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Everything posted by Akim

  1. I would tell you what's its all about...but I don't think we can discuss it here...lol!!
  2. You know what I agree totally with you there!!! But it has to do with copyright issues, getting sued, stealing ideas etc. and nothing to do with privacy and morality...
  3. Yeah I like the last pose...he is going back in time with the sunglasses don't you think??
  4. It's not meant to be taken literally...lol
  5. I would see this as a compliment: "UK-chart-topping magpie makes good with bountiful tunes and Broadway vocal dazzle that could slay even the High School Musical crowd" I suppose for people who haven't heard of Mika, or have only heard the singles that have been released- comparisons do help to give an idea of what the persons music is about.
  6. ("check the Robbie Williams-sucking "Erase" with its fleeting rip of the Cranberries' "Zombie") I actually agree with this comparison. When I first heard the line "in your head" from Erase, I was racking my brain to try and remember what it sounded like and it was "Zombie" from the Cranberries...
  7. I've requested yr "friendship" too...
  8. Fair play...what I am referring to is showmanship. The phrase that "the show must go on" comes to mind. I have a feeling that if it isn't "perfect" Mika wouldn't carry on...this gets boring after so many takes...Having said that I've seen him live twice and he hasn't had this air of "diva-ness" but he has stopped playing a certain song- because he hit the wrong key on the piano and just left it at that (The FOPP)...
  9. There's a fine line between being a perfectionist and a diva- I hope he doesn't cross this line...what do I base this on? Well early on in the year at FOPP he made a mistake and couldn't carry on; then a friend of mine saw him at the recording of the culture show where he re-started a few times and each time he had a go at the people in charge of the sound check "Come on, come on get it together" etc. the same happened on the Jensen show The list goes on....
  10. "Sexuality in pop is so genderless" "...its got to be about respecting yourself..." "I'm not willing to whore myself out"
  11. Chris is entitled to his opinion, whether he does it eloquently or shows himself up in the process- as is the case now. I feel very confident that Mika gives as good as he gets- in any case where he has been challenged in this way he has remained cool calm and collective and in some case's very accomodating- bring more of it on, I say! In the end Mika always shines...
  12. This has got to be the MOST funny and entertaining thread yet...I love it!! I would try with a caption, but I don't usually come across as being funny- sarcastic by nature I'm afraid!!!
  13. I know!! I'm getting slighty worried about this personal request...Are non-quirky dresser's going to be sidelined now??? Is Mika now becoming exclusive to people who dress up????
  14. Thank you everyone for your kind compliments; I'm quite chuffed!!
  15. I agree these are absolutely fantastic!!! Yes he certainly looks younger then he normally does- he usually has this mature look- I can think of when he was singing a particular song with an expression he carries for that particular line e.g: Love Today Zaph Zaph Daah BTW has anyone noticed the 2 birthmarks on his neck?
  16. Hi as requested, I've re-posted this review I did as a new thread so everyone can get the chance to read it...Thanks. Hello everyone, Sorry for taking so long to post this but I'm at work and this is the first opportunity I had. Wow! Mika was fantastic: but let's start at the beginning... I got there early and bought 2 copies of the single Love Today. I wanted to see if I could get one signed for my friend who couldn’t make it…it was worth a try! After getting dud directions from the staff at the till to join the queue behind the store- I walked around for ½ hr before I found it, the queue wasn’t that long- Thank God! Then I met people who were passing by wondering what was going on- I had to pass on the “Mika Love”- so I told them and that they should queue up. But some weren’t keen on waiting more then an hour in the queue- but I convinced a couple and 2 people who were on holiday- “you have to hear this guy live- he is very entertaining and he really can sing!” We were in after an hour, then made a mad dash to the front, only to find there wasn’t much room and that there wasn’t a high enough raised platform for Mika to be seen, they did however have a big screen for those not lucky enough to get a direct view- I was in that category! He came on just after 6, after the crowd went crazy chanting his name! He couldn’t stop laughing. He really is so down to earth and modest. The first thing he said was “can you all see me up here, behind this great big piano?” Of course we all shouted out “NO!” And then believe it or not he then moved this great big piano to an angle, for a better view!! He launched straight into I think (!) My Interpretation. Once he’d finished, he stripped (!!) down to his T-Shirt!! Then someone shouted out a request for “Billie Jean!?!” Yes I know!! You can imagine what his reaction was as well (he was nice about it) - they immediately got corrected by someone more knowledgeable- “it’s Grace Kelly!” So he did that one too- at one point he told us that Martin had had a baby girl the previous day (ahhhh) and that since he was on his own we would have to help him out…and I think he (we!!) sang Billy Brown- we did, unfortunately miss the bit where he dropped off from “…fell in love with another…” and “man” kind of wasn’t heard…Sorry Mika!!! But we did well with Love Today!!! At one point I think we did the chorus all by our selves!!! We did you proud Mika, even if I say so myself… The reason why I can’t remember the order of the songs was because once Mika had finished singing, HMV played his album straight after and during the signing- which I thought was really good AND most of us were singing along then too!!! We waited, patiently may I add, in a queue for the signing- there were a few party poopers who very unfairly jumped the queue and joined the section being cleared first. We had 2 people who thought they wouldn’t get a chance to have their copy of the single signed and left!! I felt bad for them since one person, who was diabetic had waited so long and was lined up straight after me missed it. I don’t think the HMV security guards did a good job with the managing of the queue’s- some were rude and crude (don’t ask!). Some people have already mentioned that at one point we were told “no more photos”, I was disheartened at hearing this, but I knew I could rely on the members here to come up with the goods- and it worked out well- thanks to those who did. I think that Mika was being such a good sport doing the signing, I know he is not the first and certainly not the last to cater to his fans- but it really must be draining- he never once stopped smiling and he made an effort at conversing with the fan’s. He told one young (ling!) that he liked the little heart she had drawn on her temple…there was one fan who started to cry- obviously overwhelmed- but then she was spotlighted by one of the security guards, which I thought was mean- but Mika did acknowledge her with a squeeze to her hand- and then looked uncomfortable when he saw that she wasn’t going to stop crying anytime soon. A member of his team (I think) led her from the stage so that was nice of them. Ahhhh….sorry I was just re-living the moment when it came to my turn- I’d been getting to know another fan, a teaching assistant who wasn’t from London who was telling me about her fantasies with Mika- something to do with signing a normally not seen part of the body!! We all have our quirks… a guard was asking her, her name to spell out for Mika, it was long and he gave up when Mika said “forget about him, just tell me”. The guard rolled his eyes when he heard mine and didn’t attempt to start spelling it (!) it’s not long but foreign- I said hi and started to spell out my name to Mika- and from nowhere I thought I have to say something to him: “Are you going to take up the Mika Medley challenge?”, followed by “I had to ask”. I know crazeeee… He looked taken aback, but recovered quickly, someone from his team heard this and looked puzzled, she wanted to know what it was…then Mika said “Oh I know about this…it’s something on the forum” I carried on spelling my name for him…but he wouldn’t say anything!! Such a teaser!! He just gave this look that said I’m not committing either way- It’s understandable since he doesn’t want to let his fans down by saying no, and commit to something he won’t able to do by saying yes- very diplomatic I thought- I still pushed for a yes or no or maybe- but he didn’t give anything away… He just clamped down on his lips with a knowing smile and raised his eyebrows- sorry guys but I did try! After that I was totally delirious and happy to have spoken to Mika and have him sign my single- when I got home and told my 4 year daughter what he wrote- “love Mika”- she looked puzzled “Mika loves Mummy?” I thought, I wish!!
  17. Ha! Ha! Dream on...it's a lovely dream though...
  18. Yeah...we can start campaiging for it...what do you think??
  19. I've just realised that I've been posting on the old forum and the review I posted is lost!!! Here it is now.. Hello everyone, Sorry for taking so long to post this but I'm at work and this is the first opportunity I had. Wow! Mika was fantastic: but let's start at the beginning... I got there early and bought 2 copies of the single Love Today. I wanted to see if I could get one signed for my friend who couldn’t make it…it was worth a try! After getting dud directions from the staff at the till to join the queue behind the store- I walked around for ½ hr before I found it, the queue wasn’t that long- Thank God! Then I met people who were passing by wondering what was going on- I had to pass on the “Mika Love”- so I told them and that they should queue up. But some weren’t keen on waiting more then an hour in the queue- but I convinced a couple and 2 people who were on holiday- “you have to hear this guy live- he is very entertaining and he really can sing!” We were in after an hour, then made a mad dash to the front, only to find there wasn’t much room and that there wasn’t a high enough raised platform for Mika to be seen, they did however have a big screen for those not lucky enough to get a direct view- I was in that category! He came on just after 6, after the crowd went crazy chanting his name! He couldn’t stop laughing. He really is so down to earth and modest. The first thing he said was “can you all see me up here, behind this great big piano?” Of course we all shouted out “NO!” And then believe it or not he then moved this great big piano to an angle, for a better view!! He launched straight into I think (!) My Intrepretation. Once he’d finished, he stripped (!!) down to his T-Shirt!! Then someone shouted out a request for “Billie Jean!?!” Yes I know!! You can imagine what his reaction was as well (he was nice about it) - they immediately got corrected by someone more knowledgeable- “it’s Grace Kelly!” So he did that one too- at one point he told us that Martin had had a baby girl the previous day (ahhhh) and that since he was on his own we would have to help him out…and I think he (we!!) sang Billy Brown- we did, unfortunately miss the bit where he dropped off from “…fell in love with another…” and “man” kind of wasn’t heard…Sorry Mika!!! But we did well with Love Today!!! At one point I think we did the chorus all by our selves!!! We did you proud Mika, even if I say so myself… Don't you just love the way he ends Love Today with: "Zapp zapp da ahhh" or something to that effect at the end? I love it... The reason why I can’t remember the order of the songs was because once Mika had finished singing, HMV played his album straight after and during the signing- which I thought was really good AND most of us were singing along then too!!! We waited, patiently may I add, in a queue for the signing- there were a few party poopers who very unfairly jumped the queue and joined the section being cleared first. We had 2 people who thought they wouldn’t get a chance to have their copy of the single signed and left!! I felt bad for them since one person, who was diabetic had waited so long and was lined up straight after me missed it. I don’t think the HMV security guards did a good job with the managing of the queue’s- some were rude and crude (don’t ask!). Some people have already mentioned that at one point we were told “no more photos”, I was disheartened at hearing this, but I knew I could rely on the members here to come up with the goods- and it worked out well- thanks to those who did. I think that Mika was being such a good sport doing the signing, I know he is not the first and certainly not the last to cater to his fans- but it really must be draining- he never once stopped smiling and he made an effort at conversing with the fan’s. He told one young (ling!) that he liked the little heart she had drawn on her temple…there was one fan who started to cry- obviously overwhelmed- but then she was spotlighted by one of the security guards, which I thought was mean- but Mika did acknowledge her with a squeeze to her hand- and then looked uncomfortable when he saw that she wasn’t going to stop crying anytime soon. A member of his team (I think) led her from the stage so that was nice of them. Ahhhh….sorry I was just re-living the moment when it came to my turn- I’d been getting to know another fan, a teaching assistant who wasn’t from London who was telling me about her fantasies with Mika- something to do with signing a normally not seen part of the body!! We all have our quirks… a guard was asking her, her name to spell out for Mika, it was long and he gave up when Mika said “forget about him, just tell me”. The guard rolled his eyes when he heard mine and didn’t attempt to start spelling it (!) it’s not long but foreign- I said hi and started to spell out my name to Mika- and from nowhere I thought I have to say something to him: “Are you going to take up the Mika Medley challenge?”, followed by “I had to ask”. I know crazeeee… He looked taken aback, but recovered quickly, someone from his team heard this and looked puzzled, she wanted to know what it was…then Mika said “Oh I know about this…it’s something on the forum” I carried on spelling my name for him…but he wouldn’t say anything!! Such a teaser!! He just gave this look that said I’m not committing either way- It’s understandable since he doesn’t want to let his fans down by saying no, and commit to something he won’t able to do by saying yes- very diplomatic I thought- I still pushed for a yes or no or maybe- but he didn’t give anything away… He just clamped down on his lips with a knowing smile and raised his eyebrows- sorry guys but I did try! After that I was totally delirious and happy to have spoken to Mika and have him sign my single- when I got home and told my 4 year daughter what he wrote- “love Mika”- she looked puzzled “Mika loves Mummy?” I wish!!
  20. I can undertsand why you are so giddy, but all is fair in love and war- I queued for ages, but I was considerate enough not to jump queues and I didn't even bother to ask for a second signing (for my friend who couldn't make it) as I knew it was unfair. Also some people left because they thought they wouldn't get a chance- all because of people jumping queue's and taking more then one turn!!!
  21. Hey, I must have been next to you?? I was dumbstruck as to how they could smile back at us as if to say "we got it!!" I don't think they even realised how unfair and rude they were being!!!
  22. Hello everyone, Sorry for taking so long to post this but I'm at work and this is the first opportunity I had. Wow! Mika was fantastic: but let's start at the beginning... I got there early and bought 2 copies of the single Love Today. I wanted to see if I could get one signed for my friend who couldn’t make it…it was worth a try! After getting dud directions from the staff at the till to join the queue behind the store- I walked around for ½ hr before I found it, the queue wasn’t that long- Thank God! Then I met people who were passing by wondering what was going on- I had to pass on the “Mika Loveâ€- so I told them and that they should queue up. But some weren’t keen on waiting more then an hour in the queue- but I convinced a couple and 2 people who were on holiday- “you have to hear this guy live- he is very entertaining and he really can sing!†We were in after an hour, then made a mad dash to the front, only to find there wasn’t much room and that there wasn’t a high enough raised platform for Mika to be seen, they did however have a big screen for those not lucky enough to get a direct view- I was in that category! He came on just after 6, after the crowd went crazy chanting his name! He couldn’t stop laughing. He really is so down to earth and modest. The first thing he said was “can you all see me up here, behind this great big piano?†Of course we all shouted out “NO!†And then believe it or not he then moved this great big piano to an angle, for a better view!! He launched straight into I think (!) Stuck in the middle. Once he’d finished, he stripped (!!) down to his T-Shirt!! Then someone shouted out a request for “Billie Jean!?!†Yes I know!! You can imagine what his reaction was as well (he was nice about it) - they immediately got corrected by someone more knowledgeable- “it’s Grace Kelly!†So he did that one too- at one point he told us that Martin had had a baby girl the previous day (ahhhh) and that since he was on his own we would have to help him out…and I think he (we!!) sang Billy Brown- we did, unfortunately miss the bit where he dropped off from “…fell in love with another…†and “man†kind of wasn’t heard…Sorry Mika!!! But we did well with Love Today!!! At one point I think we did the chorus all by our selves!!! We did you proud Mika, even if I say so myself… The reason why I can’t remember the order of the songs was because once Mika had finished singing, HMV played his album straight after and during the signing- which I thought was really good AND most of us were singing along then too!!! We waited, patiently may I add, in a queue for the signing- there were a few party poopers who very unfairly jumped the queue and joined the section being cleared first. We had 2 people who thought they wouldn’t get a chance to have their copy of the single signed and left!! I felt bad for them since one person, who was diabetic had waited so long and was lined up straight after me missed it. I don’t think the HMV security guards did a good job with the managing of the queue’s- some were rude and crude (don’t ask!). Some people have already mentioned that at one point we were told “no more photosâ€, I was disheartened at hearing this, but I knew I could rely on the members here to come up with the goods- and it worked out well- thanks to those who did. I think that Mika was being such a good sport doing the signing, I know he is not the first and certainly not the last to cater to his fans- but it really must be draining- he never once stopped smiling and he made an effort at conversing with the fan’s. He told one young (ling!) that he liked the little heart she had drawn on her temple…there was one fan who started to cry- obviously overwhelmed- but then she was spotlighted by one of the security guards, which I thought was mean- but Mika did acknowledge her with a squeeze to her hand- and then looked uncomfortable when he saw that she wasn’t going to stop crying anytime soon. A member of his team (I think) led her from the stage so that was nice of them. Ahhhh….sorry I was just re-living the moment when it came to my turn- I’d been getting to know another fan, a teaching assistant who wasn’t from London who was telling me about her fantasies with Mika- something to do with signing a normally not seen part of the body!! We all have our quirks… a guard was asking her, her name to spell out for Mika, it was long and he gave up when Mika said “forget about him, just tell meâ€. The guard rolled his eyes when he heard mine and didn’t attempt to start spelling it (!) it’s not long but foreign- I said hi and started to spell out my name to Mika- and from nowhere I thought I have to say something to him: “Are you going to take up the Mika Medley challenge?â€, followed by “I had to askâ€. I know crazeeee… He looked taken aback, but recovered quickly, someone from his team heard this and looked puzzled, she wanted to know what it was…then Mika said “Oh I know about this…it’s something on the forum†I carried on spelling my name for him…but he wouldn’t say anything!! Such a teaser!! He just gave this look that said I’m not committing either way- It’s understandable since he doesn’t want to let his fans down by saying no, and commit to something he won’t able to do by saying yes- very diplomatic I thought- I still pushed for a yes or no or maybe- but he didn’t give anything away… He just clamped down on his lips with a knowing smile and raised his eyebrows- sorry guys but I did try! After that I was totally delirious and happy to have spoken to Mika and have him sign my single- when I got home and told my 4 year daughter what he wrote- “love Mikaâ€- she looked puzzled “Mika loves Mummy?†I thought, I wish!!
  23. Yes, I've seen it. I just hope it doesn't involve being too outrageous: I have a feeling that it follows the same thread for youtube users where you dance to a Mika song dressed up??? I don't know but I definetly want to be there, backstage...can you imagine...I'd probably faint!!
  24. Thanks, she's chuffed that her blog is at the very least readable!!
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