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Everything posted by Inezzz

  1. Hej, I have a problem xD How do u need to start with it ( I have a partner) but do u need to take the girl that Sophie drew and then adding ur own features , or do u need to start with smth completly new? x
  2. I was in the beginning a pumpkin but then my pumpkinhead broke , then i was a emo with a pink panty on my head xD
  3. Trying to read a book for school (The Kiterunner) . I just started and monday it need to be out for a classconversation xD Luckly the internet excists
  4. It was last week also a litlle discussion in my class about it xD It is 'groupies'
  5. @ pianogirlsammy : Haha lol xD It's reakky well done! Btw i like ur sig a lot xD I'm fine, a bit sick but for the rest ok
  6. Cool that u promote Mika I tried it at BrudiStussel but Peter van de Veire didn't wanna play him for me My litlle sister has a Mega Mindy suit xD
  7. It is gonna freeze this night,tomorow the maxima are till 10°c ...
  8. Wow that poster from LICM, from where did u get it ??
  9. Indeed. But first time when i listened it i was waiting for Mika to sing. Then i discovered that that voice that i thought it was from a women, was him...
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