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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Holy crap Summer! That is the most awesome amateur video I've ever seen! It's so clear and steady and you followed him all around the stage without any obstructions. Is it just me or is Mika becoming seriously hot? A few months ago I thought he was cute in a kind of dorky way but he's really getting it together. I think he's been taking dance lessons or something. Those moves are unbelievable I can't believe he's still playing clubs. The man looks like he's been on stage at arenas for a decade. He's really got the pop star thing down pat.
  2. Oh those shoes are so perfect to get signed. I love that he made a little heart for you.
  3. OMG that's funny. I am paranoid that Mika is going to come back here when I have to go to a conference in September and then I'll have to consider quitting my job. I'm glad you had a great time at the concert. It's nice to hear how great he is with the fans. Thanks for sharing your story.
  4. They're just jealous because their girlfriends are lusting after Mika!
  5. yes I can certainly understand that. It's just that people discuss all sorts of things relating to Mika that have nothing to do with his music, so I don't understand some fans' defensive reaction about the sexuality question with claims that it's "irrelevant". His body hair is also irrelevant but that doesn't make it a taboo topic or an affront to his musical talent. I think the overdefensiveness comes off as if anyone questioning Mika's sexuality is doing so to insult him. Sometimes that is the case. I've got a video on YouTube and have had to delete some comments due to blatant gay-bashing. But I don't think fans should be so dogmatic about "we don't care" that they jump on everyone who mentions it. Mikaholic made it very clear that the answer wasn't going to impact how she felt about Mika and his music. She was just curious like everyone else is and there's nothing wrong with that IMO.
  6. Ha, what was scary about it was that he read it the same day the discussion started. It's not like it was a thread that had been around for weeks and he was bound to come across it. Unless it was a coincidence he must read the forum quite a bit. You just *know* he's read some of those really outrageous threads.
  7. Ha, Mika does read it. I mentioned that he was flirting with his guitar player at the Toronto show and DaisyLou started a thread saying that there was nothing going on between Mika and Martin. Mika made a joke about it at a show in Copenhagen that night. Anyway, I'm sure Mika doesn't mind the speculation. I don't recall anyone ever saying anything derogatory about Mika or homosexuals in this forum and I'm sure it would be deleted if they did. I think it's pretty obvious that most people here love Mika and his music whether he is gay or straight.
  8. I think that is a more appropriate response to the question than "we don't care". I'm guessing Mikaholic wasn't aware that he refuses to speak about it or she wouldn't have asked. How would his fans know about it if it's never been made public? People who don't know everything there is to know about Mika are going to ask if he's gay in the same way they're going to ask how tall he is or whether he speaks French.
  9. I think the "we don't care" line is disingenuous. There are hundreds of pages on this forum agonizing over everything from his body hair to whether he wears contacts to what his brother looks like. I don't believe for a minute that fans seriously have no interest in whether he's dated boys or girls in the past or whether he is going to settle down with a wife and have 2.5 children or live some other lifestyle in the future. Does his sexuality affect our love of him and his music? Of course not. Do we know for a fact whether he's gay or straight? No. I don't see any reason to get defensive about this question though. It seems a lot more pertinent to who he is as a human being than whether he wears custom made underwear. And it has no less to do with his music or how much we like him, so restricting it as a topic of conversation on that basis doesn't hold much water.
  10. Welcome HK! Lots of fans don't speak English as a first language, so don't be shy. We all understand each other quite well.
  11. Hi Ber! I'm pretty sure Mika said Any Other World is his favourite song on the album. I like the up-tempo stuff like Love Today and Big Girl. I think Grace Kelly is his masterpiece though. It's a nice use of his falsetto without overdoing it. You'll have a great time at the festival. Mika does not disappoint with his performances.
  12. Oh I'm glad you said that Sunshine. I wondered where the Martin comment came from. Now it makes sense
  13. You would think these radio stations would have enough sense that if the album is selling 50K copies then perhaps they should put it on the air?? I've got a Toronto venue in mind for Mika's next show and it would be perfect for trapeze artists because it's a converted warehouse.
  14. That's fantastic Sivan! That must have been amazing being on stage and having the video to relive it over again. Isn't it wonderful that Mika is taking so many fans on this journey with him to superstardom?!! He'll always remember you were there in the beginning supporting him. Did Brett Dennen open for John Mayer? I don't know much about his music but I saw that he'll be playing the Mod Club and so far this year Mika, Paolo Nutini, James Morrison and Amy Winehouse have played gigs there so I figured I couldn't go wrong and bought tickets. Thanks for sharing your story. Glad you had such an incredible weekend
  15. Yeah I wasn't that into Mika in March either. It was really seeing the show that did it for me. That's when I started listening to the album regularly and watching interviews and stuff. I still don't think I'll meet him, but I'm really excited at the prospect of another concert. Natie/Sunshine, I hope you guys have a great time in Boston! I still wish I could go with you but maybe we can see each other in Montreal or Toronto. Tell him to get here soon. We miss him!
  16. Ha! I think it's fantastic. I was spoiled by going to a lot of concerts very young so I haven't been that excited in 20 years. It's fun to see other people having such a great experience because I remember what a thrill it was. I have to say I'm really looking forward to seeing Mika again though and will probably be a lot more excited than the first time now that I know how incredible he is live!
  17. What a great interview! I noticed he said his mother wouldn't allow him to be called Michael. Guess that clears up the real name issue once and for all.
  18. I paid $15, but scalpers were charging $100 at the show. I expect when he comes again tickets will be in the $25-$35 range.
  19. Ugh...not a chance. He has better taste than that I'm sure.
  20. Mika even if you don't want to marry a man, please come to Canada!
  21. Aren't those Scott Mills' glasses?
  22. Perez solicits all those comments because he is such a hypocrite. He has one set of rules for celebrities he loves and another for everyone else. He also makes a living of criticizing people so those are the kind of readers he attracts.
  23. I would say I told you so! Where is this losing virginity thread?
  24. Sass Jordan looks like she has a sharp pain in her tooth during that performance.
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