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Everything posted by DerMoment1608

  1. Thanks for your answer, robertina. It seems cutted at the end at Jos show, so there may will be some more in the "bbc version", too. From what you are telling I hope he will choose the "italian version" for the album
  2. @MFCers who went to the prelistening Was that the same version you heart yesterday? She told that the album will come out at 8th of october :blink::blink::blink:
  3. My spontaneous thought's while listening: "the beginning is much more dancy" "maybe it doesn't sound 'full' enough?" "his voice is distracted" "I'm missing the the emphasis of the live version" "I really don't like the distraction of the voice" :sneaky2: I don't know, I had this "non-feeling"/"I don't have a emotional reaction while listening" like I had with MYH again :( This are really my first impressions, hopefully it changes after some listenings And WTF told Jo about 8th of October??????
  4. Here is the stream: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_radio_two
  5. Wow! :excite: It's 20:00 british time if I see it right: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00zqcjv
  6. Thanks for your report, Sabine! I really like reading the different reports because everyone writes some new, different pieces that he noticed while listening. It's like a jigsaw
  7. @Rich Isaacson It's kind of funny in the context of "The origin of love" 7 years later that Mika is wearing a cross here And Mika looks so young And his hair
  8. I don't think Mika is referring to one of these two interviews we have seen so far because I doesn't look like he is (gets) in a bad mood there or that he feels assaulted by one of the questions. I suppose we will see/read the interview later.
  9. Ah, I'm very happy about that I love these parts in the live-versions and was a little bit worried that they weren't included in the studio-versions. Are the parts in TOOL only in the end (like in the Denmark version) or are they in the intro (and first chorus) as well (like in the Estonian version or the versions of Nice, Vienne...) And does Lola start with the called "Lola" and "Aha", too?
  10. Thanks for you detailed report, mellody. I especially like that you tell our impressions but also facts about the songs, so we can get a better picture about them. Can't wait to hear them finally!
  11. Thanks for your reporting your impressions!
  12. I'm dying to hear reports! How did the recorded versions of TOOL and UW sound? Is the "it's you, it's you, it's you" / "of love, of love, of love" / "love, love, love" from the live-versions of TOOL included in the recorded one? Does Lola have the playful intro, too? Are the lyrics of "Emily" similar to the English version of EMD? Are the other songs slow, fast, melodic, happy...? Which songs did have the most "instant appeal" for you? Has Mika gone "new ways" with some songs? Are there "typically Mika" songs as well? Sorry, I'm so curious
  13. After listening to his reasons for that I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing anymore. He hasn't decided on purpose, not because he can't decide I can follow his thoughts here.
  14. I thought I would repost it here. Some interesting information So, the deadline is next week, the final version isn't ready yet and he hasn't decided which songs are going to be on the album
  15. You have to go to 17:24 in the timeline of the player. I hope someone can record and upload it nevertheless, I can't watch it, too, because of my slow connection
  16. Here you can hear the latin part the best so far, I think. I would say it's "matre" after hearing this version. But no new ideas about the other parts
  17. In this picture you see Mika as an angel who is entering the door to hell. I think it means that he stops to be a "good" person and begins to do a lot of "bad" things. And with "bad things" I mean things that the church sees as bad (not that Mika will be a bad person of course ) More in this sense: [YOUTUBE]f6LNaYX8HK8[/YOUTUBE] I'm not really sure what Mika meant with this picture. But I'm sure his intention wasn't that he thinks he will be dead in 5 years.
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