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Everything posted by Cassiopée

  1. LOL!I guess the Almighty M spoke to you! I don't usually get anything useful out of my fortune cookie! It's more like: you'll buy some new clothes (dah!) or you're a kind person! But yours was really inspiring!
  2. Me too! It was amazingly sad and romantic! Wow! And poor Mika! Write soon so he won't be desperate for too long!
  3. Thanks so much for all your beautiful (funny or sad) stories. BonjourMika1990, I have to control myself to not cry! You're a really good writer! Can't wait to see the rest!
  4. Nice one lol! I wasn't to sure about the knitting thread... but with that much posts... My sig should now be knitting (or knitter?) #8???
  5. Thanks for posting and translating! I guess you were meant to found it:naughty:
  6. Back in march I was at his gig in Montreal, and I had a sore throat and no voice the next day and I don't remember screaming that much... maybe he has an effect on memory too! (and now I'm kinda happy I didn't met him!)
  7. Same here! But Jack, wow those are awesome photos!
  8. YES!!! I'm a shoppaholic! Have you ever visit NYC?
  9. Never tried but I gonna say yes! Do you like earl grey tea?
  10. Dunno but I decided to bump the thread! Everyone needs to read this!
  11. (kangaroo tastes a bit like beef, or the butcher fooled us:naughty: ) Yes I enjoy summer but not all the mosquitoes... Do you like smarties McFlury?
  12. Hard one since I don't live in Europe... I'll say yes cos I like to watch Canadian and American idols. Did you ever eat kangaroo?
  13. Hi and welcome! It's THE place to be to know everything about Mika and share your obsession!
  14. Thanks kantorlight for the delightful pics! And LoveLoveMIKA, thanks for the report!
  15. They're beautiful! I wanted a customized pair too but they didn't deliver in canada:thumbdown: (I would have wrote Love Today or smth like that!)
  16. I think about that too! So far I have: The scientist by Coldplay, Let it be, The Beatles and The Masterplan by Oasis.
  17. I sent you a friend request! Please please please, accept me!
  18. I love this thread! I bought these one a few weeks ago: converse.bmp
  19. :roftl: Do you really think you can hide that? With my boyfriend I'm like: last night Mika took of his shirt during love today than after the show Sunshine met him and he remembered her, etc!
  20. Welcome ircazo! Please do more than just watch: add a bit of your Mika love and craziness on this forum!
  21. I don't think that the sex-symbol de la semaine est décevant (disappointing)
  22. I sent you smth. If it's not exactly want you wanted, e-mail or pm me!
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