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Everything posted by mel_tinydancer

  1. It definitely looks like he's miming Used to Hold Me... hmm. I still love him, but it just doesn't seem to be the same as it used to be. And that's weird that it was so short and he hardly played any new songs! He's supposed to be promoting that album! Thanks for the pics/vids though!
  2. I looooove Pet Shop Boys! I think they opened so many doors for future artists of their type. I know Mika is a fan as well!
  3. WELL, considering I'm at college across the state from where my mom and best friend are (who are both coming with), they are going to drive 2.5 hours from home to my school in grand rapids, pick me up around 10AM when my class is over, then we'll drive another 2.5-3 hours to chicago. Hopefully my Mom won't be like "lets go to the hotel first" and I'll be able to be lined up by 1PM.
  4. Hmm. Weird. I have no idea. ... BUT, I am SO jealous you got to see him!! Tell me moreeee!
  5. Hey! Welcome to the MFC As far as I know, we know nothing about whether there will be a meet and greet. Usually it's after the concert though if he does have one. That's how I met him! If you line up early in the day like we all usually do, you definitely get to know the people around you who are often MFCers! I'm so excited. I hope I have just as much fun as I did last time I went to Chicago to see Mika.
  6. I really wish I had this full song right now. I think it would make me feel better. Same with "I See You." I feel like I can relate to it a lot right now. I think the album is coming out at a perfect time for me, it's about the things that i'm going through that Mika already has and I know it's going to have the same effect on me that LiCM did, because when it came out, those were the kind of issues I was dealing with, and still am kind of dealing with. You know. Ah sorry I just dragged that on. I'm in a really weird mood.
  7. I know exactly what you are going through. I'm at college now on my third day away from home. I'm not having a good night tonight, but I've been having fun too. I think it just takes time to adjust and it's a really big step, bigger than both of us have probably ever taken. It makes me feel better to see someone that's feeling the same way as I am right now. xo
  8. Stressed out. I just moved into college and i'm seeing this guy I had a crush on in high school for about 5 years all over the place. I knew he was going to school here but I was still hoping to escape from him so I can just forget about him. FML!
  9. This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. I almost cried it was so amazing. That's my favorite song from West Side Story. I just sent it to all my friends!!
  10. I am so excited. I can't stand it! Ahh! I have to miss my chem class that night but it better be worth it! Hah i'm sure it will be!! I'm like shaking I'm so excited thinking about it.
  11. Hahhaaa that's exactly what I was thinking of. The fringe leotard doing a seductive little dance. Except Mika.... maybe would need a costume adjustment. Or not
  12. I was waiting for a thread for this! I love this song. I think it's going to be my favorite of the slow songs on the album. It's so smooth and reminds me of an old jazz club... I can see Mika like laying on top of the piano singing it dramatically.
  13. So I just told my college roommate via facebook, who I haven't met yet, that I get to go see my favorite singer in concert in october, and she's like "who" so I kind of came out to her about my Mika obsession.... AND SHE SAYS SHE LOVES MIKA! I am so happy.
  14. This is what it says for the Chicago venue SEATING: - There are fixed theater seats in our balcony. - For most public shows, the main floor is standing only. - There is an area set aside on the main floor for those with disabilities. Sooo I guess unless you're in the balcony, Chicago people will be standing. I actually kind of wish it was seated because I have class until 2 so therefore I probably won't be able to get to Chicago by hopefully 4 so I won't be able to stand in line all day... I really wish it was on a friday but I can make this work!!!
  15. OMG sorry YES there is a chicago!!!! finally. FINALLY!
  16. Why no chicago michigan or ohio!?!?!?1 whyyyyyy
  17. I think Mika might have slipped some alcohol in your drinks while he was bored watching LiveICM!!
  18. hahha!! Usually it's crazy little old ladies and that's just what I thought of!
  19. So nervous/excited!!! I leave for my freshman year of college in a little over a day!!! Ahhh I still feel like i'm forgetting things and I have so much to do!! I have so many lists that need to be re-checked off! And I still really really really want to know if that supposed 3 week N. American tour was a complete lie. MIKAAAAA I need the CD now. I'm like going crazy! I'm not kidding! I think I am losing my mind! There is so much going on!!! I am never going to be able to sleep!!!!!
  20. I've had so many dreams that he's like shown up at my front door or walked into my class at school. Like when people win those contests they show on TV and they show up at their doorstep with a giant check and they're like "Ahh I'm in my nightgown!" Except instead of the check I get Mika. If that did happen, I would just take him all over town to some of my favorite places, places I know he would love! Shopping, fun parks, I'd take him to my favorite nature walk by my house... I'd take TONS of pictures. hah. I'd be like, "Hey Mika, lets get a picture by this tree." "Hey Mika, Why don't we take a picture in front of this store." "Hey Mika, Let's just take a picture for the hell of it." "....Ummm Okay..." OH! and we'd watch Yo! Gabba Gabba!!!!!! and we would sing "Don't Bite Your Friends" together. That's my favorite song from the show... hah. OMG or we would go to the Zoo. How fun would that be. Yes, and we would go to the Zoo. It's right by my favorite vintage shop too so I would take him there. I am getting so carried away with this! I'm so hyper right now.. that's why. ACTUALLY, instead of the Zoo i'd probably just take him to the park/petting zoo right by my house. I think he might like that more because they have lots of pigs! Hah. OK i'm done.
  21. Awesome! His first time on Taratata is one of my favorite TV performances of his. When he played Champs Elysees and Killer Queen. I'm excited to see what happens this time!
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