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Everything posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. I just got that really excited Mika feeling in my chest where you're so happy and you wanna scream but you know you'll scare the dog.
  2. Thats disturbing.. but in a sexy Mikalicious way that gives Mikagasmic delish-ness.
  3. My friends and I went searching for that today! We went to a magazine store then to Borders. NOTHING! =[ They had an older issue of Out so we know they'll eventually sell it. OMG MIKAGASM.
  4. Did anyone else just fall in love with him a little more (if possible) <3
  5. idk if my boobs are big enough for 7 cameras. Well, maybe.. lol
  6. Welcome. This place is delish.
  7. hahaha! Oh BOY do I know that feeling. I had to delete some music and video files so I can add more Mika pics and videos. It's more than worth it though. Mmmmika<3
  8. SAT IIs tomorrow!!! sdkjfhsdkjfhsdkjfh They count but only if you're going to a school that requires them. I'm stupid sooo I'm probably not looking into schools like that <3
  9. They're all just jealous. JEALOUS I SAY!
  10. Never! It's bad for circulation I hear... Have you ever snuk out without anyone at home knowing?
  11. Sivan... your siggy.. KILLS ME! And hows the album coming? =]
  12. I haven't been here in forever! What have I missed? Oh and I have this Mikagasmic picture =]
  13. A KISS!! Mika's CD or Mika youtube videos?
  14. Yes I love to draw <3 Do you wear jeans a lot?
  15. Of course!! Do you like thunderstorms?
  16. No way! his brother is way more adorable =p
  17. Good bump call One month from today Ima be crying from missing him so much. Eeee can't wait!
  18. I know! I Need to see that delish concert so I can become jealous. I checked today to see if Mika's NY tickets were sold out yet and they're not! I like how I like almost cried when I almost didn't get presale.
  19. Jasmine!!! Duh!!! Mascara or eye linner?
  20. I REALLLLLLY want Mika to come out with posters but I don't think he's the type to want to sell himself like that. Too bad for us lol
  21. Peas fo sho Tropical vacation or skiing?
  22. Yes! Movie stubs =] Do get along with your parents?
  23. It's not fair how people in the REAL world don't love Mika as much as the MFC world (which is way better anyways)
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