining to sound like a shampoo ad. the point is, your hair's more suitable to use as rope. One of the girls said it's thick enough for dreadlocks. With beads in it.

M: (slaps a hand to his perfect forehead) This is getting insane. why are we even discussing sea turtles and dreadlocks? Why?




LOL...and that's my bit! i know it was a bit long, sorry. :D


I like the bit where you get a crab in your ear and Mika gets it out for you

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