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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. Me too. Haha it's funny how something so simple can elicit such a reaction.
  2. The screams of the crowd were SO loud at that point. It was actually deafening.
  3. I love online translators, they're actually amazing. "Since the outbreak of Mika". They make him sound like foot and mouth! I love it. Not foot and mouth, but the comedy brilliance that is the online translator.
  4. I'll scan the article tomorrow and put it up in here.
  5. Oh my god. It's not just a music degree, it's a MUSIC degree. If you get what I mean. Was yoga the RCM equivalent of PE? Hahah. That'd be quite cool actually, just sitting at college doing yoga and completely relaxing.
  6. Haha I just watched that episode too. Alan is amazing. *may have had a crush on him about ten years ago* Are you talking about Jo Brand? I love the adverts that they have on Dave at the moment - Stephen: I'm naked. It's raining. Can anybody give me a good reason to get down on the ground with my bottom in the air? Jo: Stephen, I wouldn't think you'd need a good reason. And also.. Stephen: How does the love bomb work? Rob (Brydon): I turn up, and I get on with it. I love that programme so so much.
  7. He is amazing. Have you read his books? The Liar is absolutely brilliant. The whole thing about bringing boys home goes like this: What would your mum think if you brought Mika home? I still live in north London with my mum so I don't like having boys over. I think it's quite rude. I don't like having sex in her house. If my daughter ever brings a boy home and has sex with him upstairs, I don't care how old she is, I'd be embarrassed. Also, my mum is hot. She's 37 and all of my boyfriends fancy her. She has got an amazing body. She is nothing like me. She's like a size 8, she's got a six-pack and she doesn't even work out. Then it just goes on to say that one of her mates when she was 13 thought her mum was really fit and used to hang around school so he could get a lift and be near her mum. It's a general answer to a specific question really. Good dodge, well done Adele. She's definitely had her media training.
  8. You just became my favourite person. Stephen Fry is actually my hero. The quote is as follows: "I want a chubby boy, Mika's an exception, he's so fit." Then she was asked what her mum would think if she brought Mika home and she said she wouldn't because she doesn't like bringing blokes back to her mum's house and she reckons it'd be really rude if she had sex there. Oh and it's got a cute picture of Mika at the bottom as well with the word 'fit' written over it. The girl clearly has taste.
  9. I got the magazine just now, I'll put up the quote when Have I got news for you is finished.
  10. I sometimes get Look, I'll get it when I go to the shops tomorrow and tell you what it says.
  11. So do I, I need something to look forward to!
  12. I wouldn't have anyone to leave, sad old me.
  13. It's kind of like a mini album; a lot of bands/artists release an EP before they release their debut album as a sort of introduction to their music and so people buy the album when it comes out. In this case I imagine it's more...I think it'd be a bit harsh to say filler, but it's bridging the gap between the two albums. Probably the point of it is just for Mika to say 'yeah, I'm still here' so people don't just forget about him. It's usually got about 5 or 6 tracks on it, so fingers crossed for an EP before the next album.
  14. I honestly do not remember that bit at all? Was it on the same interview? Because I listened to the whole thing the other day and I really can't recall hearing him say that.
  15. Well he said he wasn't going to disappear and that we would see something, I can't remember the interview but I do remember him saying that, (anyone else know what interview it was?). I'm pleased he's taking his time, he probably needs a few months without all the travelling and performing and late nights etc. Although when I hung around at Brixton on the 28th and he came out, a lady asked him when he would be going back to Germany and he said that it'd probably be with the next album. So she asked him if that'd be 2009 and I seem to remember he said something like 'hopefully this year', but don't quote me on that, I was within five feet of the man at the time and therefore my brain may have (definitely) turned to mush, haha.
  16. It's not really particularly interesting or funny or inspirational, but I think I love the cheekiness of it. It was when he did the live lounge tour and he was at Jo Whiley's house and he was talking about the fact that he was having a party on Christmas eve and he says "Francis, if you're around you're invited...Charlie, Mick..." and then Jo says "Don't use my show to invite people to your party, write invitations like everyone else!" and he just says "But I don't have time to call anybody!" I dunno why but it really makes me smile whenever I listen to that interview. I love that interview actually, it's one of my favourites.
  17. Goddddddddd if you're gonna make something up at least make it semi-believeable. Although lolz @ the thought.
  18. Haha I love the writer's jealousy. And I also like the way how he gives the album a good balanced review even though it's not really the sort of thing that he's normally in to.
  19. This is my favourite song off the album and I really love the 'if half of what you said is true and half of what I didn't do' bit because it's just written in a really nice way. Has anyone got a link to when he said that verse was written by Jodi Marr? I've never seen/heard it so I'm curious now, haha.
  20. Ooh I very much approve of the hair. And I love the colour of his shirt. Lacoste do a shirt that colour and i was gonna get it but then I realised it was £75 and I could think of much nicer things to spend £75 on. Even if it was the best shade of orange I have ever seen.
  21. What so this is actually going to court? I'd heard she was annoyed but I didn't think she'd be taking him to court. Jeeeeeeeeeeesus. I might try to take all the Lauras to court, see if anything comes of it. I hope she has to pay his legal fees, and compensation for wasting his time. Then he can buy something pretty for himself with the cash.
  22. I gasped when I read the title of this thread. Dammit. It would be absolutely fantastic. I'm seeing Mark Knopfler there in May and it's a really really cool venue. Only thing is, it's a seated venue and you can't really sit at a Mika gig. Although maybe if it was acoustic it'd be a different sort of atmosphere. Either way, yes please thanks very much.
  23. Did anyone else find it absolutely adorable when he said he buys the illustrations even though he can't afford the insurance to go with them? And that he was going down the Tintin shop? That really brightened my day, thanks for posting.
  24. I just finished watching it and it was all right. If you're watching it from the Doctor Who homepage then try doing it via the iplayer homepage, cos the DW page had a makeover so there's probably some kinks left in it that they need to sort out.
  25. I was just watching last night's edition of Doctor Who Confidential on the iplayer and they started playing Big Girl in the background and then iPlayer broke. Grace Kelly broke Virgin radio a few weeks ago, and now Big Girl's gone and broken the BBC. Dammit. Still, it was a nice surprise.
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