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Everything posted by Cassiopée

  1. Thanks, It's not really the same. I'll see if I can e-mail you something!
  2. Curly, I think Karolin' already begin smth similar: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4512 I already sent her smth but maybe you could see with her if you can combine your two things coz I really want Mika to have what I sent her and it seems that there's not much development on Karolin' side. If it's not possible, I could just send you my thing... I'll look up for this thread!
  3. I just checked and Perez was logged on this morning at 7 (probably North America Eastern Time since he was in Toronto), And I saw him online last week too.
  4. I was wondering the same thing! I looked everyday on his blog ( as usual) for a post about Mika but nothing... Maybe Mika asked not to post (or Perez decided not to) after the Out mag thing with the gay/post gay/not gay? Or maybe they split?
  5. I kind of agree with that... He fought too hard to be himself to not be himself after his first record! And I really like the way violet_sky and JackViolet wrote about Mika's multiple aspects of his personality. But with his OCD and wanting to control every aspect of his career/life, he might not always be as caring as with his fans.... but I don't think he'll show us this part of his personality! Anyway, I really want to believe he truly likes everyone of us
  6. Thanks for caring Freddie! And younglings: listen to him! We don't want any incident inside the MFC... But I think meeting other members can be really funny, we just need to be careful!
  7. Sorry, I didn't really notice it! I usually read really fast... I re-read again *feeling ashamed*
  8. Loved your story again RosinaKiwi! A bit Harlequin but still wonderful since Mika is prince charming ! Loved your story too Becky! Different but a lot of suspense! Keep writing, I love to read:biggrin2:
  9. Hi and welcome! Like everyone here (or almost): first his music, than the man himself for being authentic, so sweet with everyone, funny, gorgeous... ah!!!!!!
  10. Thanks for the report Hannah! Waiting for the pics and vids!
  11. It's already posted ! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5638
  12. I'll do smth like that. I'll post the link... http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa311/dorlanne/Photo005.jpg http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa311/dorlanne/Photo004.jpg http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa311/dorlanne/Photo003.jpg
  13. I bought Out today. As promise, here's the pics we didn't see before and some pics and commentaries by Mika himself. All the other pics have already been posted and the article too. URL links: http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa311/dorlanne/Photo005.jpg http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa311/dorlanne/Photo004.jpg http://i199.photobucket.com/albums/aa311/dorlanne/Photo003.jpg
  14. Just bought it but Satu already post the article witch his the same as on the Out website Still it's fun to read it on paper and to see Mika in big picture I was so proud to read it in the metro but nobody seemed to notice it anyway there a series of pix and commentaries (by Mika) called On tour with Mika at the end of the mag... Can't really scan it wright now... If someone got the mag, please scan the last page for the rest of MFCers that won't be able to buy the mag! (I'll try to take a picture of it when my boyfriend will be back with the camera!)
  15. Thanks so much Sunshine for the report! The waiting was worth it! I'm so glad for you and your friend! I'll pm you the rest in french!
  16. Don'r worry, it's just dreams. Mika is so sweet with everyone that have met him, he won't be like in your dreams if you meet him! I only dreamed about him once and I was sitting on his knees talking and laughing with him! And for the tear, I guess it's normal. When I feel emo and don't wanna cry I avoid some songs like any other world or happy ending.
  17. I guess finding a pole won't be difficult Maybe he took some stripper lessons? It's really hot in here. You know, decent wifes wanting to please their husband...
  18. I think someone actually said that before... wondering who...LOL! Guess it's all he's sensuality and sensitivity that give him both sexy and nice! I was wondering if he practices his sexy moves before doing them on stage (like the stripper move on the fictive bar)? Cos I could be his critic!
  19. Poor Mika! His voice is usually perfect even live! He should really get some rest!
  20. Maybe if you sleep a bit more you'd catch less cold??? Just asking...
  21. You certainly shared something with him :roftl: Hope you get better soon, and him too!
  22. Both nice pics Sivan! You do what you what but you'll have to live with the consequences... Like Suzy taking your place as Mika fav fan or at being John Mayer's fav fan, etc.
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