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Mika's press conference in Morocco

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thanx axie! :flowers2:

doesn't work for me unfortunately, maybe missing a plugin or something... but since i wouldn't understand much anyway, maybe someone has time to write a transcript in english? :wub2:

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thanx axie! :flowers2:

doesn't work for me unfortunately, maybe missing a plugin or something... but since i wouldn't understand much anyway, maybe someone has time to write a transcript in english? :wub2:


i will after supper if no one has done it before:blush-anim-cl:

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i will after supper if no one has done it before:blush-anim-cl:


:wub2:love you!


if someone need look here the download links


2010.05.24 - Mika 'sex-prime' sur Mosaïque FM - Press Conference,Festival Mawazine Rabat .mp3



and the whole Press Conference

2010.05.22 - Mosaique FM - Mika Press Conference - Festival Mawazine,Rabat Morocco.mp3


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Translation:teehee: Part 1!


J=journalists (there are many)



J: We're happy to have you in our and you country.

M: Thank you.

J: Like everyone knows, your name is like a trademark and for artists, its like an element of promotion. When not chosen right, it can be a big problem. The name MIKA was already taken by a belgium artist since 1996 in Belgium.

M: yeah

J: It was even trademarked in "La Haye" (not sure what he says...) in Holland. Does it bother you?

M: yes, youre right. A belgium artist already have the name Mika. My name comes from Michael. My dad is named Michael and he wanted me to have the same name, my mom said that she was sorry, but she hated the name. He was hurt *people laughing* So they made a deal. Legally, i wear the name Micheal, but in my everyday life, my family would call me Mika. so, before i was even born, it was decided that my name would be Mika. Before my name was spelt with a "c": M-I-C-A. But i changed it cause i was tired of people calling me "Micha" or "Myka". So, there's an artist that is named Mika. It's okay, i don't mind. I'm happy to have the same name as her, it doesn't matter. She wasn't that happy about it though! She filed a lawsuit and it lasted very long and it was very tiresome and it cost alot. So now, it's over, and i'm glad that it's over. But i dont know... i think theres place for... like.. Mika is a bit more common than Prince or something! *people laughs* But i mean, its totally different, she's a woman, i'm a man. So, its not the same. In Japan its a female's name! And in Sweden.. or.. no Finland! In Finland it's a male's name. So it doesnt bother me at all. I dont see myself as a trademark. It's my childhood name.


Other journalist: Mika, i think you have fans from 7 to 77 years old...

M: Well, more like 87!! *people laugh* 3 weeks ago i met this woman. She told me she was 90 years old, but she lied, she was in fact 87. So i was very disappointed... *people laugh and clap* It was in the South of France.

J: Thinking about not letting kids under 12 years old in the audience. Do you have a comment about it? Does it scares you?

M: I know there have been security problems during the show before with very sad consequences. And maybe thats why. I dont know. They havent told me before coming here. So i dont know. I know that when theres trouble with the audience, its scary when your very small. I know cause i once was in a crowd when i was 11 years old and it was one of my worst experiences ever. But i mean, i'm totally for having kids during shows. Theres alot of children at all my shows. It's really a mix of all ages, like you just said. So it's sad, and i dont know why they did it. Maybe thats a question for erm.. the guy there.. I dont know.

Girl: Yeah, well, we took in consideration that there would be fans from 7 to 87 years old in your show, so we're letting the kids inside for you.

M: oh thats it! *claps* So you were lost then!! .. but what about Julio (i think thats what he says) show?? *laughs*


Other journalist: So, you're from Lebanon. But you never sang with a lebanese artist. Why? You also speak French very well, but theres no French songs on your CDs. Why?

M: Well, i have time!! I only did a few Cds!*people laugh*

J: and i also have a personnal question...

M: yes...

J:A journalist questionned you about your sexuality...

M: yes...

J: And this story has been really badly interpretated. Can you give us an explaination to make the rumours stop.

M: ok, ill start with the first question.. erm.. but i forgot already... *people laugh* what was it again.. Oh yeah, why i didnt sing in duet with a lebanese artist? I would love to do it in the future. Really. But when we do things like that, fast, it can be hard. So you really have to choose how you wanna do this. But i havent had the opportunity yet to be totally satisfied to do something like that. In the future, i'd love to. But i dont speak Arab very well. I understand a little bit, because i grew up with it in my family, but i dont speak it well. So thats a big problem. For the French thing, i have time. I really wanna do it. I grew up with Barbara's music and Gainsbourg and France Galles and everything. I'm a big fan of French music. But i dont know... i dont want to do only one song. I dont know, we'll see. i have time, and if i do it, i wanna do it well.

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Oh LilStar you are the star! Thank you so much for all your time and effort invested in translating! It's very, very appreciated! :flowers2:

And thank you Axie Dentelle for link! I love it so far, can't wait for the rest to understand:biggrin2:

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Translation part 2!!


M: Erm, third question! They asked me about my sexuality. They ask it all the time, every time. Today again. And i talk about sexuality alot in my songs. It's in my lyrics, in the way that i act. I am totally free. I talk about everything. Some men fall in love with men. Some fall in love with women and then they decide that they wanna fall in love with men. There's kids that are afraid of sexuality, old ladies that wanna find back their sexuality. For me its all about identity, life, and thats why i talk about everything, even my own sexuality, my past, in my songs. So, i refuse labels. But i've always said that in my life, now, before or in the future, i can fall in love with anyone. If its a woman, then its a woman, and if its a man, then its a man. So i said that in the interview for the Netherlands, it became something sensational... I said the same things in 5 interviews in France and England, and it didn't make any waves. So i dont know how that can be interpreted in a wrong way, and if it is, then those people arent my fans. So i dont care. I am who i am.


Other journalist: We love your pop music. We listen to it in the morning. And your lyrics are very unusual. What inspires you?

M: sexuality!! *people laugh* No.. identity, normal life, i cut out small pictures from magazines and newspapers and i write songs about the little stories in find in the newspapers, in movies, in my family. I'm always stealing stories from my family and friends. Some dont talk to me anymore, and some got a good sense of humour so they get it more! But everywhere really. And of course, i hide behind my characters. Thats important, it helps me to express myself in a very honest way. In a way its not honest cause its not my name, its my characters name!! But for me its easier to explain a story like that.


Other journalist: It,s a bit personnal, its about a song, We Arre Golden. You said that this song was about your teenage years. Hard times that you had in school. You said that people didnt get you.. why? And when you say "I am not what you think i am" who are you refering to?

M: hmmm with this song and video i wanted to create a painting of me as a teenager. In my bedroom, creating a whole world, universe, trying outfits on and experimenting dance and singing. I've had a tough teenage years, especially in school, and i always wanted to create a new world, and thats how i started writting music, to defend myself, to create a new universe. And i said to myself: if one day i could live this life, im going to be happy, its gonna be okay. Not going to be afraid anymore of people. So in this song, its very euphoric, theres a sort of defiance. But the main point is that its someone saying: "i dont know what to do. I'm looking at my reflection in the mirror and im depressed and i almost wanna hurt myself. Can anyone help me?" And its this sort of.. erm.. (in english)how do you say this!! I'm screwing this up.... its kind of a boy whos looking for help. He's kinda stucka nd hes desperate, and the song is defiant and its a call to arms. In that desperation, this song sounds kind of euphoric and its the contrast between that that to me was interesting. and when the line goes:"im not what you think i am, i'm golden". You know, theres was this line of thinkisng: You know, if i was to go back to school and i would write a big grafitti on the wall of the bathroom. Of course i didnt cause i was too chicken, quite frankly, but i would write "i'm not what you think i am, i am made of gold. I'm not this piece of dirt that you can walk on. I could create an imaginary world, you just dont know about it yet. And maybe one day you will. And my value is the world that ive create din ym head. And that was very symbolic of me as an adolescent.



The end!


I know the last part was in english already, but i couldnt read the timecode to tell you to listen, so i just wrote it as well.. enjoy!!:biggrin2:

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and youre all very welcome!!

im just happy to be able to help:blush-anim-cl::teehee:


Thanks a million! You do such a great job on translating every time and that's not to be taken for granted... You're a vraiment treasure :wink2::flowers2:


Very interesting interview indeed!!! :thumb_yello:

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interesting press conference, I really like the way he handled the questions! in humorous way, but not avoiding to really give an answer. :original:

Ohh, I just love him. Can't wait till he comes here.:blush-anim-cl:

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Translation part 2!!


M: Erm, third question! They asked me about my sexuality. They ask it all the time, every time. Today again. And i talk about sexuality alot in my songs. It's in my lyrics, in the way that i act. I am totally free. I talk about everything. Some men fall in love with men. Some fall in love with women and then they decide that they wanna fall in love with men. There's kids that are afraid of sexuality, old ladies that wanna find back their sexuality. For me its all about identity, life, and thats why i talk about everything, even my own sexuality, my past, in my songs. So, i refuse labels. But i've always said that in my life, now, before or in the future, i can fall in love with anyone. If its a woman, then its a woman, and if its a man, then its a man. So i said that in the interview for the Netherlands, it became something sensational... I said the same things in 5 interviews in France and England, and it didn't make any waves. So i dont know how that can be interpreted in a wrong way, and if it is, then those people arent my fans. So i dont care. I am who i am.


I so love how he answers the question about his sexuality. Though i really don't get why people are still asking him this issue over and over again. As if the answer he gives doesn't satisfy them at all and they suspect that one day he just has to "commit himself" to one gender :aah: :rolls_eyes:

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I so love how he answers the question about his sexuality. Though i really don't get why people are still asking him this issue over and over again. As if the answer he gives doesn't satisfy them at all and they suspect that one day he just has to "commit himself" to one gender :aah: :rolls_eyes:


In deed Nightbird, I don't understand either why they chase by an answer to a question already answered. Its sad when people don't accept what it is said and that's enough said.

However they expect to listen what they think its the answer. I don't know if journalism should in fact create these expeculative questions, many often with a news sell out objective.

By other hand I subscribe your opinion, because Mika act by the way he is and thats what he share with the press, he deals quite great with the questions, with a great humour.

And the answer he just gave about the song We are golden, was fabulously great, because so true, something my life passed through as well.

Thank You Mika, thanks Axel and thanks Lilstar (being the last doesn't mean lesser :D)

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