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Everything posted by silver

  1. Reiley is actually 25 years old. I still think he looks like a schoolboy.
  2. I guess the Danish singer will have to get special permission from his parents to stay up late to appear - he looks about 10 years old
  3. Well I agree Jann's song is better, but not sure about the video
  4. I am steadily working my way through the entries, you can't listen to more than a few at a time. Sweden is apparently the bookie's favourite (haven't got to that one yet).
  5. I think all the national entries have been chosen now, so please post videos/comments. I can't say I'm wildly impressed by the UK entry (but then I didn't think much of Sam Ryder's song and look where he ended up )
  6. Plus of course Shein is a dubious Chinese company and what you receive may not be what you expect
  7. I don't usually like reality TV/talent shows, but I must admit I am enjoying watching this. Love the way Mika explains things about non-classical music to Lang Lang, without coming over as a know-it-all.
  8. Make sure it is ready to eat - it should be runny in the middle. Also give it an hour at room temperature to warm up, don't eat it straight from the fridge. Like this Not this
  9. I hope they don't repeat the lyrics in front of their parents
  10. We always have to translate your posts to understand what you are saying. The translator must be part of your browser. Nous devons toujours traduire vos messages pour comprendre ce que vous dites. Le traducteur doit faire partie de votre navigateur.
  11. Some mold is added, but most cheese starters contain yeast (which is a fungus). EDIT: have since discovered that some starters just acidify the cheese and don't contain yeast - eg for curd cheese and cottage cheese
  12. I'm not sure how you can compare cheeses to find "the best". I mean, I can understand how you could compare different cheeses of the same type - best cheddar, best brie etc - but how do you decide which is best overall?
  13. You can't have cheese without mold, even if it's not visible.
  14. Not sure what the problem is - well within limits for picture size - but I've made it a bit smaller
  15. Spenwood (sheep's cheese) is another one I like (not widely available). And I'd never had Emmental until about 10 years ago, love the taste even though it is very rubbery.
  16. My dad liked Sage Derby. You can get plain Derby cheese as well. Wensleydale gets mixed with all sorts of horrors these days (apricots, cranberries, chutney).
  17. The traditional British hard cheeses were Caerphilly (white, crumbly, great for toasting) Cheddar (deep yellow, hard, can vary from mild to very strong) Cheshire (white, crumbly, salty) Double Gloucester (gold, hard, buttery) Lancashire (white, crumbly, mild but rich) Red Leicester (red, hard, mild) Sage Derby (white/green, hard, mild, herby) Shropshire (orange, hard, mild) Wensleydale (white, crumbly, creamy) but there has been an explosion of cheese-making and they reckon there are about 700 varieties now!
  18. It's very smelly though - I have to keep it in 2 airtight bags once the carton is opened.
  19. it's a soft creamy cheese with a sort of honeyed taste. I have been known to just sit and eat a whole one And it's French
  20. UK tomatoes aren't ready yet but we should see early ones by April. But then we never used to eat salad in winter.
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