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Everything posted by Cassiopée

  1. Yes (only cos it's him) Do u like 2 dance?
  2. No! (except with kitchen instruments!) Do you like to dance?
  3. I want that dream too! And I don't mind if it's not Mika, Rodrigo Santoro his quite sexy himself!
  4. That's about it! There's also a movement called We Don't Care cos, well, if Mika doesn't want to talk about his sexuality, well we don't care either! And you said it yourself: it doesn't change anything if he's strait, gay or else, we love him. period. Site URL: http://www.mfc-dont-care.co.nr (made by curly) Myspace URL: http://www.myspace.com/mfcdontcare (made by rosielou)
  5. Nope (should I?) do you like gummy bears?
  6. summer (winter in Canada's so frosty!) lied down on a beach or walking in the forest?
  7. mineral water shopping or skiing?
  8. Butterfly! Mexican or Chinese food?
  9. Thanks for the report! What a night! I think your moment with Mika worths a lot more than a picture or an autograph because of it's uniqueness! btw how did your sister like the show?
  10. Thanks Love Love me! I feel a bit dizzy though with all this upside down!
  11. Welcome! I'm sure you'll have a blast seeing Mika live! My favorite song: these days it's Big Girl or Any other world depending my mood!
  12. Same here! And I have to retain myself to don't buy everything that reminds me of Mika!
  13. Mika's so sexy When I first saw him live I taught he was a bit too...( in french I would say efféminé) feminine? It was in march. But it don't bother me now! I like him the way he is and find him even more attractive then before!
  14. He said somewhere (don't remember where) that it was a what could happened to friend of him in the future, like the guy is with a girl but might leave her to go with a guy. First time I heard Billy Brown I taught Mika was Billy Brown's lover...
  15. Found that on Mikasounds uk: Life in Cartoon Motion' goes Double Platinum! 11/06/2007 Great news! MIKA's debut album 'Life in Cartoon Motion' has gone Double Platinum in the UK with well over half a million sales! Thanks to all of you who have bought the album Sorry if posted before!
  16. Mmmmm Baklava! A lot of fat and sugar! It's meant to taste delicious:naughty:
  17. Thanks so much violet_sky! This morning I was feeling to stay home and on my way to work my mp3 player on shuffle played one of Mika's Quotes. It maked me feel happy and I almost lol in the bus! Can't wait to listen to part 4!
  18. Wow! what a weekend! You sure need some days off now! Congrats for being Lollipop Girl! I think you deserved it! Can't wait to see more pics and vids! (Please Mika, comeback to Montreal!)
  19. Really impressive Becky! I loved your story! Take your time for the next part but don't forget your fans:naughty: You should really considering english!
  20. Hope you sleep well violet_sky and feel better in the morning! I really do feel the same. I'm stuck on my computer a few hour per day on a fansite! I even visit it while I'm work *feeling guilty here* because I live in Canada and in the evening less people are online! I wish I could meet Mika like at the mall or on the plane (sitting next to each other...) cos I don't know what to say to him waiting for his autograph. And what do you do with an autograph??? I guess a picture with him his better... I wish I could be his friend or his personal nutritionist or smth more:wink2: Btw, nice thread! It's the first time I'm participating in a forum and everybody's so nice! It's hard for me to write everything in english but it's worth it! It's always fun to see how people of different ages and background can meet and understand each other! Thanks Mika for this! I love U guys! *feeling a bit sentimental here*
  21. Don't worry, Mika will be back in Canada! He has a really good response to his music here, better than the States. I saw him live in march but I wasn't such obsessed then so I didn't wait to see him after the show like Sunshine931 did, and now I regret it so much!
  22. You're so lucky! And he was such a sweetie again... And the Love Today vid... Ouf! It's HOT! Is it just me or he's wearing WHITE undies?
  23. Thanks KiteKat! Haven't seen them!
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