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Everything posted by Kaito

  1. It's just that I've been to Scotland in July and I've been missing it ever since :') And now, I have one more reason to miss that place ~ haha I'm sure the gig's gonna be great :> What is the life in Glasgow like ?
  2. He received a warm welcome there, didn't he ? Well, I'm sure we'll be hearing more and more from S. Korea in the future 'cause Kpop is getting more popular each year and dramas promote Korea around the world~ *yeah* I listen to Korea, music myself but... I'm just curious about what Korean artists he was pointing out The thing that annoys me about Kpop is that bands never play music instruments... it's mainly electronic and I can't feel anything authentic :'( So, as Mika sees the sincerity as a huge matter... i'm really curious WHO he was talking about :'>
  3. For the intro : TRANSLATION : After 2 hit-albums, Mika’s back with the 3rd one, very promising. Not only writes he cheerful hits, Mika is also a cultivated and adorable man that is worth discovering. Great work smokesignal ! "hyperleché" means that it was really well made They make great productions with smaller budgets. "plus ou moins" facile => It means it isn't always easy but he manages to put up with it.
  4. Source : Thansk to Mikawebsite.com http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/cc225/toutoune121082/?action=view& Photo : http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/cc225/toutoune121082/?action=view&current=2-MDA.jpg I've just begun translating ;> EDIT - TRANSLATION : Your fans have had to wait for 3 years to see you back. Why? After TWKTM, I gave many gigs and I did not write for 2 years. I just couldn’t make it. Back in London, I began to rediscover music on the internet. I wanted to find back the naivety I had had for my 1st album. One day, I got up and decided to go to Montreal…and it took me only a few months to write the album. Why have you chosen “Love” as central subject for your album? Because love is completely crazy! We can be as well really happy as really depressed…we never know what’s gonna happen. It’s something that unites us all. But the love songs I’ve written are unconventional. “Elle me dit” is a love song that talks about a “break up” between a mother and a son. Where did the inspiration for this album come from? It came from my life. (He smiles) I fell in love and I thought it was an experience that would be perfect to be told. I tried to show each stage of love but in a “punk way”: it’s not cheesy, it’s funny and absurd. Actually, I don’t really care about love. What does make you happy? Writing! Even when I feel down, I can create something on my own with the piano. Going on stage too. I feel free there. When you decide what you want to do with your life, you have to wonder what will make you feel free. And at last, eating! Greediness makes me as happy as can be. (XD) Your “joyful side” makes some people compare you with Teletubbies. (O.o) Does that bother you ? I play with joy to tease life. But it’s not a fake joy such as “Boum boum, let’s party! ” I make happy pop music but this is sincere. I have serious messages but I convey them my own way. Those who criticize have never been to one of my gigs, which are happy and macabre (dark), a bit like Tim Burton. You can’t be happy unless you’re a bit dark as well. You’re flirting with electro-music. Aren’t you afraid to lose the sensitive touch of your music ? There is a way to put your hearth into electro-music, which shouldn’t only be “dance music” made by a computer. For “Celebrate”, everything was recorded with real musicians and then cut which gave the electro sound. You’re now singing in French. Who should we thank for that? I grew up in Paris, the French songs are part of my musical culture but I couldn’t write my own lyrics… I met a musician called Doriand and we wrote b4 songs together. Maybe one day it’ll be a whole album… The Album: From joy to despair, from denial to fighting… Mika tells us about love, from every angle. And he has great weapons to charm us: universal anthems, trippy or joyful ballads and, of course, his kind of ditties, as great as usual. Gem of diversity, “The Origin of Love” will take you on the roller coaster of LOVE. And the songs in French... we want some more!
  5. TRANSLATION - Sorry for mistakes :'> I'm a bit tired ~ It must sounds a lot "French"... I tried to do it fast before going to bed xD I'll check it tomorrow to improve it ~ MUSIQUE – After a successful international tour, Mika needed to rest. With «The origin of love», solar electro-pop album – no as light as it may seem - , he comes back to what he loves the most. You hadn’t released an album for 3 years. What did happen after your last tour ? It took me quite a long time before getting back to work. I wanted something fresh, a reinvention of my music. For several months, I didn’t know what to do. And then, an event in my life shook me: my sister nearly died in an accident. Once her state had been stabilized, that she was out of danger and began to walk again, I could get back to work. Did you change your way of working ? I wanted to be surrounded again by musicians. For the last album, I had faced loneliness because I wanted darker and less commercial music? For this one, I wanted something joyful. Was that a difficult process ? It took me 7 months to write it, which is pretty fast for me, and then 8 months in studios. It may seem long but it’s really a lot of work to compose the musical tapistery of the album. I love to put together lots of different musical universes, from pop to classical music. There’re lots of orchestrations with real instruments but also electronic productions. I’m the product of all these X that tells where I’m from, who I am. So, I want them to be perfect, it’s hard but at the same time fun. You need to have fun to work well or does working relax you? One triggers the other, and « vice versa ». If I don’t feel liberated, I can’t get to this result. But when I write a song such as «The Origin of Love» , I feel so confident that, afterwards, writing the album is easier. That’s what explains the fact I had been stuck for a year and a half, not being able to write anything . Do people make better music when they’re happy ? I’m a fan of Barbara, whose best work was made when she was unhappy. For me, I think it’s the opposite, I need trust. I need to feel invicible, not being afraid from making something crappy. Did your sister’s accident help you to feel more confident? Paradoxicaly, yes. We always change after having been through something like that. In my family, it brought us closer. All my brothers/sisters work in Art fields. This « shaking » event helped each of us in our respective field. Me, I needed it ‘cause I put a lot of truth in what I do, my music tells my life, which – fortunately- is pretty rich. In my songs, I put everything and when it comes to medias, I don’t say anything. You have made your coming out this summer, though. I have made it because I’m happy at the moment. Knowing I’m gay isn’t important to understand my music and understand me as a person. Doesn’t your sexuality have an influence on your music ? Well, it has always been a part of it. On stage, I need to feel physically free and I love to add some sexual ambiguity. For that, yes, it matters. Why such a late coming out ? I think you can’t force any artist to do it unless he feels like it. It’s important to do it “his own way” at a moment of joy and trust, so that it generates tolerance and not hate. In my case, I found, lost love and then found it back. I’m finally happy and free. It was the right time to do it. I know that not everyone is interested in it so I’m not gonna put it forward more than that. With your coming out and your sister’s accident, you actually have to talk quite a lot about your private life… Yes, that’s how promo works. I know that it only lasts a while. Right now, I’m rather at the « introspective » stage, I have to tell in a few minutes the emotions that I felt during the 3 past years and it lets not much time left to finally talk about music. But I don’t really think about that all day. Right now, we’re talking but tonight, I’ll be back at work, working on the upcoming tour. You’re about to start touring again for a year maybe two… anxious ? Not at all. It’s a joyful moment but you have to give everything you’ve got, forget your daily life and live ONLY for the tour. It sounds a bit like a circus but one I love.
  6. Do you think it's THIS movie that Mika was talking about in the Universal (extended) interview ? :0 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055093/
  7. I can't recall it but it sounds like it's hard to pronounce ... Anyone remember it? (I think it had been mentioned in June, not sure anymore though...)
  8. I knew this song'd be great from the moment I heard its title *Hahaha* I can't wait to listen to it myself :>
  9. We are very likely to get both FR & UK Deluxe Edition but I just thought I could buy one and buy the "missing songs" by Itunes if I can... We'll see
  10. I'm not sure I'd be able to stop if I start to listen to the teasers, that's why I haven't listened to anything, even the 30s teasers It's the same when I start eating candies... I can't stop as long as I haven't ate them all :'X That's why I try not to buy candies too often xD I really enjoy it when I do, though xD haha
  11. Welcome to the club !~ I just listen to Heaven live (OOL) over and over again ... xD That's how I keep it up :'D Listening to bits of the songs'd drive me crazy... haha~ Waiting is wiser, I think. I'm just more and moooore eager to listen to the whole cd
  12. What does he mean by "hysterie" ? xD I mean... I would have never associated Mika's gig with "hysterie" ... o.O
  13. Really ? That was too perfect to be true :'> *huhu* Well, we'll see then
  14. I'm thinking about it ;> I just have to change my country and I can get access to any country itunes shop, I think... So I'll maybe do it
  15. Thank you ! :>>>

  16. France 2 ? :DD Great ! I guess it's will be aired at night, as usual ... xD
  17. Netherlands first They're getting the CD (UK version) on the 14th, I think. Well, one song is 0,99 on itunes. For the Deluxe edition, there're 19 songs so.. that doesn't change anything :'/ (Not much at least). Usually, I don't buy CDs when they cost more than 15... But it doesn't apply when I'm really looking forward to listen to a CD
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