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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. Ugh, I hate when you sing along and get odd looks. Like for Holy Johnny and How Much Do You Love Me at Brixton. We were standing with these girls who were quite nice to us but really rude to some other woman so I didn't really like them, and I liked them even less when I got weird looks singing along to songs that they didn't know. Pfft. Hopefully those who haven't got tickets will have lovely emails waiting for them at some point today, and for those who haven't entered yet (though I'm assuming you all have) there's a competition on the ITV site in the itunes section for tickets, train fare and a hotel for the night for Friday, worth a try, even if the chances of winning are minuscule, someone has to get them. I'll try and get a few good videos while I'm there (whilst pretending to not *actually* be filming) and I'll get them up on Youtube once I'm home so hopefully those who don't get to go can see some of it. =]
  2. Cheers. =] Has everyone else got theirs? I honestly thought they'd all been given out before I got mine (and rather bitterly thought they'd all been given to the people that saw Mika was performing and thought 'oh yeah, I'll enter, that Grace Kelly song was all right') but maybe they're being a bit last minute with it. I hope they've not all gone yet, I don't want to be at a gig where it's a bunch of boring people who don't get excited and don't know the words.
  3. I just got my email through + my ticket! Very very very happy. I'd given up hope actually, I thought it'd be an email about my railcard when I saw I had a new message.
  4. There's a java script thing that needs to run, so if you cancelled it or your firewall blocked it then try again after adjusting your firewall or maybe getting a java update. I had no problems with mine. I don't know how to validate my tshirt though, it's getting to be quite annoying. GAH.
  5. You just go to the 'Your magic numbers' bit in the top right, then click validate now and you'll be able to choose a section of cds/dvds/unique codes or whatever. Both dvds are there and it validates once you select, and LICM and SFS are on there too.
  6. You can validate it by putting the disc in your computer/laptop. =]
  7. Where are the codes from the t-shirts and digital ep to be found? I put in every number that was on my t-shirt and my order reference number from the digital ep but got nothing. It's all very exciting though, I love the animated bar, haha.
  8. I really love the fact that it's just Mika messing about with a handycam as opposed to someone doing it all professionally and having it all staged and stuff. It just seems really nice. That dance is made of win and I love how Mika was like 'Sam say hello, say hello Sam, introduce yourself' and then she finally realised he was there and said hello, hahaha. She seems dead cool.
  9. I got their album today and I REALLY recommend that you get it. It's really *really* good. I think my favourite tracks are Dust, Tinman, Brakes and Wish Ourselves Away, but they're all absolutely brilliant. I'm seeing them on Thursday, should be good, I hope.
  10. Ohhhhhhhhhh the hips. Hahaha. That's brilliant, really made me laugh after a horrid day.
  11. Oh he's so unbelievably cute, damn him.
  12. I asked him if he was playing Glastonbury after Brixton on the 28th and he said 'no not this year' but the situation may have changed since then, although I doubt it, he's a big name, he would have been announced by now.
  13. Aww, Perez looks really great. And the picture of him and Mika was so cute. I officially want to hug both of them.
  14. That happened to me a couple of weeks ago, it was so strane, I went in three shops and in all of them Mika started playing about 30 seconds after I went in there. I don't mind though, he can stalk me as much as he likes.
  15. What the hell was up with the diabetes question? And how could you 'possibly suffer from diabetes and not know it'? Surely if you answer yes to that question you know you have it? And what a strange question in general, what's diabetes got to do with anything anyway? That's really confused me.
  16. Alan Cumming was on the cover of the new edition of the tv guide that we normally get and I automatically thought back to the the Somerset house thing. Alan looks so cool with those dreadlock type things, I might watch that tinman thing actually, it sounds pretty good.
  17. I dunno what I'd ask him. I asked him if he remembered my friend's band from SXSW about a month after he was there (cos they met briefly) and he kind of did, and in february I asked if he'd be playing glastonbury (he's not) but I dunno. Oh actually, I do know what I'd ask him. "Can I have a hug?" I get the feeling he gives good hugs because he's got a similar build to my friend Stu who gives brilliant hugs. Pointless and selfish, but nevertheless a brilliant question. (Especially if he says yes).
  18. That's absolutely brilliant. That's just put a massive smile on my face, which I needed cos it's raining and miserable outside at the moment. Thanks for that!
  19. *hands CV into Carphone Warehouse* I'd like a job please. Those lucky wotsits. Damn them.
  20. Seriously, there's so much to do in London. I've lived here all my life and I'm just about to go off and have a picnic in Regent's Park so even after 18 years I still find loads to do in London.
  21. Well I'm just going by the fact that my brother's 6'4'' and he weighs about 15 and a half stone which is *struggles with mental sums* 217lb and yeah, he's an inch taller than Mika and a bit stockier but not 2 and a half stone stockier. Muscles weigh 3 times as much as fat too so he might be surprisingly heavy. There was a boy in my class at school who was 15 stone and he hardly had any fat on him, it was all just muscles from skateboarding. Still, it hardly matters. He's damn fine looking whether he's 183lb or 5000lb.
  22. Yeah, that's complete rubbish. He's 6'3'' for crying out loud. And the boy's got muscles, and muscles weigh a lot. He'd literally have to be skin and bones to weigh 183lb.
  23. Yeah, it always seems to be a bit of a surprise when he gets mentioned. It's kind of like 'oh, he's famous' hahaha. I don't really watch the music channels anymore so I never see him on there, so it's always a surprise when I see him on telly/in magazines, etc.
  24. I don't have the drivers for the scanner installed on this lapto so I took a photo (not great quality) and I'll see if I can dig out the disc.
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