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Everything posted by Christine

  1. He won't be dancing. Well no more than usual anyway. He's just the musical guest.
  2. I loved my white flat but I've got a black cat now so a white sofa is out of the question. The walls in my loft are still white but that's because I've been too lazy to paint them
  3. I'd bet it's his parents' house. My flat in South Kensington looked exactly the same. Everything was white and there was a decorative fireplace in the living room. There was a lot of refurbishment of Victorian houses in the '90s and it was all hardwood floors, white walls, stainless steel appliances, maple cabinets and white wardrobes. I think it's one of the reasons property values skyrocketed. It cost a mint to overhaul these properties but they look stunning.
  4. OMG! That is freaking awesome! Don't worry peeps, I will get it up on YouTube. I love this show so much more than Idol because they use the latest hit music and a lot of it British. I think Cat Deeley has a lot of connections and things really picked up last year when she started hosting. I got the impression that Cat and Natasha Bedingfield are friends when she made an appearance.
  5. That's true but Mika is exceptionally articulate - moreso than the average person I'd say.
  6. :roftl: I thought the story about Mika writing his lyrics with pictures was very interesting. It's hard to imagine how someone who is so articulate and fluent in multiple languages could have trouble reading and writing. I bet it plays a large part in his original creativity though so it's turned out to be a gift.
  7. I have no idea! I haven't listened to Canadian radio since I stopped driving 3 years ago. I only listen to Capital FM in London and BBC Radio 1. I'm going to the Virgin Festival in Toronto in September but it's almost all British acts. Looking forward to seeing Paolo Nutini, Amy Winehouse, The Killers and Arctic Monkeys there. I think Mika is doing quite well here. LICM was released in late February and it was #2 the week of March 21 when he played in Toronto and Montréal. I noticed it's climbing back up the charts again now that Love Today has been released.
  8. You guys probably won't have the same kinds of problems meeting him before/after the US shows as they've had in the UK. Also keep an eye/ear out for his appearances in town. He would be easy to find in Toronto for instance because MTV and MuchMusic studios are here. Try to find out if he'll be spending some time at the radio station that's sponsoring his show in your town.
  9. LMAO! I bet he has a real laugh when he comes here. You guys are so funny.
  10. Hey Suzy-Q. Mika is pretty accessible to his fans so hopefully you'll get to meet him next week. You'll love the show. He does not disappoint!
  11. It's funny I thought the same thing. It saves all the airport hassle. People take the Eurostar to go shopping for the day and back home again. Shouldn't be a big deal to be in Paris one night and London the next.
  12. Ha, that's so cute Sou. I can't wait until your first Mika concert if you get this excited over the CD
  13. Wow, that DJ really does look like him! He just needs a curling iron
  14. What's so hilarious is not that they didn't recognize him, but that they thought he couldn't sing. Are they deaf or was he just playing around? You'd think they'd have enough sense to be polite to him just because he was friends with the guy they were interested in. I think you'd have to be pretty oblivious not to at least clue in that Mika is the star attraction in that group, even if you found one of them more attractive. I'm sure he didn't just roll out of bed to go to a club. The guy couldn't look any more like a pop star if he tried.
  15. Congratulations Sunshine! Please tell Mika we are waiting very impatiently for him to get his butt back here and the week of Sept 24 doesn't work for me I've got the Grace Kelly and his Tonight Show appearance videos up now if anyone is interested.
  16. I have to go to a conference Sept 24-27. If he comes that week I'm going to lose my mind!!! I live in a condo in downtown Toronto and we have a guest suite available for about $55 per night. If anyone wants to use it let me know. Chances are whatever venue he plays won't be more than a kilometre or two away. I'm within walking distance of the Eaton Centre and subway.
  17. There aren't millions of radio stations in Toronto. It's bad news for us if he doesn't get any air play. Mika is supporting LICM all over the world right now trying to launch his career but eventually he's not going to waste time on markets that don't support his efforts. If Canada dismisses him as a one-hit wonder he's not going to tour here. Robbie Williams hasn't bothered coming here for 10 years. Why would he when he can break world records selling out tours in Europe and Asia and barely gets any airplay in North America?
  18. WTF???? This is why I listen to Capital FM or BBC One instead of Canadian radio. It's a good thing too or I wouldn't have known about Mika in time to pick up tickets before his Toronto show sold out. Fortunately not all Canadians are voting thumbs down on this track. I was at a Gwen Stefani concert last night and just before she came on to do her set, they played Love Today. A whole row of girls started clapping and singing along.
  19. I love how you added "in tight orange pants". Priceless
  20. I got it via BitTorrent download. It looks like it was recorded from a TV station so it has logos on it and isn't super high resolution, but it's clearer and larger than what you see on YouTube. It's a large file (32 MB) and I've hosted it on my own server so I'm not going to post the link here, but I'll send it to you via PM.
  21. I've got a half-decent video of Love Today. PM me if you want a copy.
  22. There are two ways to get a good look at the city: The number 15 bus - This goes from Paddington station all the way to The Tower (and beyond, to the East End). It travels via Marble Arch, Oxford St/Circus, Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, the Strand, Fleet Street, St. Paul's Cathedral, Monument and the Tower of London/Tower Bridge. This route still has the old Routemaster buses and you get a very different perspective of London from the upper deck than you do just walking down the street. By boat - you can take a tour boat (with a Cockney guide) from Westminster to the Tower of London or Greenwich. Greenwich is a perfect trip for a Sunday when the Greenwich Market is held. The Trafalgar Pub in Greenwich is a great place for a Sunday roast at lunch time. It overlooks the Thames, just to the east of Greenwich Pier. Beyond the market is the Royal Observatory where the Meridian line passes through. It's in Greenwich Park which also has beautiful flower gardens, a large pond, deer and an oak tree said to date from the time of Elizabeth I. If you take the boat to Greenwich I would recommend returning via the Docklands light rail which takes you above ground via Canary Wharf so you can see the Isle of Dogs and the Docklands. It terminates at the City where you can connect with the Tube to get back to Bloomsbury. For sightseeing, Westminster Abbey is a must. Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots are entombed here, among many others. I'd also recommend going to St. Paul's Cathedral because you can climb into the dome. Try to stay in the area prior to services as they will ring the bells. They echo off the surrounding buildings and the sound is incredible. St. Paul's ringing times If you like Shakespeare at all, try to get to the Globe Theatre. It's a faithful reproduction of the original and the productions are similar to what you would have seen in Shakespeare's day. If you like lots of activity, head to Leicester Square/Soho/Covent Garden. There are tons of tourists, theatres, buskers, restaurants, unique shops, pubs, etc. If you like shopping, aside from Harrod's, Tottenham Court Road is good for electronics, Oxford St. for high street flagship stores, Regent Street for higher end stuff and Bond St. and Sloane St. for designer shops. Have fun!!! I lived in London for 3 years and still miss it every day. There's nothing like it.
  23. I was surprised because I went to see Paolo Nutini at the same club two weeks before and it was 19+ only. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing the artist has some say in this so I would expect Mika's next show to be all ages as well. I'm thinking he might play the Kool Haus next time and they often have all ages shows. Joss Stone is playing an all ages show there next Saturday.
  24. I would think Perez Hilton pimping him all over town would be enough to get a gay following. There were plenty of gay men at the show I went to. I think Mika's got it backwards. I think he's got exactly the gay following he should expect. It's his popular appeal that is so surprising. Who could have imagined he would be this successful this fast? If he's going to be an icon (gay or otherwise), he's going to have to be in the public spotlight for more than a matter of months. He's got another 20 years to make it up there with Elton John, Madonna, Barbra, et al.
  25. It was an all ages show. They were checking ID when I walked in and I panicked because I hadn't brought my purse or anything with me. First I thought "who are you kidding?" because I'm 38. Then I remembered it was an all ages show so they were just stamping hands of the over-19s so they would be permitted to buy alcohol at the bar. Everyone was allowed into the show.
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