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Piperita Patty

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Everything posted by Piperita Patty

  1. About one year ago.... happy memories ... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=y5Et9hodJGY
  2. Ohoo that's amazing for him! He really needed a break...he didn't even go there with family Anyway, I'm getting more and more excited about the new album! ....exotic influences mhmmmmm!!
  3. Yesss How good was that gig?!? Did you remember when Chris Martin came out (when we had just entered the doors) to present them and said smt like to be nice with the opening band 'cause it was their first time in Italy? ...well it was very nice from him...
  4. Hey! They are veeery good live! I saw them about 3 years ago, they played as opening act at Coldplay's gig in Bologna...they were pretty impressive! The singer worn a dress like this:
  5. POI!! Nessuno ieri ha visto sky704?? Davano il concerto di Mika al Koko di Londra....mi dispiace un sacco di non essere riuscita ad avvissare nessuno ma ero in Route e mi ha mandato un messaggio mia zia...ne ha registrato un pezzo e se riesco vedo come fare per condividerlo... In ogni caso ho guardato un pò su Internet, perchè sulla guida di sky non dice niente e soprattutto non so andare attorno al telecomando, che lo dovrebbero riprogrammare OGGI DALLE 17:00 ALLE 18:00 qua ho trovato il sito: http://www.mtvhits.it/tv/palinsesto/index.asp Spero lo riprogrammino! E se qualcuno avesse un DVD-recorder e fosse così gentile da registrarlo tutto sarebbe ancora meglio! Buona Pasqua!
  6. xlindee, did you find these pictures from an Italian magazine someone posted round here? Is there a thread about that?
  7. Hey all!! ...in these days I'm particulary watching ballet vids.... actually I love ballet and one of my dream is that one day I will see one at La Scala in Milan, but anyway, I watch some video and no one could give me the same emotion of this: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kIwzT-EGSws , the Swan Lake of Matthew Bourne... The dancers are great and they can create an intese feeling! I don't wanna label this like a "gay-love", because, actually, it's a passion between a man & an animal and BTW and don't even think that a "gay-love" is different from a "straight-love" or what else, but I only wanna say that probably this ballet wouldn't have gave me the same feelings if it had been played by a man and a woman.
  8. Hey! About T in the Beach, has anyone got the Postcard video?
  9. Oh yes, please Liz, do it! It's a very busy period for me too...just have the time to have a look round here.... I'm very unhappy I can't have the opportunity to dedicate myself to someone here...
  10. ah ok! clara85 è la "mamma" invece! bella idea!
  11. giornata terribile anyway....ho trovato qst sul thread dell'Afterparty e a 1:30 c.a Mika vede la bandiera di clara85 (??? ) quella con scritto Mika come back in Italy e sorride e poi verso la fine, penso incontri qualche altra italiana...ma non so davvero chi...guardate voi: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp2PZb9WXAs&NR=1 voi, niente di bello da raccontare?
  12. ho un'immagine, sia sul computer che su internet, vorrei diminuire le sue dimensioni (penso che ora sia 800x600) ...come fare?
  13. Thank you, robi! You're camera is great! What song they were playing here?
  14. Oggi è il mio (nostro) Mika compleanno!!!!!! ri-bentornati a tutti!! Nota personale: adoooro queste giornate! Arriva la primavera!
  15. Grazie Dani per il lungo report e le foto!! Grazie Greta per il video!!.....(sembra che stia facendo l'appello! ) Ora......dove sono gli altri??
  16. Yay!!! Go Danika!! I'm very happy that all your work with this project finally ending so good!
  17. That's very very nice! What a cool great band Mika has!! He's very lucky! and I'm moved too for our last Happy Ending, he did it extremely good..
  18. ciao Mirti! the only lonely other! I wish them all the fun they can have!
  19. certo che mi serve!! Sabato abbaimo intervistato mezzo pub, Mirandolina compresa, e anche lei diceva che non era adatta per l'intervista, ma scusate bene, volete dire che voi altre a 40anni non vi divertite più?!?! ...Sono uscite cose molto belle invece.....cmq aspetto......POI mi dirai se non ti sei divertita!
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