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Everything posted by maar_penniman

  1. Ooww.. lo siento mucho, Sookiee Yo pasé por eso el año pasado u.u cuando murió mi abuelo, sé lo que se siente Espero que de verdad estes mejor.. Y también que todo salga bien con tu evaluacion!! Que ganas de tener todo ese tiempo u.u Aqui yo.. siendo explotada por la escuela ¬¬ Pero cada vez que puedo aprovecho para fugarme a la pc.. algo es algo..
  2. I dont know, but what just happened here, I feel funny LOL Hiiis Face!!!
  3. As said Queen, the guy in the middle is David! It's understandable.. but isn't him ._. At least we helped them out of doubt
  4. Here I publish some pics I took during the gig *Sorry for the delay.. better late than never!* http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.176560049022571.44748.100000057314147 http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.176481282363781.44718.100000057314147
  5. Not, the first is Dan Rothchild I've seen a lot of people have been confused.. in fact, this photograph is of Dan
  6. Yep, I had read the beginning of the thread.. but I wanted to be assured that participation was closed! ^^ will be happy to participate next year! :D Thanks for your kindness to write and clarify everything! Currently I participate in the photography project ^^ and thanks for the links, too.. I find very interesting project.. Always it's a pleasure to participate in each one of them! :) Huuugss!!!

  7. Ooww.. You're welcome! Its a pleasure have to you like friend here ^^

  8. Hola Sookiee.. que bueno ver que alguien aqui pasa a veces Si, estoy sola en medio del desierto.. Demasiadas novedades no hay como podras ver Tu te la has pasado metida en fyeahmika.. adicta! *Miren quien habla.. la que menos pasa en maarholbrook jajajaajajaaa * Creo que durante este tiempo todos hemos estado un tanto estresados.. Es horrible.. Espero volver algun dia a alguna reu.. Se les extraña mucho a todos.. Como has estado Sookiee ademas de tu stress? ._.
  9. Te entiendo.. estoy en la misma situacion.. has hecho un milagro y has pasado por aqui.. tanto tiempo Kalid, como has estado?
  10. Hey!! Long time.. Congratulations and Welcome
  11. Oww.. Muchas gracias Chechi! ^^ Espero estar mas permanentemente.. la escuela me explota un poco.. pero no esta mal pasar por aqui cada vez que se pueda! ;D Te quiero mucho mikera!

  12. Muchas gracias Aleja! ;D Igualmente.. cualquier cosa que necesites, no dudes en decirme.. estoy aqui para ayudarte ^^ Realmente lindo esto de encontrar chicas nuevas que se integran a esta hermosa familia, y que ademas sean de habla hispana!!!

  13. Jajajjaaja yeaah.. maarholbrook and fyeahimma are my tumblrs! iMMa write a lot on his twitter.. so always fill my tumblr with their tweets xDD

    Well, yep.. I saw that you dont normally publish many things!

    Its a pleasure to distract your eyes with beautiful MIKA piiics! ;D


    Yes, when she was on the radio.. I wrote on twitter and I send a message that was read in live on the radio.. iMMa know me... and I know that when they told her, "A girl listen to her from Chile", she knew it was me who wrote :') she has written on his facebook about me in their facebook notes ^^


    Its an honor to tell me that u know me from other places.. I do everything for love to MIKA.. and of course, iMMa.. she's amazing!!



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