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Everything posted by Fangirl

  1. I know it's definitely blood... My weird brain just hears God for some reason.
  2. I'm not the only one then! I thought I was going mad.. I agree, I heard blood the first time, but now I hear God.
  3. :lmfao:


    I'm writing it now. :aah: It should be done at the latest by tomorrow. :naughty:

  4. *waves arm boredly*


    By the way, you're in a new fan fiction that I'm writing and Martin confesses his undying love for you.


    Just thought you should know.



  5. :roftl: I think we should suggest it. "Mika, for your video for Kick Ass, can you wear a pinky/purpley catsuit? Kthx."
  6. Y'know, when I woke up I couldn't think if it was a dream or not. I was so confused. For a while I thought it was ACTUALLY happening. :roftl:
  7. I had two Mika dreams. 1. Something to do with Mika seriously fanboying over Sir Ian McKellen. I can't remember it though. 2. The second one well... It was weird. Everyone on the MFC was talking about Kick-Ass, nothing special. But then someone said 'I'm not looking forward to the music video.. I'm actually slightly worried, actually.' and everyone agreed. I asked why, and someone gave me a link to a YouTube video about Mika. In the video, Mika was wearing a pink-ish/purple-ish catsuit and a mask. The catsuit said KICK ASS on it. Mika went 'Ooh, I can't wait until I finish this video! It'll be the best one YET!' That dream was slightly scary. I'm blaming it on the fact that I have a high fever.
  8. (His name was Jack though. And he was obsessed with High School Musical. ) Haha! Awesome! :roftl:
  9. Yep yep! ( I just realised something. I knew a kid who looked like Mika when he was a kid... He was really musical.. But he left my school because people bullied him because he was different... Wow. Odd. )
  10. Everything good needs replacing, look up, look down all around, hey satellite~
  11. So... I couldn't be bothered to write anything about the gig until now... Okay. So the gig was really, really awesome. Honestly, it was epic. We stood near the back, but we got an okay view. There were a couple of tall people in front of us who sometimes made it hard to see, but for most of the gig, it was great. I especially liked Dr. John and Blue Eyes, those preformances were GREAT! But of course, all of the songs were wonderful... I went with my dad and one of my friends (who is now an MFCer. ), and they both thought it was fantastic. I'm glad. My dad was never a Mika fan. My friend got some videos and pictures (of an okay quality) on her phone, so I'll try to upload them later.
  12. :biggrin2:


    I'm good thanks! :boing:


    OMG it was EPIC! :aah: I loved it! :boing: :boing: That gig converted my friend into an MFCer. :lmfao:

  13. I feel we haven't talked in AGES!!!:aah:


    How are you? :huglove: :huglove:

  14. The gig was AM-A-ZING! I loved it! :boing: I converted my friend. She's obsessed now. I'll only do a proper report tomorrow though. Believe it or not I have to still go to school tomorrow, so I'm going to bed.
  15. I think they mean the uncensored version. Here: http://perezhilton.com/tv/index.php?ptvid=338b7e268e3a8
  16. My dad refuses to leave until 3PM. He's scared of a little bit of rain. Hmph.
  17. This old man, he played one, he played knick knack on my thumb...
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