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Everything posted by faballa

  1. hallo! bin gerade am land bei meinen Schwiegereltern.... dort gibt es kein msn

  2. Yes, it really looks so *gg*. Interesting chain he wears, are there duck-heads on it??? And he plays with it like a rosary... it looks like so a little bit
  3. The last pic is an older one, isn't it? wow, where do you found it??? Can't believe that always one of us find a pic of Mika which is new for me, thanks! .... he looks strange on it for me, perhaps the wild mane is a reason for it ! And he truely likes to grab into his hair
  4. Only ten days ... ten days .... days ... minutes ... seconds ... way to the postbox or the music-shop ... looking for a special DVD ... and then - high explosive!!!! then it isn't allowed for my family to disturb me
  5. I am an oldling - and I really would like it when he creates a X-mas song. Christmas is the only time in the year where everyone can be very sentimental with all ones heart without beeing tacky, that's christmas
  6. The first answer of Sophie let me thinking so - the kind she was dressed in a sheet with Mika's notice and how she got red cheeks and first of all the shy view behind her ("behind" was mika's first step with beginning their game) . ... really, it could be only my feeling *gg*
  7. Really? Impressive pics (sure, it's Mika ) - hmm, I think I change my mind by now and still try to get one
  8. hmm, am I the only one who is feeling that Sophie is playing with Mika in a special way? I don't know whether this is probably a tiny wish in me, but I feel that she is flirting with Mika through this drawing-project they are creating together ? But on the other hand it looks like that she was VERY excited about Mika's solid building in front of the airy girl - and so she had to destroy it
  9. hello silver - this is "hot stuff" for mika, sophie's answer ;) - wish I could know mika's feeling when he saw her part of drawing! - have a good night!

  10. hello you! ufff, you have such a long name, I just call you "you" now :) - thanx for visiting my side and I wish you a sunny-funny day tomorrow!

  11. I feel that Sophie could have started a kind of duell - sure, in friendship, but quite a duell
  12. @moonlightchild: Thank you for the link, for long time I was looking for this classic singing of "him", far beyond he was "Mika", but without success. You got it! And who will be surprised that his mother has given little Michael to a singing-teacher by hearing such a voice..
  13. Hi, mal sehen, wann er wieder comments durchlässt - und vor allem, mit welchen Inhalten diese dann sind. Schade nur, wenn nette comments "dadurch" durchrutschen...

  14. Oh, well - never give up to learn essential things in a fan-forum
  15. Ich bin noch immer dort .... werde wahrscheinlich erst in einer Stunde zuhause sein, ob ich dann aber noch für mehr als zum Schlafengehen fähig bin,weiß ich noch nicht ;) baba mal!

  16. I like it to see Mika on drawing, he has drawn it really alone - and now I know how big the picture is, looks like A3 - or almost a bit bigger, A2? And when he named his dog, I understood first "Ala", the name of his song-teacher
  17. hallo sabine, bin noch bei meinen Verwandten - aber jetzt sitzen alle beim PC um den neu aufzusetzen und haben mich "alleine" gelassen ;). Nun gut - hocke ich mich auch vor einen - wie gehts dir??

  18. Oh, not only his teeth - in just that moment he moved the corner of his mouth a little bit, before he was saying, "yeah, I'm fearing it" (or so). This little movement always gives me a warm shiver
  19. oh, thank you for the link! I run to see it now! bye :) .... now I HAVE seen that clip, it's so funny!!!!!

  20. Oh great! It's fascinating from where we all are coming!

  21. I'm from Vienna, capital of Austria. You have a really interested name ;) - I cannot make out from where YOU are coming from ...

  22. thanx for welcoming me! ähm, are you a woman or a man? ;), your nic sounds indifferent for me :) (yes, I have silly questions *gg*)

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