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Everything posted by Kaito

  1. VIDEO !! http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1828040842001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAAAGw6_cw~,orja1xhYdu2gZCWzjCe4JDJmugq7YJ7U&bclid=1826999254001&bctid=1828063348001
  2. It wasn't much Aaaw I'm so excited~ This song rocks :0 I listened both version to compare and well, the difference isn't that stricking but... there is a sound added on the CD which I don't really like... You barely hear it, though... It's the sound Dj make when they move Cd's playing... I can't explain it but there is a rythm with that sound.... It's like "fiou" ... "Fiou" .... I really can't explain it xD I won't listen to the accoustic before I get the CD :> So... we'll see next Monday for the final comparison ! *.* PS: About the *cute* end of the video : Made me think of the Montreal interview She asked what his bf's reaction was when he heard the song : well...comparin him to sigarette & nicorette... maybe not the best idea ever xD
  3. I'll be there :> I was just surprised when it ended... I thought it'd be longer :'D
  4. Right on time :DDDD Thank youuu ! Oh xD I had never heard Liverpool's accent :DD
  5. Can you post the link to listen to it ? The one I have doesn't load T_T'
  6. I fear that French won't make it any better x'D We'll see ...
  7. Kaito

    Sorry, there was a problem with my connexion :'/ It was sent several times ;___;'

  8. Kaito

    Well, I don't really listen to idols anymore either :> Could you advice me some great Kpop artists ? :)))

  9. The thing that made me laugh is "I don't really care about love" => "We believe you, being in love doesn't seem to make you happy at all"
  10. I regret to say that... I don't understand why you make such a fuss about it :'> Could someone explain it to me ? xD I can't see anything... I watched the 1st ep of Sherlock but... still... Ps: Don't stab me pleaaaase XD
  11. Me too haha~ And the part where he talks about the food in Montreal, pretty hilarious as well. I seemed a bit bothered or... no, more like uncomfortable for one second when she started asking about his coming out and the link it may have with his new CD (with his new confidence)... It thought it was very touching when he talked about music & sexual orientation
  12. Kaito

    Well, I don't really listen to idols anymore either :> Could you advice me some great Kpop artists ? :)))

  13. Kaito

    Well, I don't really listen to idols anymore either :> Could you advice me some great Kpop artists ? :)))

  14. Kaito

    Well, I don't really listen to idols anymore either :> Could you advice me some great Kpop artist ? :)))

  15. Weird :0 I found a paper version of the CD last time I went to the record shop but I don't know if it's the "classic version"...it sounded more like an old version of the CD... Nothing special about it... Just a "paper envelop" for the Cd...
  16. I thought Netherlands was... Belgium's getting it next Monday (17th) ;D Itunes was updates ! Both Cds are availible for Belgians I may still buy both Cds... Physical ones, I mean I'll ask my wallet how he feels about it ("My dear Mr.Wallet, what do you think of it ? huh ?" ) I think I'll phone Mediamarkt/Fnac tomorrow... :'D Just to make sure that the release date is the right one... They won't have ANY excuse, they MUST know it FOR SURE now
  17. I changed a few things 'cause... Mika's sentences were...weird but I tried to transcribe it "as he said it" as much as I could but sometimes, he was hesitating, said funny sentences, stopped the sentence and... you can still wait for the end of sentence, it'll never happen XD HAHA Mika, tu étais en spectacle hier à l’international des montgolfières, spectacle qu’on a vu et on a quelques images pour toi. * Mika, you were yesterday at the "International des Montgolfières". We've got some videos of the show of last night to show you* Hier, c’était le dernier concert de l’été, parce que je recommence ma tournée en octobre. Alors, c’était un bon finishing pour les concerts, les festivals de l’été. C’était tellement beau avec tous les ballons, je ne m’attendais pas à ça, je ne m'attendais pas à... c’était vraiment magnifique. *Yesterday was my last summer gig because I won't tour before october. So, it was a great way to end the summer gigs/festivals. It was really beautiful with all these balloons... I hadn't expected that.. Really, it's was gorgeous.* C’est intéressant parce que tu as justement entamé l’enregistrement de ton album ici. *It's interestint because it's here you began recording the Cd.* Oui, je l’ai commencé ici et c’est drôle car je l’ai fini hier et j’ai pris un vol, le même vol que celui que j’ai pris lorsque j’ai commencé à faire l’album. En finissant l’album, j’ai pris le même vol. Et sur ce vol de Londres à Montréal, j’ai finalement checké l’artwork, le booklet et j’ai dit « bon, c’est confirmé, envoyez-le ». Et c’est drôle parce qu’il y a un an et demi, j’étais sur le même vol en train de dire « mais qu’est-ce que je suis en train de faire ? » Je n’ai pas d’hotel, je sais pas où je suis en train de travailler, avec qui je vais travailler mais je suis arrivé et j'ai dit "Montréal, c'est sûr !" Je suis arrivé parce que c’est un monde à part pour moi. Le Québec a un sentiment très différent, ça a une identité très forte et une identité que j’aime bien. J’aime bien les gens … On mange très bien ici. On mange très bien à Montréal, c’est fou… On grossit très bien..très vite. *Yes, I started it here and it's funny because I finished it yesterday on the plane, the same as the one I took when I started the CD. On this flight London-Montréal, I finally checked the final artwork and booklet. I said "Ok, it's confirmed, you can send it !" and it's funny 'cause one year and a half ago, I was on the same flight but I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't have a hotel, I didn't know where I'd work nor the peopel with who I'd work... but I arrived here and I said "Yes, it's Montreal for sure !" I arrived here because this place is like no other for me. Québec has a very different feeling, it has a very strong identity and I love this identity. I like the people... Food is really tasty here... We eat very well here, it's crazy ! We put on weight very very quicly as well (laugh). * Tu as récemment révélé ton homosexualité au grand jour, est-ce que ça s’inscrit dans la démarche de cet album-là, parce qu’on sent que c’est un album plus assumé, plus en confiance que jamais là-dessus ? *Lately, you made public your homosexuality, does it has to do with this new album, with which we can see that you're much more confident. Ouais, c’est sûr qu’on entend l’album et on se dit « Bon, il a beaucoup de confiance sur cet album, plus que le deuxième". C’était un peu un journal personnel qui s’est passé pendant douze mois. On entend « L’Origine de l’amour » et c’est le début et après on entend toutes les évolutions de ça. A un moment, c’est fantastique, 2 chansons plus tard c’est complètement par terre, en train de dire « Je vais te tuer, je te déteste dans tous les sens, tu ne sers à rien. Va te faire foutre XX Et 3 chansons après c’est « Aaah tu es tout.. je suis calme… » * Yeah, it's sure that when you listen to the CD, you think "He is very confident on this CD, much more than on the 2nd one". Well, it was a kind of diary about my life that covers 12 months. At a moment, it's fantastic and 2 songs later, everything has turned wrong and I'm saying "I'm gonna kill you, I hate you, you're useless, f*ck off" and 3 songs further, it's "Aaaah you mean everythign for me.." and I'm calm... Mais en même temps, comme je le dis toujours, l’orientation, la sexualité, cela n’a pas beaucoup à voir avec la musique. Cela a beaucoup à voir…mais ce n’est pas essentiel pour comprendre la musique. La musique reste universelle. Si ça reste tout seul, on ne doit pas tout savoir pour comprendre la musique. Mais pour me comprendre comme personne, comme une vraie personne, pas comme une caricature, ouais, c’est important. Cela fait complètement partie de qui je suis. * But at the same time, as I've always said, the sexual orientation hasn't got much to do with music. Well... actually..yeah, it does a lot but.. it's not essential to understand music because music is universal. If music is considered on its own, you don't have to know everythign to understand it. But, to understand me as a person, as a real person, not a caricature, yeah.. it's important. It is completely part of who I am. Tu as vendu des millions d’albums à travers le monde, quel est aujourd’hui ton rapport avec le succès ? * You've sold billions of Cds aroudn the world, how do you put up with your success ? Euuuh. Je ne sais pas…Parce que.. « You’re only as good as your last show » ( Do you hear the same thing?) C’est toujours la même chose… J’ai le même désire et la même pression que lorsque je n’avais vendu rien. Ça change rien, ça change rien, en fait. *Euuuh I don't know 'cause " You're only as good as your last show". It's always the same... I still have the same desire and pressure as when I hadn't sold anything. It doesn't change anything...Yes, indeed, it doesn't change anything.
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