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Everything posted by mellody

  1. i'm wondering, what about attachments? don't they slow it down a lot? everyone can post pix without having to upload them on this server, so if it would help to forbid file attachments, i guess this wouldn't be such a big sacrifice.
  2. as i already wrote in the ibiza rocks thread, mika certainly wants to do taubertal, if he isn't too ill. he said: "as far as i'm concerned, i'm gonna be there!" well, just let's wait and see, not sure if the trip to the states is so good for his health, with all the jetlag and stuff. i'm going anyway, have tickets and wanna see pink. if anyone wants to join me, i have a spare ticket.
  3. grr i just saw that the quality of lollipop didn't turn out good on youtube - so mirtilla, if you want it in a good quality, pm me your email, then i'll send it to you.
  4. ok so here's the rest of the story from the airport. as i said, i didn't see mika or the band in the area where you wait for your flight, so i thought they were already gone or were in some business class lounge. so i went to the duty free shop and then to burger king and got a chicken burger (), and on my way back to the area where i had to wait, i saw luke in the queue for the flight to madrid. he was with some crew members, but i didn't see any of the others in the queue. anyway, i said "luke?", he turned round, "yeah?" and then i asked whether he had been at the afterparty, he said no because they were flying to NY today and sth else i didn't understand. he also said he thinks the others were there and i said yeah we saw mikey and then asked if martin has been there, and luke said yeah, all the others were there. (don't know if that includes mika...) then i asked him whether he could say hi to martin from mirtilla, and he said martin should be around somewhere, so i said sth like ok if i see him, i'll tell him myself. sorry queenie that i forgot to say hi from you, luke also didn't seem really interested in a conversation, like mika, so i didn't want to bother him for long. then i turned round to go back to my waiting area (which was right next to the one where luke was queuing), and just saw mika+his sister coming out of the duty free shop. he didn't see me though. aww he looked so gorgeous in his leather jacket! i then ate my burger and after that went to buy some water, which took a while cause i couldn't figure out where to buy water in this place! when i returned, the queue still hadn't processed, i think their flight was a bit delayed due to heavy rain, which started just after i had gone inside, so i was lucky that i could lie in the sun for a few hrs before it started raining! so luke was still standing in the same place, now mikey was there, too. further back in the queue i spotted martin, who was standing there on his own. me: "martin?", he turned round and was all smiley and sweet and said sth like "hi, you're ok?"... unlike mika and luke, he seemed really happy that i said hi, and i chatted with him for a while. during that, the queue started processing, so i walked next to him until almost to the door/counter while we talked. i told him i was waiting for my flight to munich and asked him whether he'd been at the afterparty. he said yeah but only very shortly because he didn't like it... by the look on his face i think he was sorry for that, cause it meant we missed him. i said yeah it was quite boring when we arrived, but it became better later, and he said yeah that's also what mikey told him. then i said hi from mirtilla, the one with the plectrum, and he looked really happy and surprised, and said he didn't know it was mirtilla. so he must've known her name but didn't know it was her... mirtilla, where did he know your name from?? i told him she was really happy about the plectrum. he asked whether we enjoyed the show and had a good night, i told him that of course we loved the show, and that the others had a hotel but i partied the night through. also said that i liked it that the show was in such a small place and that i'll probably never see mika again in such a small venue, and he said yeah, the shows they'll do in germany later this year will be bigger and asked whether we'd come there. i told him i will, but as the others were from italy and spain, i think they'd go to the shows there. then we were almost at the door and we said bye, and i wished him a good flight. oh, and he shook my hand to say bye. martin was so nice and sweet, sigh, i wish mika had been like that... although... better not, or i'd be totally over the moon! mirtilla, i wanna join your martin fan club!! i returned to my waiting area and then suddenly saw mika and his sister sitting right next to the queue, i wonder if they'd been there all the time since i saw them coming out of the duty free shop?! mika must have some sort of invisibility cloak, i mean, he was in this area all the time, and i was looking for him (not to talk, but just wanted to see him again ), but didn't see him! anyway, him and his sis waited until everyone in the queue was gone and only then went through the door. well and here are the first 2 videos: end of billy brown, and mika singing macarena: end of lollipop (especially for mirtilla ):
  5. hi mirtilla, queenie and bq! it was so good to meet you (also allegra, c'mon, start posting here! )! we had a lot of fun, eh? thanx so much for the sweet dreams video, i only have filmed a part of it. btw has any of you filmed the part of lollipop where the girls came on stage? i wanna hear his reaction again! allegra? did you film it? cause when those sparely dressed ibiza rocks girls came on stage during lollipop, his reaction (like "wow!") was more like the reaction i would expect from any straight guy who gets that kind of surprise rather than from mr-i-might-be-gay-and-dont-care-about-looks. well, after i've been sleeping until 5 pm, i'm now ready to provide you with more info, photos and videos. just uploading my videos right now.
  6. ok heres the 5th and final part. will upload the vids tomorrow, i really have to go to sleep now! so well, at around noon my hope was gone that mika & co. would still come, and i thought even if, and they arrive at the airport building, i'd just feel strange walking over there (it was over 2 streets, one for drivethrough-traffic/letting ppl out, one for short-term parking) an saying sth to them, so all i'd do is wave to them, if they see me. and then, just after 12, i saw the van. they drove in the street (the short term parking one) right in front of the bench where i was sitting, and stopped like a few meters away from me, and mika and his sister (well, i think it was his sister... probably zuleika, anyway it wasn't yasmine) got out. it seemed to me (but not sure) like mika wanted to hide from me behind the van (no chance boy, you're too tall! ), but i still went up to him to say hi, wouldn't have done it if he had been further away, but as it was only a few meters, i just had to get up, would've been strange not to. didn't want to bother him for long though, of course, esp. since he seemed not as if he wanted to chat. he said hi how#re you doing, i said fine and that i'm waiting for my flight and he asked where i was going, i said back to munich. he said youre the one going to taubertal (he wasn't sure about the name but got it right), right? - so HE was the one who brought it up a 2nd time! i said yeah i won tickets, and then because i had the feeling he understood me wrong the day before, i explained to him that of course it would be ok if he had to cancel when he's ill, i'd just prefer if i knew it in advance. then he said (and that's a quote) "as far as i'm concerned, i'm gonna be there." then he started unloading the luggage together with the driver and said nothing anymore, i also didn't know what to say so i gave him a short wave and went back to my bench. there i saw, that on the other street (the one closer to the airport building) there was the big ibiza rocks bus, in which the band had left the night before. when mika+his sis left with the trolley, he said bye, see ya next week (mika!! it's THIS week!! i didn't say anything to that though, just answered bye have a good flight.). of course i didn't want to follow him inside, i felt much like a stalker anyway already, so i just stayed where i was and texted mirtilla. she wrote me back that i should go to the band and ask them (martin/luke) whether they were at the afterparty, and say hi to martin from her. i said no i don#t want to, i'm too shy, not because of the band but cause mika will think i'm stalking him. almost half an hour after they'd arrived i felt safe though that i could go inside, and it also was check-in time for me. so i checked in and thought, well maybe i'll see the band at one of the gates and can ask them about the afterparty... but i didn't see them first. now i know it was because i thought they were one big group, but later i saw they had split in small groups, so who knows, maybe mika saw me walking around the boarding area as if i was looking for sth/so, and i didn't even see/know he was there, arrgh! i hope he didn't! well, and i was lookingn for a tall curyl-haired man with a white button shirt, wehn in fact he wore a reddish-brown leather jacket over it now (that looked SO good!! ) ok guys, i need a part 6 of this, which i'll write tomorrow, can't keep my eyes open anymore now. but there's nothing interesting about mika anymore, i just talked with luke and martin and saw mika again quickly but not sure if he saw me. will tell about luke and martin tomorrow. about martin esp. for mirtilla! goodnight for now.
  7. part 4 oh just noticed i forgot the band story! so after we had met mika in the afternoon, we queued at the front entrance of the bar, which was opposite the beach. we were 2nd in line, first were 2 other nice girls, don't know if any of the other mfclers knew them before? anyway, to make it short, all band members and the crew came out to lie on the beach, and luke, martin and a guy from the crew went in the water and played frisbee. so yeah, martin was also topless, but he put his shirt back on when he came near us. mirtilla still managed to get a proof, but maybe she wants to keep that to herself, so not sure if it will be posted. also not sure if martin would want it. btw i also went bathing in the sea while luke+martin were there, had my bikini with me (of course! it's ibiza! *g*)... it was beautiful, it was like 6 in the evening and still so warm, and the sea had a perfect temperature! anyway, queenie (i think?) asked each of them about the afterparty, and mikey first said that he doesn't think they're / he's going cause they have to get up early to catch their flight to new york. well, and then it wsa mikey who stayed at the afterparty until after 4 am! oh and mirtilla got martins plectrum!!! but she should tell you about it. we had heard that the afterparty would only start at 1:30 or 2:00 am, so we arrived at the pacha about 1:45 i think (thanx to allegra for driving us!), and as i said, only mikey was there, and some from the crew. the place is huge so we first thought the other band members might be somewhere else, but well they weren't. i stayed at the pacha until the morning, when i could catch a bus to the airport and sleep there for a while. the other girls left somewhen, don't remember when exactly, cause they had a hotel room. so at around 7 or 8 am i arrived at the airport, my flight was only at around 2:30 pm, so i decided i'd sleep a bit on the benches there, which i did until 10 or so. well, what you can call sleep at an airport. then i decided i have to go outside, because it was too cold inside due to the air conditioning. i found a nice place on a bench in the sun, right opposite the airport. there i stayed for the next 2 hours, trying to sleep but also watching the traffic, just in case... as the band has told us they'd fly to NY the next day, i hoped i might see them, but as they also had said they'd have to leave EARLY, i had not much hope, and even less, the later it got, cause i thought they'd left before i arrived at the airport or while i was sleeping. tbc in part 5.
  8. part 3 don't remember now if we talked about anything else... someone asked for a pic and mika said lets do one all together. that's similar to the one you have seen on here (bq or queenie has it on her camera i think?)... i was hidden so i wasn't happy, and after the other people who were there (prob. also the one who took the pix that were posted) got photos with him alone after our group shot, i asked him for a pic too & told him i'm hidden on the other one, so he agreed and well you see the result on myspace. mmmh, he felt so good! queenie got a single pic with him, too, he said he'd take it (he was in a hurry), which you see on the pic that was posted, and i'm not sure if she'll post the original cause she said it's the worst pic ever... well i must admit i only looked at mika when she showed me the pic, and he really looks a bit odd there, lol! well and bq really wanted a single pic, but didn't get it before the show, only after. quick show report: - we all were front row and had balloons, streamers, and i was throwing confetti occasionally. - sweet dreams topless, but no extraordinary sexy hip thrusts, like we've seen them in the past. but sexy nevertheless! - before sweet dreams: white shirt with british pounds sign, after: rocket shirt. no braces! - he did holy johnny (someone asked for it when we met him, but wer're not sure if that was the reason for him doing it. maybe.), and you got the love (he had the lyric sheets to that stuck to the stage ) but not happy ending and i want you back. rest like usual, as far as i remember. - he sang a bit of macarena ... got that on video. (also parts of sweet dreams.) that's all i remember for now. about 1-2 hours after the show, he came outside, he wanted to talk but one of the securities/crew (not sure who it was) pushed him along over the street to the van. queenie + mirtilla went inside the bar after that, but bq, me and later allegra also crossed the street because we saw he was talking there with some fans. they also took pix, so bq asked for one, too and got it. he looks damn good on it, white button shirt, a bit tired but at least no sunglasses (i def. need another pic with him!). then he left.
  9. just saw that myspace resized the pix, grr... btw sorry i look awful on the pix, had slept only 4 hours the night before cause i had to get up at 3:30 to catch my flight. report part 2: ok so everyone gave mika their presents (i didn't have anything for him this time), and we chatted a bit with him during this. two of us asked if he remembered us, don't know who did first, the 2nd one was me... i mentioned the lollipop necklace, and he said yeah, in florence, and was it me who he met after the show when he was leaving in the car (don't remember what words he used exactly). someone asked him whether he would go to the afterparty, and he said sth along the lines of no he's too exhausted. then i took my chance and asked about taubertal festival on sunday, whether he's gonna be there, because he had to cancel so much recently. and he said sth like: some people think that i'm choosing which shows to cancel but that's not true, i'm exhausted and i've been touring nonstop for almost a year. he was quite defensive about this. again don't remember the exact words, maybe one of the other girls remembers more? just sth, if you wanna discuss his health / cancellations based on this statement, maybe it's better to do it in one of the cancellations-threads, not here? i also thought he looked quite exhausted. he really needs some time off. anyway, i said sth like sure i'd be exhausted too if i was him and then well i won tickets for taubertal, so i'd just like to know if more yes or more no, and then he said "i will do it". - but it sounded more like he felt forced to say that cause i asked him, for not to disappoint me or whatever? more about this later, i talked with him about it again at the airport.
  10. uploaded some pix to myspace: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=76402285&albumId=1172695 - more concert pix tomorrow.
  11. ok i'll try to write an report while i'm actually about to fall asleep right here at the pc, so please forgive me any mistakes or ask if sth doesn't make sense. part 1: when i met the others at the backstage entrance of bar m around 4pm, they told me that mika had just gone in, he said hi to them but didn't stop for pix/autographs/presents. who was there, was mirtilla, queenie, blackqueen, me, and an italian girl named allegra, i think she said she reads the forum but doesn't post. she's the one with the long hair on the pic that was posted. anyway, it was possible to look into the backstage area... or well, not backstage, it is really just a bar, totally small (i remember i said i suppose it to be the size of the vernue in munich in april... forget it, it was TINY!), and we could look inside and watch the soundcheck. mika didn't sing for the soundcheck, it was just the band, he was watching from the back. suppose he was taking care of his voice. i think the pix of mika and "the girl" (she's the singer of the support act) were taken by photographing through the glass into the bar. at one point there was some guy with a film camera who let us inside during the soundcheck, so queenie could give mika her presents... but another security guard said we weren't allowed in, so we had to leave again without having been able to give mika the stuff. don't know how this happened exactly, like who this camera guy was etc, i think one of the others knows about it better, so i leave it to them to tell you. after the soundcheck we thought he'd come out, but he kept us waiting... and waiting... and waiting. and finally, after i went to the bar next to bar m to buy me some french fries, he came out. so i left my french fries on the table and went to mika. when i came there, queenie was just giving him her presents. i'll let the others tell you about their presents. part 2 follows...
  12. stalker, lol! grr this place kills me, it took me half an hour to get through to this thread!! will try to post sth, if the forum keeps crashing, i'll post it on my myspace. please try to be patient and don't write another 15 pages in this thread while i'm typing! what were you all writing about the last 2 days?! can't read it now, forum is too slow. just saw the pix of us. for a start: gosh, i'm sooo tired, didn't sleep at all last night (well, that was the plan to party the night through)! don't know what you already know, we texted jeyjen and ioana, did they tell you any of that? short summary: - we met mika before the show and quickly after the show - only mikey was at the afterparty (martin, cherisse and MAYBE mika were there while we weren't there yet, they prob. just stayed for half an hour max.) - we took pix with luke when he just came from swimming in the sea... wet and topless! - mika did sweet dreams (!) topless! - and i think i must be somewhat like the luckiest person in the world: today when i was waiting for my plane at the airport in ibiza, guess who arrived for catching their plane...
  13. well, fellow knitters, i'm off to bed now and off to another mika gig tomorrow morning. looking forward to meet whip mistress queenie and see what presents she has for our knitting master! will be back on wednesday evening and hope i'll have cool things to report.
  14. ok i decided. i'll wear a brown skirt and a brown top with greenish sequins in the shape of a dragonfly (? looks like that anyway). as accessoires i take with me an orange hawaii flower necklace, some glowing sticks for bracelets/necklaces (also have one for each of you guys ) and sth for the head which i'm not bothered to describe in english now, you'll see it tomorrow. my plane leaves already at 7:30, i'll have to wait in barcelona for the flight to ibiza for 3 hours. and it takes me 1 hr to the airport here and i'm supposed to be there 2 hours before the plane leaves. so i have to take the first subway train that leaves where i live, which is at 4:12. that's why i'm off to bed now, although i fear it will probably be 2 or 3 until i can actually sleep.
  15. yeah, well, you know how lucky mirtilla and me would be, seeing mr invisible twice within just a few weeks?! that's like winning the lottery jackpot! not sure if he'll want to meet us and talk with us though, he might be scared that we ask him, um, certain questions. yeah bexxy, i also wasn't exactly happy when he cancelled st gallen to be in top shape for olympia the following day... thanx god it was cancelled 1 day in advance though, and not a few hours! and about the news they released, i don't believe such things anymore since the pneumonia story.
  16. cool! i still haven't decided on my outfit, grr, should hurry up cause i need to go to sleep, i have to get up at 3:30 in the morning! (that's the time when i usually go to sleep! ) not that many... you can see it in the videos on their myspace site, they set up a stage on the beach, and from what i see i guess it's about the size of the venue where mika played in munich in april, or maybe even smaller. the front row looks tiny, will have to queue early to get there! yup it's the concert in san antonio, and then the afterparty at the pacha in ibiza town. don't think mika will go there though, but maybe the band. and bexxy, i totally understand you.
  17. totally agree with: :woot_jump:!!!!! aarrgh, i don't know what to wear! it has to be ok for the flight and for the concert/afterparty. about the accessoires, i discovered i also have bunny ears, they're blinking fluffy blue ones... sigh, i just can't decide! queenie, what do your bunny ears look like? oh, and have i mentioned: :woot_jump: ?
  18. that might explain some of the "unpredictable" cancellations... definitely not. if i had to name my least favourite musician ever, it would be her. so mika, speak for yourself there. great interview, thanx for posting! only saw it now, didn't click on it for a while cause the title didn't suggest there was an interview. and it's great how ironic it is, that he says he doesn't want people to say he's hot and then gets voted hottest man by the same magazine, lol!! btw, mika, i think you're hot, whether you like it or not!
  19. and luke! what was it that martin (was it martin?) said to you about drinking in ibiza?
  20. i think he drinks tea more often than coffee, and he surely flirts with any kind of cup, so i'm a teacup!
  21. well you need real player. or i use "real alternative" (http://www.codecguide.com/about_real.htm), it doesn't bother you with popups or ads.
  22. ok queenie, so i'll just go to the bar m as soon as i arrive, and see you there or wait for you there. and i have mirtillas number, so we can text. mika already in ibiza... sounds good for us! hmm, maybe i should've booked ibiza for longer than just 1 day! queenie, if you happen to meet him tomorrow night, you can already start convincing him to go to the pacha on tuesday. although i must admit i've given up hope on that, if (!) he really has any kind of health problems.
  23. i also had asked about the source of the dominant women quote... found the swedish interview meanwhile, hannah, did you mean that? http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7363 i esp. like the quote: "I kinda flirt with everything and everyone, no matter if it's a tree or a coffecup." btw, this is my 500th post, yay!
  24. so, mirtilla, queenie, black queen, what time will you arrive in ibiza? will you be queuing already at 4 pm when i arrive? or when do you plan to go to bar m? @nickjass: nothing else to enjoy there, it's only mika (plus support act), no "real" festival. well, and the sun and the beach, but i have been to san antonio and didn't like it that much. so forget about open minds, if he cancels, i have a problem. i already said on another thread, when i booked the flight i felt like playing roulette or sth. - so well, i knew i took a risk with this, but i just hope it'll be worth it.
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