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Everything posted by Akim

  1. What I don't like about Contact Music is that they never quote their source, if they do it's hard pressed to find. Also, they quote out of context, Jake could have been, being sarcastic- or responding to something the interviewer had said. I wouldn't take anything the site quotes seriously...but I wouldn't be surprised if Jake had a crush on Mika, who wouldn't...
  2. I don't know why I didn't; I'm so naive...but then I go with gut instinct, I don't know if that is a good thing though- well at least it's turned out ok... My friend has some support, she'll be happy!!
  3. My God I was feeling all alone there!!! I was on such a high- believe me drugs probably would not have gotten me so high!!! I would have to ignore the camera's, fat chance- but I'll do it!! I get so excited at just the mention of Mika's name so I think I can forget about my surroundings!! On another note, remember when I was talking about being on a high? Well, my friend decided to bring me down to the depths of a endless pit!! How did she manage that? Lets see just SOME of her comments: "Who is this mysterious poster- with only one post?" "You're giving an "unknown" all your details, they know where you live and your phone number" We proceeded to check this information, all this is happening AFTER I had already sent my info BTW...when we couldn't find anything Mika related on the website- I began to freak out!!! Seriously, I've only just returned to being "normal". Anyway, we managed to find a similar posting with the SAME email address advertised for Amy Whinehouse in Bristol...so it is legit!!! And no I haven't quite forgiven her...yet...
  4. I have NO idea what or where this will happen, but I'm having a go!!! Can you imagine "in an intimate venue" - its making my head spin!!!!
  5. Jaded is a descriptive word meaning world-weary. Other words of similar effect are tired, worn -out, fed-up etc. But I'm not sure how un-jaded fits in now to the song as it suggests the opposite now...
  6. JeyJen, Eir, lovetoday, kjoshi- you're all welcome!! I don't have much time to keep up with the threads so please forgive me if this is late- I'm not ignoring anyone!!! lol! Eir I'm not sure about Over-rated) really but your suggestion does make sense...and about Sally, I can't quite hear the ending- it actually does my head in the way he sings here, but I love the guitar on this!!
  7. I agree, he wears white so well...
  8. So am I, but there was a note to say that it would be no later then 48 hrs before the event....
  9. It has to be personality; I know its cliched and obviously looks play a part in the attraction but it only take's you so far when there's no substance...
  10. I posted something on this thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=648&page=34 I can understand why you might not want to dig around some of it is random. Maybe there needs to be a thread where you just post a report on gigs, although it was supposed to be like that in the first place...
  11. Akim

    Big girl

    What's being compared here????
  12. I can't wait to hear this MEDLEY...!!!
  13. You learn something new every day...
  14. "All I know about this boy is that he's a fantastic musician and artist" Thats all you really need to know...everything else is a bonus and comes naturally...in any case welcome!!!
  15. I didn't realise Mika was ill...but I did notice he was looking peaky at Preston...please look after yourself....you'll miss all the fun otherwise...
  16. DVD...DVD...WE WANT DVD... Can anyone think up a cheer leading chant...or something...I'm not really creative like that...but I can shout along!!!
  17. It should work, but try this its the home page: http://www.typelogic.com/ BTW your English isn't poor....
  18. I am a : You Are An INFP The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. If any one is interested it is based on Jung Psychology of 16 different personality types. Its actually a complicated theory..heres a link if you want to know more: http://www.typelogic.com/afa2.html
  19. I'm sure that is already in the pipeline...imagine Mika on demand on surround screen/sound home cinema...
  20. I also met Mika at the Love Today signing in London HMV Love Today signing. He smiles a lot, seems genuine, looks you in the eye and makes a point of saying something personal to you...it also seems that he has an incredible memory...he makes you feel special...too good to be true, huh??!
  21. Has anyone had this email? URGENT NEWS Please do not book flights / make travel arrangements etc. The brief has radically changed and we are now no longer looking for people to appear in the video. Thank you for applying and sorry it has not worked out this time.
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