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Everything posted by Milda

  1. OMG!!! The look on Mika's face when he got asked about getting bald, I can totally imagine this happening for real :lmao:
  2. Not a problem anymore Found this site http://www.daveproxy.co.uk/. It looks like it's working for me. From now on I can be an UK citizen whenever I want
  3. You forgot meetings with Dalai Lama
  4. The new video is just :aah: I liked his Christmas song I'm not gonna hate him just because he's Bieber, the boy has soft hands after all
  5. Did I heard it right? Did he said he hopes to have a kid soon? As far as I remember, the last time he mentioned children, he said he won't have them.. He must be so much more happy and confident about his relationship now than he was back then, awww
  6. She's such an adorable person, isn't she? After Mika did that interview with wotyougot, I noticed that he interviewed Marina too, she's just too lovely [YOUTUBE]kxUNt_19p1Y&feature=plcp[/YOUTUBE]
  7. Someone is totally And this part... "You are American? you are native English speakers? If you're not, shut up and go to another page because this is the realm of intelligent people and you clearly you're not"
  8. It's on Mika's Youtube channel too [YOUTUBE]aGkxPZRzlLU&feature=g-all-u[/YOUTUBE] As part of the Rock the Games music programme, I'm going to be performing a few tracks and answering your questions live on YouTube on Wednesday Aug 8th. Make sure to ask your questions before then and tune in! #askmika
  9. Oh I agree - it's a good idea, but still it looks hilarious And thanks for the video! I would love to have a job like that for a day or two
  10. Felix is damn sexy If I were Mika's boyfriend, I would get jealous!
  11. Holly sh!t! It looks like a M&G with Justin Bieber, not with Mika
  12. You're lucky I'm on a diet A pic of cookies might be enough for me
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