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Everything posted by Kumazzz

  1. Twitter https://twitter.com/mikasounds/status/683290661261557760 MIKA official Verified account ‏ @mikasounds Domattina alle 11 su @SkyUno potrete guardare per l'ultima volta il concerto di Como. https://twitter.com/mikasounds/status/683290860402905089 MIKA official Verified account ‏ @mikasounds Grazie a tutti gli spettatori sia al concerto che in TV! Spero vi sia piaciuto <3
  2. adding the translations by Lucrezia into [ Spoiler ] 1.L’incontro con Mustafa / The meeting with Mustafa http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-campi-profughi-libano-volti-storie-rifugiati-siriani/incontro-mustafa_principale.shtml 2.La donna più anziana della colonia / The oldest woman in the colony http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/donna-piu-anziana-colonia.shtml 3.Khaled e la sua famiglia / Khaled and his family http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/khaled-sua-famiglia.shtml 4.I rifugiati / Refugees http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/i-rifugiati.shtml 5.Ahmad e la sua famiglia / Ahmed and his family http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/ahmad-sua-famiglia.shtml 6.La loro vita / Their life http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/loro-vita.shtml 7.La storia di Samir / The story of Samir http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/storia-samir.shtml 8.La casa e il racconto / The house and the story http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/casa-racconto.shtml 9.Gli omosessuali e Daesh / Homosexuals and Daesh http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/gli-omosessuali-daesh.shtml 10.Un gruppo di supporto per i rifugiati Lgbt / A support group for the LGBT refugees http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/gruppo-supporto-rifugiati-lgbt.shtml 11.Le storie / The stories http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/storie.shtml 12.I sorrisi / The smiles http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/i-sorrisi.shtml 13.E Mika / And Mika http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika/mika.shtml
  3. EDITED ( without News and Weather forecast ) 2016.01.01 Mika on R2 Listen https://clyp.it/qmgpuvkf.mp3 Download https://clyp.it/qmgpuvkf.mp3?download=1
  4. https://twitter.com/MikaChuSnapchat/status/682736624820711425 MikaSnapchat ‏@MikaChuSnapchat #NewPostSnapchat of @mikasounds
  5. https://twitter.com/MikaChuSnapchat/status/682733718411296768 MikaSnapchat ‏@MikaChuSnapchat #NewPostSnapchat hi @mikasounds Happy New Year 2016 FIXED ( brighter )
  6. 2016.01.01 Radio Mika Listen https://clyp.it/zq05u0yh.mp3 Download https://clyp.it/zq05u0yh.mp3?download=1
  7. TF1 : REPLAY Toute la musique qu'on aime du 31 décembre 2015 http://www.tf1.fr/tf1/toute-la-musique-qu-on-aime/videos/toute-musique-qu-on-aime-31-decembre-2015.html A Part of Mika and Nikos : RE-uploaded to VK [HD] 2016.01.01 Toute la musique qu'on aime
  8. Corriere della Sera VIDEO Mika: «Ritorno in Libano per ascoltare le storie di questa guerra» Il cantante nei campi profughi con UNHCR - di Mika /CorriereTV http://video.corriere.it/mika-ritorno-libano-ascoltare-storie-questa-guerra/deab612a-afa3-11e5-98da-4d17ea8642a3 Mika, cantautore e volto di X Factor, è andato nei campi profughi libanesi insieme a UNHCR. Questo è il video reportage dei suoi incontri con i rifugiati che fuggono dalla guerra in Siria e dall’orrore di Isis «Negli ultimi anni ho osservato da lontano lo svolgersi della crisi in Siria. Sono nato a Beirut e sono per metà libanese: per questo motivo, quella siriana è una regione che terrò per sempre vicina al mio cuore. Una regione complessa, molto tesa politicamente, con una storia, una cultura e un popolo tra i più affascinanti di tutto il mondo. Per alcuni giorni, poco prima di Natale, accompagnato da mia mamma che è mezza siriana e mezza libanese, mi sono unito all’UNHCR per essere testimone diretto della crisi dei rifugiati siriani che si è sviluppata in Libano. È difficile immaginare come sia la vita per quel milione e centomila rifugiati e per gli operatori delle organizzazioni che hanno lo scopo di aiutarli. Volevo aprire gli occhi, toccare con mano, capire ciò che accade, qualcosa che da lontano era diventato solo un dato statistico e una fonte di dibattito. Avevo bisogno di umanizzare questa guerra che imperversa da anni. Niente avrebbe potuto prepararmi per quello che ho visto e per le storie che ho sentito. Quello che segue è un video-diario realizzato con l’UNHCR per il Corriere della Sera, durante due giornate del mio viaggio» di Mika IL TESTO IN INGLESE Over the past few years I have watched from afar the crisis in Syria unfold. Being half Lebanese and having been born in Beirut, it is a region that I shall always keep close to my heart. A complex, politically charged region with some of the most fascinating history, culture and people in the world. For three days, just before Christmas, and accompanied by my half Lebanese half Syrian mother, I joined the UNHCR to see first hand the Syrian refugee crisis that has developed in Lebanon. It is hard to imagine what life is like for those 1.1m Syrian Refugees in Lebanon and those organisations that aim to help them. I wanted to open my eyes and humanise something, that from a distance, had become statistics and debate. I needed to humanise this war that has been raging for years. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw and for the stories that I heard. This is a video diary made with UNHCR for Corriere della Sera, over two days of my trip. Per conoscere il progetto Warm Their Hearts, e contribuire ad aiutare le famiglie dei profughi che fuggono dalla guerra a superare l’inverno, entrate qui: https://www.unhcr.it/dona-ora/emergenza-freddo
  9. RE-post from The Voice 2016 thread
  10. Screen caps from the teaser WAT.TV The Voice, bientôt sur TF1... Les Coachs sont vraiment prêts à tout ! VK 2015.12.31 The Voice, soon on TF1 ... The coaches are really ready to everything!
  11. RE-post from The Voice 2016 thread
  12. Thanks a lot Marina !!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/programmes/outlook/news/story/2007/04/070420_mika_uk.shtml Mika: still pining for Lebanon He's been described as 'the breakout superstar of the next few years' but Mika took time out to talk to Outlook about his continuing attachment to the land of his birth: Lebanon. "My mother is Lebanese," he told presenter Fred Dove, "Anyone who is partly Lebanese will know that even if it's only a half - or even a quarter - that quarter will most certainly take up the entire cultural background of your family life." Mika was born in Lebanon in 1983 but, with the Civil War becoming increasingly violent, was evacuated by the US Navy to Cyprus in 1984. From there he went with his family to Paris where he was to spend 8 years - but his family life was again disrupted when his father found himself in Kuwait when Saddam Hussein invaded the country in 1991. I like the prospect of going back to Lebanon to play live - maybe at one of those amazing places like Balbec "He had four hours to get out," recalled Mika, "Some friends actually tried to get some Bedouin to sneak him out through the desert but it was too risky - so he ended up seeking refuge at the American embassy." His father ended up being stuck at the embassy for about seven months. When he was eventually released, Mika remembers being shocked that his father had lost a lot of weight and had grown "a hideous beard". "He was so skinny," he said, "I think he was living off fruit juice and tuna fish." Once reunited, the family set off for London and Mika was sent to London's French Lycee where he remembers that he had difficulty settling in: difficulties that were compounded by his dyslexia. "I started to have particular problems with one teacher that got completely out of control," he said, "I stopped talking for a while and was asked to leave the school. "I left and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I started doing music." In fact, however, Mika had been "doing music" for sometime before that. He'd been making cassette tapes for his own enjoyment. "The tapes were not categorised by the type of music or by who did it," he said, "They were categorised by melody: happy melodies, angry melodies, different types of melody. "It sounds banal but when you actually sit down to write your own, you realise it's a lot more complicated than you think." Mika's hit Grace Kelly went to number one in the UK singles charts in January of this year. He appeared on Outlook to promote his new album Life in Cartoon Motion. He said that he would love to return to Lebanon to sing. "I want to spend more time there," he said, "I like the prospect of going back there to play live - maybe at one of those amazing places like Balbec." At the end of the interview Fred Dove announced that there was a CD of Life in Cartoon Motion to give away - to the person who comes up with the best suggestion as to what Mika and he might be saying to each other in the following photograph. The funniest or cleverest caption gets the CD. Listeners' captions Here are some of the captions sent in by listeners. John Burleigh from Scotland Fred:up sat Fred, 'have a cuppa tea mate',a little jingle? Mika: are you ready freddy, steady freddy, are we on air? Ca va? Strawberry from Bangkok Fred: I'm thrilled to have a mention in your song! Mika: Oh yeah. I was a little stuck. Y'know, I like to be like Grace Kelly, but her looks were too sad. So I thought of you and added a little Freddie...and voila we have a hit! Fred: Brilliant! Another version: Fred: Has you hair always been like that? Mika: Oh yes. It's an overflowing of brilliant, natural creative genius. See Einstein has the same kind of hair too. Fred: Amazing! Kelly Rae MacDonald from Canada So Fred, can't we be freinds? Do we need these three little landmines between us? Why don't you have a tea? Sajju Shrestha from Nepal FRED: Dude your hair looks like tentacles. GRACE: What’s your problem mate? My life is in cartoon motion. It's my hair and it's better then yours. Your head looks like this cup fortunately, it has some germinating tentacles Norma Spark from London I think Mika is saying 'I keep entering Outlook competitions, but I never win that wind-up radio!' Harry Barrowclough from The Netherlands Fred: I see you are giving you the BBC celebrity treatment: a cup and saucer; all I get is a plastic beaker! E&C Gabbadon Mika : so ah...how much longer is this gonna take...because i have to go pick up my dry cleaning Julian Leung from Hong Kong Fred Dove: "Grace Kelly? Didn't Her Serene Highness The Princess of Monaco ever occur to you?" Mika: "Yeah it did, but it was hard to encapsulate High Society (hint, hint) into the lyrics." High Society was one of Grace Kelly's musical films, she starred with Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby. And the winner of the CD: Jeff Buchanan from Fiji "Yes Habibi, all the way from Beirut for a nice cuppa tea..." Mika said that he'd love to go back to perform live in Lebanon Mika with a couple of happy melodies What are they saying to each other? The best caption wins a CD of Life in Cartoon Motion In pictures: behind the scenes at Outlook - BBC23 May, 2007 - Published 13:37 GMT
  13. Thanks a lot for posting ! uploaded to [ HD ] video to VK 2015.12.31 The Voice, soon on TF1 ... The coaches are really ready to everything!
  14. Thanks a lot for posting Marina, I start MIKA in French Press - 2016
  15. TF1 'Toute la musique qu'on aime' http://www.purepeople.com/media/exclusif-mika-tournage-de-l-emission_m2028902 Exclusif - Mika - Tournage de l'émission "Toute la musique qu'on aime" sur le bateau Jean Bruel à Paris le 14 décembre 2015. L'émission sera diffusée le 31 décembre sur TF1 en 3ème partie de soirée à partir de 00h30. © Cyril Moreau / Bestimage (no web - No Blog pour suisse et Belgique) Exclusive - Taping of the French TV show "Toute la musique qu'on aime" in Paris, France on december 14, 2015.14/12/2015 - Paris Original (2000 x 3000) https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1589/23396009723_2e6ddbfcbd_o.jpg
  16. The time for starting MIKA in French Press - 2016 has come. Mika-in-French-Press-2017 MIKA in French Press-2015 [The Voice] season-5, France - 2016video-list is #142 Interview Video / Radio / TV show 2016.01.01 TF1 'Toute la musique qu'on aime #2 2016.01.12 RTL #115 2016.01.28 Envoyé Spécial 'les mondes de Mika' here 2016.01.30 TF1 Le 20 heures #21 2016.03.04 Canal+ : Carte Blanche #105 2016.05.07 Envoyé Spécial 'les mondes de Mika' longer virsion HERE 2016.05.12 #BlueRoom de @TwitterParis #AskMika 2016.05.21 Europe1 : Sortez du cadre #66 2016.05.21 TF1 : 50 mn inside Le Portrait : Mika #67 2016.06.04 TF1 : 50 mn inside Spécial Kendji Girac ! #75 2016.09.30 ARTE+7 | Louboutin #84 / YouTube 2016.10.21[ Mika Love Paris ] 2016.11.11 France2 [ Mika Love Paris ] Paper / Magazine / etc. 2016.01.16 TV Grandes Chaînes #9 2016.01.21 TV Magazine #11 scans #14 2016.01.22 Téléstar #13 2016.01.25 Télépoche #17 2016.01.25 Téléstar #18 2016.01.29 L'essentiel epaper #24 2016.01.30 Télépro #23 2016.02.01 Télé Loisirs #22 2016.02.27 Journal de France N° 3 #36 2016.03.22 Télé 7 Jours - 26 Mars au 1 Avril 2016 #42 2016.04.12 Le Berry #9 2016.05.13 DH.be#494 2016.05.17 Melty #7 2016.05.23 Pretties Magazine#69 2016.05.28 Le Parisien #70 2016.08.10 L'Officiel-Levant #46 2016.09.24 t83 #83 2016.09.28 EVOUS* #13 2016.10.02 Valentino's Fashion Show 2016.11.08 Le Parisien* #22 2016.11.09 TéléStar* #28 2016.11.20 LCI* #55 2016.11.20 BFM TV* #56 2016.12.12 Télé 7 Jours#81 2016.12.19 Télé 7 Jours #87 2016.12.20 Pure media #86 2016.12.26 Télé 7 Jours #91
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