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Everything posted by nico_collard

  1. *shakes head* I leave you alone for 5 minutes and look what you get up to!!! what would cause you to swear like that???
  2. I know... my ex (the one in the pic I posted) wouldn't be impressed that I'm posting a pic of him, but... what the hell... Actually, the same night that pic was taken a woman was running her fingers up his kilt... Poor boy!
  3. That's not right... I know people who don't wear anything under their kilt... actually I've seen what people don't wear under their kilt... and I don't mean those pics tht were posted earlier...
  4. I'd like to know how many closet Mika fans there are...
  5. Wow... I don't think I knew that... Good thing to keep in mind.. And soangel! Of course you are! Hmmm... I don't think I'll continue with that... *shuts mouth* Least you've got your priorities right!!! Whoops... I don't think I'll mention who's fault that is...
  6. So I have you to blame for us being close to level 5!!! Wow... but there is a verra fine line between playing well and strangling a cat noises... *big stupid grin* Nice... Verra nice... Wonder what tartan the kilt is made of... looks kinda familiar... Well, I guess I better post a kilt pic... This is my lion, called Alex, wearing his kilt! Now for a real kilted man... THis is Adam, he's actually a member in the pipe band I play in... and he plays for one of the Sydney bands that goes in competitions... And he's an excellent piper! (Sorry about the quality of the pic)
  7. I'm sure you are very well aware of them Freddie! I'm glad you brought it up... I know a friend of mine is very aware of it, her mother had breast cancer (luckily she is still alive and well)...
  8. I know this is off topic, but I have to say it... IngievV, I love your avvie... It's sooo sweet, especially since I am a teacher... It made my day! Carry on!
  9. Okay, guys, I think I have to agree with you... I'll sort it out! Nico the Mod!
  10. Ooooooh! Freds! I love you too!!! *Massive big hugs*
  11. You're not the only lonely one... He needs to announce tour dates for Oz... Really soon!!!
  12. Oh yeah... Scottish thread! Hopefully the Scots will frequent it too... Freddie... I love you... Have I told you lately that you look good in a kilt? (I know I haven't included a pic of someone in a kilt... but they won't upload!!!)
  13. I have this shirt!!! It's black with the little dude in rainbow... he looks sooooo awesome!!!
  14. But it was quite funny how you strung her along (okay, so maybe i find gullible Canadians funny... I guess I'm a little sadistic!) *hides*
  15. Yay! I gets to be in the hot seat! And it's good cause I shouldn't have to work that day so I can sit and answer questions! *writes down date so I don't forget*
  16. Becky, I'm gonna go to bed soon (it's 11:15 pm here)... I'll favourite this page and hopefully I'll read it later!
  17. Is there a bad person that's still alive (I know Dante is dead so it can't be him)... If there is someone, maybe they could try and be good an help the group... Just a thought...
  18. Hmmm... can't help there... maybe from someone totally unexpected?
  19. Oh... Was gonna ask who Sparlock is but it seems you just explained it! I started reading after you had Kairi so I missed a lot of the story... Confusing is fine... I understand confusing... but I think i better follow closely cause I don't like the idea of having to read through a whole heap of pages when I'm downloading stuff and it's a slow connection... which mine is at the moment (which is why I was lazy and asked what was happening... thanks for filling me in!)
  20. Not a prob... I'm in a "giving compliments" sorta mood... So what exactly is happening in the story? Last time I read, the girls woke up and were being pampered by the French guys on the island...
  21. Holy cow! Last time I checked you guys had 40 something pages... that was 2 days ago... Anyways... just wanted to say I love hte story... I became addicted to it! Keep up the good writing! (BTW I agree with Mika... you guys ARE geniuses!!!)
  22. I voted Love Today... because it's pointlessly delicious! But I love Grace Kelly too! My least fave would have to be Big Girl... I def don't hate it but I guess it's not as good as the others (to me anyway!)... I haven't seen Happy Ending yet... but I will when the braodband is working again!
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