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Everything posted by Cassiopée

  1. It's nothing to be shocked! I think it's a cute and innocent kiss... (who am I trying to convince...) But I wonder what would have been our reaction if he kissed Martin instead?
  2. I belong here too;) I did art classes but the prof was kind to make me pass LOL! But I can cook (at least) and I dance not too bad! But I love Mika and try to take part in the not so artistic projects like the audio bday message, etc. I really understand you guys!
  3. I don't remember the last one... I read a lot but I've listen to some audiobooks lately. I loved Hitchhikers Guide to a Galaxy by Douglas Adam and I listened to Alessandro Baricco's Silk. That was ok but it had a real explicit sexual part and I was listening to it in the street on my mp3 player... lol! That was awkward! I'm now reading Chronicles of Narnia but I'm at the beginning. I usually read fantasy and polar.
  4. can't wait for your story BoujourMika1990! Nice debut Curly! I didn't remembered your first part(s?) Claire sorry... And Happy Birthday Rosina! I just imagine the rest of your story... Maybe you'll want to be rescued before nine months don't you think...
  5. You were not the only one Christine! LOL! Maybe Jack being a man was too good to be true... Still I think she shows how intelligent she is in every post! I love your brain Jack! It was a fun interview! What about Canadian girls (or boys or fruits)??? Oh and Sparkly1: :roftl:
  6. Thanks so much Babs! It's not working right now but I'm waiting!
  7. My thoughts right now: Who the hell thought it was a good idea to sew the tag of panties with nylon wire!
  8. Hi and welcome:biggrin2: It's the right place to share your Mika adoration:wub2:
  9. Same here:biggrin2: BTW hi Rea! It's your first post and you're a member since feb!??!
  10. Thanks for posting Mouselle! It's a really nice review! *thinking about getting a doughnut... wait, I'll have ice cream instead:bleh: *
  11. Don't be like that! I'm sure you deserve it! You're a Mika fan! We're all good and deserving hugs! *hugging calicojasmine too*
  12. I guess you deserve it then.. Lucky you:naughty:
  13. They change the name for: la fête nationale! I usually don't celebrate much... I don't like being in a crowd to watch a huge show.(I wouldn't mind if it was Mika though!) You always see better on tv! And I don't drink that much...
  14. Hi 1kiwiabroad! (We're preparing for a national holiday tomorrow in Quebec and the first of july for the Confederation day in Canada! party!!!0 I hope you feel better too calicojasmine...
  15. I remember now you previously said you're a social worker. I don't know how it is in Vancouver but with all the aging of the population, I know it's not easy. You must have a lot of work.
  16. I'm a clinical nutritionist. I work at Lasalle Hospital (it's on the island of Montreal)
  17. Are you sure? He's so good looking! Maybe she'll like him! I have a patient at the hospital, an old lady (about 90), who has a BIG flag of Boy George in her room... :roftl:
  18. I passed a whole day without Mika back in april... I was feeling weird and guilty not to have listen to anything from him... Well I was at my parents'. But I don't really listen to LICM as often as before. Some days I only listen to cover or demos or even interviews or live recording/vid.
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