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Everything posted by roxy

  1. Relax. Dunno why, but it's the only song that I can listen to at any time, no matter in what mood I am
  2. Let's get crazy in my pants (WHY is there a Hannah Montana song on my iPod?? )
  3. You know, I've read them both, and I prefer Harry Potter, but I really don't see why everyone feels the need to compare them. I think they're totally different But I don't see the resemblance between Mika and Freddie Mercury either, so...
  4. When do you use "a lot" and when "alot"? And when "all right" and when "alright"?
  5. My dad after a gig (he's a fan too ) "Well... He does have his own style, that's the least you can say..."
  6. Kick Ass is in the Belgian charts this week! Flanders #12 Wallonia #33 (but BIOTG is still #24 there)
  7. LOVE the dress! Congrats btw!
  8. It's a British term isn't it? I remember this interview on Ellen, and I she didn't know what it meant... I think
  9. "which I want" I think EDIT: Oh no indeed, it's "which I won't"
  10. What's strange about mayonnaise with french fries?
  11. Er... Wait a minute. My memory is really awful... Yeah I do! I think... Not that close to me though. I think
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