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Everything posted by Kumazzz

  1. Lara upload it again !
  2. Anyone can download French TV show ( TF1 / France 2 / France 3 / Canal+ ... etc. ) by http://captvty.fr/ I will download and upload to YT / VK as soon as possible.
  3. LIVE - streaming or http://www.zoptv.com/live/tf1
  4. The Voice : Ambiance rentrée des classes pour le shooting des coachshttp://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/coachs-prennent-pause.html Vous sentez cette odeur ? C’est celle du retour de The Voice ! Votre émission musicale préférée revient bientôt sur vos écrans, la preuve c’est que nous retrouvons nos coachs en plein shooting photo pour la promo à venir. Et comme vous êtes des VIP pour MYTF1, nous vous entraînons dans les coulisses de cet événement. Alors, comment se passe un shooting pour nos profs de choc ? C’est simple, la musique sur le plateau est indispensable pour Mika, une série de cascades et un véritable investissement physique pour Zazie et enfin une « préparation psychologique » pour Garou qui prépare son âme ! Rien que ça ! VK 2016.01.08 Behind the scene of Photo shoot YT
  5. fugues http://www.fugues.com/244596-article-heroes-and-zeros-of-the-year-2015.html Heroes and Zeros of the Year 2015 Publié le 16 décembre 2015 à 15h30 Hero British pop star Mika, who performed three sold-out nights with the OSM at the Maison Symphonique de Montréal in 2015. “Sexuality and identity have been the ingredients of my music and lyrics since the beginning,” Mika told me. “It was always there. It’s just that my figuring out was done in a different way and under a lot of pressure.” pdf file http://issuu.com/fugues/docs/fuguesjanv2016_com page 34 https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1648/24214441856_4bc8bc83d2_k.jpg page 35 https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1661/24240565055_e788f8618f_k.jpg
  6. Thanks a million for your works as always, I'll add your translations to my posts #87 and #96 .
  7. Do you remember X factor 2014 2014.11.27 LIVE-6 E.M. [ Walking on broken glass ] and The Voice 2014 Mika et Caroline Savoie, Kendji Girac, Spleen - Just Can't Get Enough ?
  8. Thanks a million, Lu !! Could anyone translate Corriere della Sera #87 if you have a time to do ?
  9. VIDEO LIST Teaser Trailer Blind Auditions Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Battle rounds Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 L'Épreuve ultime Episode 11 Episode 12 LIVE SHOW Episode 13 Quarter-final Episode 14 Semi-finale Episode 15 Final Episode 16 Thanks a lot for sharing, Antoine !! MikaWebsite[.Com!] The Voice (saison 5)
  10. [ MIKA ET L'ORCHESTRE SYMPHONIQUE DE MONTREAL ] Canadian version finally arrived today, it's a different color CD.
  11. Expression dicembre 2015http://issuu.com/idadance/docs/expression_dicembre_2015
  12. InStyle Meet the Genius Design Duo Behind Valentino: Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli November 23, 2014 @ 10:01 AM http://www.instyle.com/news/meet-genius-design-duo-behind-valentino-maria-grazia-chiuri-and-pierpaolo-piccioli Trained under the master couturier himself, Valentino designers Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli have proved worthy heirs to his legacy: elegance above everything else. Since 2008, the dynamic duo has been creating a harmonious mix of delicacy and edge—an aesthetic that explains why so many celebrities, including Zoe Saldana, Cate Blanchett, and Emma Stone (above), still turn to Valentino for gowns that evoke an individual sense of beauty. We sat down with Chiuri and Piccioli who chatted with us about their design approach, lessons from Valentino, and their music preferences. How do you describe your approach to Valentino? PP: "We think our job is to give a vision of beauty for our time. Being Italian, we want beauty that is closer to grace. Something that is more demure is no less beautiful." MGC: "It doesn't matter whether a dress has long sleeves or is more revealing. The important thing for us is that the woman who wears it embodies elegance and grace combined." You once told me that beauty is how you feel in the moment, yet you also have an affinity for classics. PP: "This idea of beauty is present in every work of art since the 16th century, but we want to go a more contemporary way. Otherwise, it's just stuff. We think it can be interesting to translate something that is very far removed in terms of time or space into our own world and with our own sensibilities." MGC: "In any case, it is important to create something new that will improve your culture and also improve yourself." Does it help that you started your careers by designing accessories? MGC: "That happens to be a very good design school, and I am obsessed with accessories." PP: "You have to create every single detail and tell a story in one object, so it is quite close to couture. With one item you can change an entire look and make it more individual, and that is closer to the idea of what fashion should be today." What is your secret to working as a team? MGC: "We have fun. We have collaborated for 20 years, so we are like an old couple." What words would you use to best describe each other? PP: "Maria Grazia is intuitive, passionate, and very curious." MGC: "Pierpaolo is stimulating. If you look at things alone, you have only one vision. Another person makes you see things from a different angle." What lessons did you learn from Valentino himself? MGC: "He was very firm in what he believed. He listened to everyone's opinions, but in the end he decided alone. I also learned that elegance is an important word in fashion. He maintains great elegance in everything he does." Are celebrities as important to you as they were to Valentino? PP: "We see them now not only on the red carpet but also in their daily lives. They create dreams for people, and fashion, much like cinema, has to create dreams." MGC: "And Valentino is very close to that kind of glamour." On the subject of music, you have been inspired by rock, classical, and opera. What are you listening to now? MGC: "I went to see Beyoncé in Paris with my daughter, who is more modern than me, so she improves my musical culture. And I also love rap music." PP: "I'm obsessed with mixing everything. It creates this tension of genres. I love Mika, who is a friend, and also Italian music from the '90s and rock from the '70s. It's good to not just go in one direction." You don't like One Direction? PP: "Not really, but my daughter is 8, and she loves them. So I listen to them too."
  13. Twitter https://twitter.com/DansLeTGV/status/683973675985453056 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BAHaY1tJXXa/ dansletgv dansletgvJEU CONCOURS TGV @LeTresGrandVoyage : Le #TresGrandVoyage Jusqu'au dimanche 10 janvier, prolongez le voyage rêvé de MIKA en TGV en prenant part au Très Grand Voyage. Pour cela, envoyez-nous une photo de vous, prise de profil avec le hashtag #TresGrandVoyage et nous vous installerons dans notre train face à un autre voyageur. Une fois par jour, les photos de 21 voyageurs seront publiées. 1er lot à gagner : Votre voisin est Mika ! Chaque jour, Mika prendra place à bord et celui ou celle d'entre vous qui aura la chance de se trouver face à lui, remportera un aller-retour de son choix en TGV. 2ème lot à gagner : Le voyageur le plus liké Tout au long de la semaine, invitez vos amis à liker votre photo. À la fin du #TresGrandVoyage, le photographe ayant récolté le plus de likes sur sa photo se verra offrir un voyage tous frais payés grâce à TGV !
  14. translated by Lucrezia Corriere della Sera http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/resilienza-tenerezza.shtml Mika, il secondo giorno in Libano nei campi profughi dei rifugiati in fuga da Isis e dalla guerra in Siria Il cantante e il suo viaggio nei campi profughi Unhcr in Libano. Tra bambini, famiglie e storie di vita di tutti i giorni: «Da quando siamo qui, i nostri sogni sono aumentati» di Mika 1.Il centro di accoglienza / The welcome center http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libano-campi-profughi-rifugiati-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/centro-accoglienza_principale.shtml 2.L’energia dello staff / The energy of the staff http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/energia-staff.shtml 3.Un’assistenza individuale / An individual assistance http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/assistenza-individuale.shtml 4.La scansione / The scan http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/scansione.shtml 5.«Andremo in Gran Bretagna, sarà una nuova vita» / "We'll go in Britain, it will be a new life" http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/andremo-gran-bretagna-sara-nuova-vita.shtml 6.«Non avevo scelta, stavo per prendere il mare» / "I had no choice, I was going to take to the sea" http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/non-avevo-scelta-stavo-prendere-mare.shtml 7.Ahbed e «l’incubo dell’inverno» / 7. Ahbed and "the nightmare of winter" http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/ahbed-l-incubo-dell-inverno.shtml 8.Dove finiscono gli aiuti / 8. Where do the aids go? http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/dove-finiscono-aiuti.shtml 9.Giocando a nascondino tra le macerie / Playing hide and seek among the rubble http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/giocando-nascondino-le-macerie.shtml 10.La famiglia di Ahbed / The family of Ahbed http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/famiglia-ahbed.shtml 11.Imparare l’igiene con le marionette / Learn hygiene with puppets http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/imparare-l-igiene-le-marionette.shtml 12.Il ricamo delle calze di Natale / The embroidery of the Christmas socks http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/ricamo-calze-natale.shtml 13.I sogni diventati più grandi / The dreams become bigger http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/i-sogni-diventati-piu-grandi.shtml 14. La resilienza e la tenerezza / Resilience and tenderness http://www.corriere.it/esteri/cards/mika-secondo-giorno-libanonei-campi-profughi-rifugiatiin-fuga-isis-guerra-siria/resilienza-tenerezza.shtml
  15. Lovely photos from Twitter https://twitter.com/Corriereit/status/683217471537561600 https://twitter.com/Corriereit/status/683564758486913024
  16. The Voice : Les dessous de la BA événement ! The Voice, bientôt sur TF1 http://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/dessous-de-ba-evenement-the-voice-bientot-tf1-1.html?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=AC&utm_campaign= Vous avez découvert, il y a quelques jours, la Bande Annonce événement de la nouvelle saison de "The Voice". Voici en exclu, les coulisses de ce tournage. Zazie, encore toute chamboulée d'être restée acharnée à un filin. Mika, le visage emplâtré, Garou caché sous le décor ou encore Florent Pagny et sa panoplie de parfait aviateur de BD. The Voice revient bientôt sur TF1.. Et les coachs sont prêts à tout pour remporter un nouveau titre... La preuve ! Upload it for you live outside France. VK 2016.01.04 Behind the scenes : the trailer for The Voice season 5
  17. https://twitter.com/TIM_music/status/683970290158800896 TIMmusic Verified account ‏@TIM_music Solo #LiveaCasaTua ti porta nel backstage del #TIMparty! Partecipa, hai tempo fino alle 18 http://www.timmusicliveacasatua.it
  18. I am Eriko ( えり子 ) from Japan , my twitter is Eriko.
  19. 聞きのがした方に 2016.01.01 Mika on R2どうぞ!著作権法上の理由で MFC以外の場所には リンクを張らないでくださいね。 ダウンロード https://clyp.it/qmgpuvkf.mp3?download=1 Mikaは Annie Lennoxと 同じ Vocal Lesson の先生の所に通っていて 毎週待っている間に彼女のレッスンを聴いていたとか... ダウンロードして何度も聴いてみてくださいね。 私の名前は ひらがなの えり子です。
  20. I always use FireFox ADD-ON Download Flash and Video for downloading. Good luck !
  21. MIKA https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/videos/vb.6006248039/10153401119298040/?type=2&theater Siete stanchi dopo i festeggiamenti di Capodanno? Rilassatevi con due repliche in una giornata de#IlViaggioDiMika, per incominciare bene questo 2016! La prima domani alle 1140 e la seconda alle 2110, sempre su Sky Uno Cosa ne pensate?
  22. https://twitter.com/MikaChuSnapchat/status/678562370650787841 MikaSnapchat ‏ @MikaChuSnapchat #PostSnapchat de @JamesAALongman avec @mikasounds et des réfugiés syriens #myrefugeestory
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