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Everything posted by wasabi_tea

  1. Looking through Lacrimosa's mobile blog, and wondering who took the picture of Anne in the bath with all the rose petals... XD
  2. I think Queenie likes them too, if I remember correctly They played in London not long ago, which would've been great for me if it hadn't been for the fact that I was already here in Japan by that time Will I never get to see them live?? :crybaby:
  3. Munching on so-called 'alcoholic biscuits' while pointlessly surfing the net. Mmm.
  4. Oooh, a fellow Kentish person! Cool Yeah, I'm studying Japanese at SOAS (well, Waseda University while I'm here in Tokyo). I like your accent, it's nice
  5. Sitting in the dining room, singing 'The Bartender and the Thief' by Stereophonics, pointlessly surfing the 'net, and not eating any more mini chocolate digestives LOL
  6. Heehee, glad I've managed to amuse people Yeah, I'm English I'm in Tokyo because it's my year abroad, otherwise I'd be in London now. I'm from Kent, though, and I find I start talking with a 'Chatham accent', as I call it, when I get excited or shocked or whatever XD (You can hear it slightly in my audio clip when I say "But it's okay because I don't have to get up 'til 9 tomorrow" LOL)
  7. Hmm... I quite like Russian and French accents in particular, I think. Very nice Being 'high' on exhaustion as I am, I thought I'd demonstrate my accent for you all. LOL. Aww, no it's not!
  8. Sing a Song of Sixpence Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye. Four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie. When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing. Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?
  9. Haha Basically, I would need someone that is crazy enough to be able to put up with my oddness There are parts of my personality that tend to scare other people, you see! *LOL* But if he was crazy enough, he wouldn't be quite so disturbed by this Guys like this are extremely hard to find, though! =O
  10. Kombinatsiya - Russian Girls I frickin' love Kombinatsiya, they're so cheesy and awful
  11. Wasting time on the internet before I head off to uni, as per usual
  12. Haha, well, I'm not actually interested in No-Brows (as I've nicknamed him) in that way, even if he is handsome and has cool hair, so you can have him aaaall to yourself If you can find a Portuguese guy who meets my rather, erm, 'specialist' requirements, then I'd be very happy to receive him in the mail
  13. Haha - swap Lord of the Flies for 'various random foreign foods' and you've got me! There's a handsome guy with no eyebrows who works at one of the magazine stands at Takadanobaba Station... I could kidnap him and ship him over to you if you want
  14. Procrastinating finishing off this stupid questionnaire that I have to e-mail to my teacher at my home uni, which is cutting into my sleeping time, but that's nothing out of the ordinary. Blehhhh.
  15. I want a new brain =O *LOL* That, and loads of random music CDs. I can never have enough music CDs.
  16. Should've gone to Specsavers ;-P But yeah, I do stuff like that all the time. It can get kind of embarrassing... *LOL*
  17. Haha, probably not, TBH. I find that since coming here, I've almost completely stopped being attracted to anyone, and really, if I think things through logically, I'm probably better off alone. Although, I won't be completely alone, 'cause I have my beloved laptop
  18. Sitting in the living/dining room, surfing the net while sort of watching a programme about Miyazaki Hayao, and thinking about the burger that I'm gonna have later. Mmmm, burger... *drool* Aww, why?
  19. After 21 years of almost a complete lack of a love life (unless you count the 'relationships' that happened entirely in my imagination xP ), I think I've given up on the idea of ever having my first kiss now. LOL. Oh well.
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