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Piperita Patty

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Everything posted by Piperita Patty

  1. I friend of mine was talking with me about "a very good singer I would have liked"..... well, he wasn't wrong! That's her myspace link: http://www.myspace.com/katehavnevik Kate Havnevik is an extremely good singer from Norway and now she lives in London..... her classical background is evident and mixed with the electronic is pure genius! She's a mix of Bjork, Enya & Fru Fru The melodies are very intense I must say.... if you check the songs on her myspace are actually really good. Unlike Me video: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=A8cUrmCg64A Enjoy her!
  2. ahaaarrrg! extremely need to talk with someone ! ! ! Gosh!
  3. ??? io lo guardo su RealPlayer.....in alcuni miei video sul computer c'è scritto AVI video, in altri MPEG video, se devo fare io faccio sempre mp4.......sono stata d'aiuto? sendsapce va benissimo! o mediafire o Zshare o megauplaod
  4. ma è l'inconscio! per i punti non so perchè siano venuti, ho copiato i link! cmq qua c'è l'altro per convertire: http://www.avs4you.com/AVS-Video-Converter.aspx?type=GoogleAdWordsSearch&gclid=CMTT__zLqJECFRsRFQod0SSXeQ
  5. http://dailymotion.alice.it/relevance/search/mika+taratata/video/x2pyhn_mika-liv
  6. Ciao!! che sogni Matt! ...io stanotte ho sognato che finivo dentro una poesia....quindi ti faccio concorrenza mi sa Comunque, volevo chiedere, anche qua, se c'è qualche esperto in materia di conversioni (non religiose), convertitori e bagagli vari per riuscire ad downlodare qst video: http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance...performa_music in formato mp4 Ora i siti consigliati sono vari: http://www.avs4you.com/AVS-Video-Con...FRsRFQod0SSXeQ http://www.zamzar.net il problema è che mostrano un'ostile avversità nei miei confronti...(credo di emanare potenti onde negative che alterano la sensibilità del mio computer ) .....c'è qualcuno che ha voglia, tempo e capacità per provarci? (la ricompensa è degna di tale prova! )
  7. Hey! Yesterday I watched a documentary about them playing @ the Abbey Studio (?) and I must say they're really good! Actually I wasn't really into their music the first time I listened to them, but they know what "playing music" means! I'm almost addicted with their "Sofa Song"!! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=HUaytjapSuM
  8. wow! Questi sanno proprio cosa vuol dire fare musica! Sto guardando alcuni pezzi del Live at Piedmont e sono davvero bravi...il trombettista poi! Ha dei polmoni invidiabili!! Satellite però, cantata dal Mica, rispetto all'originale, mi fa venire i brividi tutte le volte
  9. Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! (My sister is going to be mad!!) This is a great news! Thanks for posting! Someone before quoted the Coldplay un-official web site, can anyone give me the link, please?
  10. Oh it's a good thread where to celebrate this day, our anniversary! Big thanks to Mr.M for gave us that intense moment and the following many others....
  11. I do. happy memories. To who wants to watch some pieces of the gig I found these videos of this youtube user (hope he/she doesn't mind): http://uk.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=ignarus2006&search_query=mika ....I wonder where are the AllMusic recordings maybe deleted? Or there's a site where to find them?
  12. Laurel, what channel is it from?
  13. Arrrrgh!!! Why??!?! It has been there for a year!! btw, I have the GK performance+the interview on my computer if anyone is interessed In any case it's very....aaaaargh! My question is.....there where 2versions of it, do you remember? The one aired on channel2 and the one aired on channel4, if I remember well....the last one disappered after a very short time and actually I think it was the best one: there were some cutted pieces, like a little bit of "Kiss" (by Prince) sang by Mika and another part before the "Killer Queen" cover...... Does anyone have it?
  14. Mika? What happended to your hair?? ... I'm glad to know where he is now......very nolstalgic for the fact that only one year ago I was anxiously waiting for him to come here in Italy and now his fame is becoming soo big that he is guest of honor in China! In the other side of the world!! .....I know I might bee happy for him, for his succes so wished, but...... now he's not only "our Mica" anymore.... I'm obviously very happy for him. Thanks for all the sites, the articles, the pix and the download links!
  15. That's great!!! So happy for her! She rocks!
  16. (Some) elementary theachers are very stupid and blind! Today I found that a friend of mine once had got a chicken as a pet ( )
  17. Directly from the Mikagasmic thread: -->topic: "his hair, bla, bla, bla..." è bellissima robi! A proposito! Fra un pò si festeggia un anno!!
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