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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. I'm not talking about the whole magazine when I say people read it to find out whether it's worth paying £20 to see a band, because the feature articles are what sells a magazine, but if you're reading a review, surely you want a review of the performance as opposed to a review of the supposed self harming habits of the audience? Maybe I'm weird though and maybe it's just me.
  2. I'm not gonna go into the whole 'each to their own' thing but really, I've been fed up with that 'magazine' for years. NME is just a rubbish magazine run by a bunch of snotty student w***ers. I've read issues of it before and honestly I've only ever come across worse journalism in the Sun. They review gigs but they don't mention the quality of live performance (just that the audience are a bunch of wrist slitting emos (stereotyped much?)) and the one song they did mention they got the title completely wrong. I mean honestly, people read reviews to find out whether it's worth paying £20 to see a band, tey don't read reviews to find out whether there's going to be a bunch of wrist slitting emos there. They're so up their own backsides it's unbelievable. I really do want to burn that magazine sometimes.
  3. I can completely imagine him sprinting away from her, and it makes me giggle, A LOT.
  4. One hit wonder? That's rich coming from a woman who gets her tits out for cash is as ugly as sin. She's not even famous for having her OWN tits, at least Mika writes his own songs.
  5. I wasn't a fan when I was younger (I think they were just a year or two before my time really) but now they've come back I think they're really great. I haven't got the album, but I do like the singles, and I have got a lot of respect for them, seeing as they write their own stuff and are actually talented. So yeah, Take That are very very nice.
  6. I'm not that big a fan of Robots in Disguise, but I do like the Boosh. Noel's stand up is REALLY good, and Julian's got really soft hands. Although I didn't think the 3rd series of Boosh was as good as the previous two. Never mind though.
  7. Completely agree with all the Hallelujah comments. He'd do an amazing version of that. Also, I think Only You by Yazoo would be good, it's sort of half dancey and half ballady so he could definitely pull it off. I think he could do a brilliant version of Time of Your Life by Green Day as well, and I think he'd be able to do it in a rearranged way so that it's really different to the original but still blooming amazing.
  8. D'you know what? I've always thought Perez seemed like an all right sort of bloke but now I've got a lot of...respect isn't the right word, but he just seems to be a properly decent sort of guy, and I love that. You don't expect someone with his sort of site to be as nice as that, but I'm really glad he is. And yay @ new stuff sounding amazing!!! And kudos for having such decent interview questions and making it really professional. It was a really good read. (So good in fact that I should be leaving for college in five minutes and I'm still in my pyjamas, hahaha)
  9. Well that's given me a nice little Mika fix for today. Thanks for posting!
  10. Haha, my friend showed me that issue of NME where he got voted 4th worst dressed. I love how he just shrugs it all off when people slag him off. I really want to see a video of this now.
  11. They're both so squeeful and sweet! McKellen is a bit of a leg-end in my opinion.
  12. Blimey, she definitely enjoyed herself. It's nice to see a critic who isn't determined to find something to fault, but is actually willing to give a true overall view of something which is what reviews should be about (and would be more useful if they were like it).
  13. I noticed the shadow, mostly because it's blocking out some of his hot bod, hahaha. The half closed eyes are very nice. He's one of the few people that can look good in a picture like that. And you're right, it is completely unfair, and not only that, but he's so genuinely lovely as well, so you can't even be justifiably mad with him and his perfectness. *sigh* I wonder if you can rent him for a day...
  14. My camera battery was dying so the focus was going really bad, and I thought, 'right, I'm putting it away until the trash cans come out and the shirt comes off' and that ten minute break or whatever it was paid off because I managed to get a few half decent pictures of him. I seem to remember that I kissed my camera after I saw it, hahaha. I'm curious about the shadow on it though, I've got no idea what it is.
  15. *feels incredibly proud for taking this photo* *definitely doesn't have it as the background on her phone*
  16. Aaaaw! That's adorable! I want to hug him now.
  17. I think it depends on the way in which it was shown, if it was shown in a 'omg listen to how ridiculous this song is while watching all our gorgeous skinny girls pouting' then yeah, it is wrong, but if it's done in an appropriate way then yeah, it's cool. I haven't seen it so obviously I can't form a proper opinion about it, but it all depends on the context.
  18. Essex - because he needs to experience an evening with the infamous Essex girls. Not that any of the stereotypical Essex girls would go to his gigs, but you know, they'd be out and about.
  19. I'm glad that they're asking for comments as well, because if people are voting for someone cos they're 'bare fit' it won't hold the same weight as a nice paragraph explaining why the music's good. I'm just hoping they don't read out the comments on the radio, because I'd be really embarrassed if they read out mine, hahaha.
  20. "Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee! A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be!" That's all I think when I see that picture. Strike a light guv'na!
  21. Aw, she's so lovely! She did seem really nice when she came out after the gig on the 28th - I didn't speak to her, but I just got the impression she was really lovely, and she is!
  22. I had a dream the other day that we were having an argument over which sort of nail clippers were the best, and I was just like "wtf, you're an idiot, they're not even nail clippers, you trim your cuticles with those" (cos he was arguing that those little things that look like pliers were the best sort of nail clippers even though they're not nail clippers at all). Then he got all like "Yeah, well, whatever, I don't care," in that 'I'm-losing-this-argument-but-I'll-never-admit-it' sort of way. It was completely and utterly ridiculous and I probably need to get my head checked out.
  23. Haha I got all emotional when they did that, it was so adorable. Bless them.
  24. Haha I took it! I was just about to come and post it here but I see I was too slow! I think you'll appreciate this one too:
  25. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v630/Flaming_Phalanges/Mika%20Brixton%2028-02-08/?start=all My pictures from Thursday. Some of them are a bit out of focus, especially trash can solo ones, but I thought it'd be a crying shame to exclude any of those,
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