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Everything posted by crazyaboutmika

  1. I hope you feel better! :huglove:

    I'm sure this will inspire you!


  2. Yes, I know he's worth the wait! :) I'll feel like a little kid opening presents on Christmas morning on July 3rd! My husband doesn't know that this will be my first Mika gig (as I drag him there; my kids understand me though!) but that I hope it's the first of many more! :) It's nice to know that the reports help after the gig! I already love reading them! Mika's live is so wonderful already from the vids on youtube and his internet live Baden Baden gig that I guess seing and hearing hime for real must feel like sheer heaven! Thanks for accepting me on twitter! :huglove:

  3. And it's really good! :)

  4. Thank you so much! I've been wanting to read it for a very long time! :)


    (Guess what, I had posted this on my own board-once again!:()

  5. Hi! I'm trying to follow as many Mika fans on twitter as I can , so I'd love to follow you too...as your tweets are protected, it's now up to you!:) I loved to read your report! Thanks!

    I will attend my very first Mika gig on July 3rd, although I've been a fan instantly when I first saw and heard "Grace Kelly" vid! I'm thrilled and already afraid of feeling down after the show's over!

  6. or rather her compilataon of Mika's lyrics!

  7. Yes, I'd love to read what Purplegrapes wrote! :)

  8. Hi! :) As you mentioned in an old thread I just read Purplegrape's masterpeace "Love in Cartoon Motion" (old and new version), I was wondering if you had a link because I'd love to read it! :huglove:

  9. i thought you were a lot better lately ! You will feel a lot better soon I'm sure! And even better at Mika's gig!
  10. I'm also into Mika's new MFC jacket team and I've already sent my stuff to foalbaby14!

    I'm back from a one week holiday and I spent almost all my free time drawing for next year's MFC yearbook and I amazed myself writing and composing two songs!

    Mika and Da Wack designed a wonderful coke bottle, the happiness bottle!

    And I'm still on my Mika pre gig cloud! I've got my tics for July 3rd!

    Did you know we have a "chicken" as a member of MFC now?

    Willywonka is cracking us up as always!

    Thanks for keeping in touch! I hope you will be fine!


    ps: my message is backwards because it was too long and I had to cut it as it was too long!

  11. Hi my sweetheart!:huglove:

    I'm so sorry to read that you've been so sick! I hope your recover fully your hearing! Sending all my love and care and get well wishes for you honey!

    Did you know that Mika after he became famous with LICM also had serious hearing problems too and he had to sing his songs on stage and some days he could barely hear himself! It got a lot better with time he said in an interview.

    Well our MFC yearbook is out and you can download it in PDF! And you're in it as I mentioned you in my "message to Mika"!

  12. I'm listening to it on repeat! I love the way he says "gun" and "fun"! That always makes me feel :naughty:

  13. Are you a Mika poker face version lover as I am?

  14. Really neat original Star Trek pic !:)

  15. Happy birthday sweet Mika friend! Have a great one! :huglove:

  16. MFC yearbooks' downloading is free! Try both links again and again! The only paying version is the printed one! :huglove:

  17. I love your drawings too! :huglove:

  18. I love the laying out too!:)

    See you around! :huglove:

  19. Do join us in next MFC yearbook! This is so much fun!

  20. Hey, I was looking at your siggie and wondering: is good gone girl your fav song of TBWKTM? That's my own fav! :)

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