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Everything posted by Jazzy

  1. Yeah, looking back, it's silly, but I think not only is it completely unfair to the fans that travel all that way to see Mika, it also reflects badly on us Brits so I suppose my fuse just went. I'm chilled now though. I'm uploading my pictures and I've gotten to the trash can solo section.
  2. I don't mean to start arguments or anything, but when someone comes on here and starts tarring all people from other countries with the same brush I think it's bang out of order and they need to be told about it. That's all I'm saying. It wasn't even said in a fair or thought out manner, it was 'and as for all these continental fans...'. Still, I shan't say any more, maybe I was harsh, but hey, I don't think comments that ignorant and prejudiced are acceptable on a forum which is, as whole, really really lovely.
  3. I don't know if anyone's already said this because I left this page open about an hour ago and just refreshed it, but I think by the 'very beginning' he meant queueing from the beginning, not fans from the beginning, if you get what I mean?
  4. Yeah, all these foreigners, coming over here, stealing our jobs, living in our council houses, let's send the lot of them to prison, eh? You don't OWN this country, you don't OWN London, people can come and go as they please and it's people like you who think they rule the place who make queueing for gigs an unpleasant experience. What a ridiculous and grossly misinformed statement you have made. You clearly have the attitiude that "I'm British, I'm better than all of you when I'm in my own country." If you went to another country for a gig I bet you'd be outraged if people were saying "All Brits are d***heads with no respect and they shouldn't be allowed in the country". Seriously, sort your prejudices out before you come and post on here, because you are bang out of order and definitely need some more sophisticated education before you're allowed in civilised society.
  5. Thank you Mika, Martin, Mikey, Luke, Cherisse, Saranayde and all the crew, management, everyone involved etc for giving me so much to look forward to and enjoy. It makes me feel like a child again and I love it all so SO much. Can't wait til the next tour, but make sure you all have a blooming good rest between now and then, because you've most certainly earnt it. That's about it really, not gonna say loads, but just thanks, from the bottom of my heart. Really.
  6. He's made me want to find my sylvanian famillies house now. They've just cut and pasted different quotes of his, it annoys me when people do that and don't do it well, it doesn't flow that great and feels really disjointed. I've now got mental images of him walking round London looking at all the kids and giggling when a cabbage patch kid comes along, hahaha.
  7. Any Other World - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ALDVtCdaAv4 I dunno why, but the youtube version seems to be a bit more rubbish than when I watch it on my laptop. I was watching it just now and I thought 'blimey, that's got a lot more visual disturbance than I realised' but whatever. Excuse the part where the camera dips, I was admiring the string quartet and stopped concentrating for a few seconds, haha.
  8. He makes me feel like I'm six years old again and I completely love him for it. He's given me a massive kick up the bum and got me back into my piano so I'll always be grateful for that. I wish him all the luck in the world for his next album, and it most definitely won't be that 'difficult second album' that most big breakthroughs tend to have. It'll be that amazing second album which makes us have our own little kooky reactions whenever we listen.
  9. How many 24 year old blokes are that nice to kids? I mean seriously, it's rare. That boy is so special.
  10. Haha, oh yes. Definitely worth fifty quid. And I have to make my best friend a chocolate cake for her troubles but that's not big deal. Besides, it was nice getting delivered to my door rather than having to hop on and off trains and walking for a good few miles in the dark on my own. I'd choose the trains next time though if they're still running, haha. That fifty quid could be spent on another gig!
  11. Haha, I'm glad you didn't get tired of my rambling. It's one of my worst habits.
  12. I'm not a particularly early queuer, mostly because I have college/work on weekdays, and my friend who I drag along to Mika gigs is most definitely NOT a queuer. The only thing that annoyed me about the gig yesterday was people who had turned up at half eight or something and shoving their way right down to the front and looking at us like we were complete and utter s***heads for not moving out of their way. I also didn't like the evil looks I got when I was coming back from the toilet, and I wasn't even moving forwards, I was moving sideways, and I lost count of the amount of times I said "excuse me, thank you, sorry," etc yet still got the filthiest looks thrown at me of all time. I think gigs bring out the best and worst in people to be honest, but once it starts, it's all forgotten. Although I'm pretty sure a fight broke out yesterday, no clue what about, and that was somewhere around lollipop. I couldn't believe how stupid, pathetic, and inconsiderate it was, trying to have a punch up while people are trying to enjoy themselves in a crowded space where you can easily get hurt when there's no fights going on anyway. There we go, my pet peeves, shoving, dirty looks and fighting.
  13. Gah, I have a feeing I'm gonna write a massve report when I only intend it to be short-ish. Never mind though. I'll upload photos tomorrow and post a link. I seem to have quite a lot of the trash can solo, even though my battery was practically dead. This may or may not be related to Mika's lack of shirt, I shan't say. Anyway, got to Brixton at about 5ish, waited in the queue, did a bit of chatting, got shocked when I looked up at the sky one minute and looked up the next and it was dark. Got inside, went and got a hoody, dumped bags in the cloakroom and went into the venue. I got fairly close to the front, dead central (although some spanish lads went unde the built in bar that I was leaning on and they were really tall so I was a bit grrr about that) but it wasa pretty goo view. Waited around for Royworld (or whatever they're called), thought they were ok, nothing special, set seemed to go quickly which was a blessing because opening acts that drag out are torture. Waited impatiently to hear the sounds of 9-5 and went absolutely mental when I finally heard it, then Mika came out, yadda yadda yadda, the end. JOKING. I'm not gonna go through every song, because I can't be bothered (and I'm sure people have already said much more interesting things than what I've said). I noticed that the setlist was a bit different to before, and it made a nice change. His voice was absolutey spectacular, seriously, it was amazing. He worked the crowd so wonderfully as well. Not even one song in and they were putty in his hands. It was really amazing to be able to appreciate that while you're in there, and realise that you're also in the big mess of putty that he keeps moulding and shaping to his liking. I didn't manage to catch muh of what he said in between songs, I have terrible hearing when there's background noise, so I guess I'll have to catch up on youtube. It was really brilliant when Mikey took the mic from Saranayde and did his little "ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mika bit. His face was priceless. I got all emotional (which is amazing because I'm not really one to have feelings...) and it was just amazing. Then they did Happy Ending and that made me even more emotional, which is just plain rude. There were no tears though, I'm not talking that sot of emotional, I'm talking lump in the throat, stomach clenching emotional. Love Today was fabulous. The drum solo ws so good. Lots of fake jealousy over Cherisse's unrivalled drum talent which was completely adorable, and it was just so SO good. Lollipop was fantastic. I can't believe BRIXTON let people on stage., BRIXTON, of all places. I was actually astonished. So annoyed though, because I caught a balloon right near the end (because it's a bit cruel to hang onto one while the song's in ful swing) and some bke knocked it out of my hands - I don't know whether on purpose or not, but everyone was laughing at my clenched fists expression of anger. Not proper anger though, cos it is just a balloon, more shock at how someone could be so rude and horrid. The relax encore was brilliant. I thought it was amazing how when they pulled the plug on his mic the audience started singing for him and peer pressure made them switch it back on. So yeah, fast forward two hours which consisted of "I'm cold, I'm really annoyed now, I wanna go home, I wanna go to bed" etc etc from m best friend, and Mika came out. He signed my ticket, I asked if he was playing glastonbury and he said "no, not this year" and then gave me back my ticket, I said thanks, smiled ad then moved away and trotted off home as happy as anything. Didn't even mind the fifty quid cab fare to get back to East London cos all the tube stations were closed. And it's pretty reasonable considering it could have cost twice that, had I gone with a different firm. So yeah, my face is hurting from smiling (24 hours later), people are sick of me saying "I met Mika this morning" and my ears are still ringing and I've had three hours sleep and a full day of work followed by an evening out so I'm officially wrecked, but I'm still smiling, and will be for good few months yet. Pictures to come tomorrow. Oh, and a video of Any Other World. Apologies if this is long and unnecessary, and fogive any typos, my keyboard's acting up.
  14. I'm so pleased that my camera managed to focus for that picture. The battery was almost flat (silly me thought I wouldn't have it on the whole time so it wouldn't need more than two bars of battery) so the auto focus was playing up a lot. I'll sort the rest of my photos out tomorrow and upload the best ones. I've also got a video of Any Other World. It's not fabulous quality, but it's pretty damn good considering it's a digital camera and not a video camera. I MUST sleep now. Although my face is killing me from smiling.
  15. I officially love that boy so much. We waited around outside for him after and it was so worth the four seconds that I spoke to him for. My best friend is hellishly annoyed, had to pay £50 for a cab back to East London because all the stations were closed, but I couldn't care less. It was actually amazing. My favourite picture of the night, methinks, although I'll have to go through them properly tomorrow:
  16. I'm gonna get murdered at college today, I can tell. I got my bag all ready last night, hahaha. I feel like I'm five again.
  17. It's a tv series and they have books based on the series so they get them written fairly quickly. The Doctor is an alien but he has a human assistant called Martha (in the last series and those books anyway) so he spends a lot of time on Earth and stuff so yeah, he's mentioned in that. There's always little references to pop culture, Harry Potter was mentioned a fair bit in one episode, they used Britney Spears and Soft Cell in the first series etc etc. And no, I didn't know he was going to be mentioned, but I read all those books so that's why I got it.
  18. Grace Kelly was on some girl's profile (who I absolutely can't stand) and I'd muted it about fifty times before I actually heard it, and i only heard it cos my computer was being so damn slow so the player hadn't loaded enough for me to be able to stop it, then a few days later, I went down to the first HMV thing and I fell in love. That's my story.
  19. I think that review gives a pretty good insight as to what that person is actually like, and I'm not saying this because she gave Mika a bad review, because everyone's got their own opinion, but it sounds really closed minded and immature at some points - the remarks about the big girls were rude (even if not completely obviously), commenting on the 'clashing tops' seemed like she was grasping at straws and the whole thing just sounded like she went in there determined to find everything wrong with that. Personally, I expect journalists from the Times to be a little more sophisticated with their reviews, that's probably of a similar mindset of a journalist from the Star or the Sun, although the Sun have a pro-Mika stance so I shan't be too harsh on them.
  20. No, it's not mean, she has laidback gigs, he's just pointing that out. I doubt she watched it or heard about it anyway.
  21. Just because her chat show is incredibly diabolical and her career's gone down the pan...
  22. It's an extract from a book, and they were talking about Mika while Grace Kelly was playing on some alien planet. (I'm assuming it's alien anyway, cos we don't have dancing robots over here).
  23. To be honest I think we've been spoiled. He has always been really generous with his time so people come to expect it more and more, but as he gets more and more successful there just isn't enough time in the world to meet everybody after every show. Lots of bands don't even bother showing their face or stopping after any gigs, and lots more don't do it regularly. It's also worth remembering that it's not the artist who makes these decisions a lot of the time, because half the time they don't know what they're doing one day to the next, they just get taken to places and they do what they have to do and they leave when they have to leave and that's how it goes unfortunately.
  24. Robbie Williams? I wouldn't have minded that a few years ago, but Robbie's lost all credibility after releasing a song called "Rudebox". But even so, there's no resemblance between him and Robbie musically. I don't think anyway. And it's only exhausting from all the jumping around and dancing that gets done. Still, a mixed review is better than a bad review. (But it would have been nice if he actually listened to Billy Brown before attempting to summarise the story).
  25. Lovely. That sounds SO lame, but it's the one word that sums him up in my head. Whenever people take the mickey (as they are prone to do at college - only in a jokey way though, cos they all kind of like him even if they pretend they don't, haha) I just end up saying "He's well lovely though!" and that sort of settles it, hahaha.
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