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Everything posted by Milda

  1. Don't worry, I can help you with your memory http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3692621&postcount=756 That's the reason why I asked this.. She said 8 of October, but it wasn't confirmed anywhere
  2. What? I said sorry Someone promised to send me cookies if it's October
  3. Hi five A week or so ago it was the only reason why I installed iTunes and created an account. I wanted to buy Celebrate even though I don't like it that much At first I wasn't even sure if there is such thing as Lithuanian iTunes, but there is So finally I bought Celebrate too! I must say that I really liked iTunes.. until the next day when it crashed. Reinstalled it quite a few times, but it still doesn't work. I'm thinking about buying a new laptop now By the way, I saw there is Ukrainian iTunes, but there's no music section, only apps, books and some other thing.. No music? Wtf?
  4. How is it possible to do something like this without breaking your legs?
  5. +1 I was expecting to see a crowd or the stage, but definitely not this I'm not complaining though
  6. Yay for Madrid and Barcelona http://www.europapress.es/cultura/musica-00129/noticia-mika-actuara-madrid-barcelona-noviembre-20120727140333.html
  7. I just can't believe it! So many journalists harassed Mika about his sexuality for about 5 years and now when he finally said he's with a man, they don't even mentioned it
  8. There was a different version at the listening party in Italy and no one knows which version gonna end up on the album
  9. Is this interview translated anywhere on the MFC? http://www.webtvnice.com/interview-de-mika/
  10. Singing about his grandma is just priceless :lmfao: Thank you so much for this video
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