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Everything posted by petra_ale

  1. How much do tickets to her show cost nowadays? Last time I saw a price I think it was something around 50 Euros... I'd love it if I got the chance to see her in the next year... Has anyone of you seen her live? Or might?
  2. same here mama era la calculator si ce sa fac, ma plictiseam schimband canalele... dar cand am prins reclama am ramas atat de incat nici nu mi-am dat seama cand se terminase (nu am prins-o de la inceput) sa nu mai zic ca de fiecare data am vazut doar jumate din ea, azi dimineata cand am prins-o de la inceput am zis "da ce naiba, au pus toata melodia? cand se termina?" nu stiam ca are in jur de 1min Bianca daca apar afise in oras cu concertul imi pastrezi unul, asa-i?
  3. I stumbled across Mika for the first time in my dreams last night He was to do a gig in my city and that day in the morning he visited my neighbours who apparently were some family friends, then suddenly everybody came in my living room and I started chattering with Mika about every single thing in the world we could think of. He couldn't stop talking, he was commenting about everything and especially about the fact that he could touch the ceiling with his hair (I guess he was way taller than in reality:roftl:) Then I kissed him on the cheek which he did in return and then I gave him a piece of paper for an autograph... Mika wrote 16.06.2010 on it, made a paper plane out of it and that was my autograph And he left a minute later. This was so unexpected, yet it felt so real that I'm still a bit puzzled about it
  4. Relieved, 'cause school is over at last Annoyed 'cause Twitter won't work even if I refresh it a thousand times
  5. Eu probabil ca dupa concert nu mai raman in Mamaia pt ca nu mi-o prea pot permite de aia vreau sa va intreb... care statiune e cea mai buna avand in vedere raportul calitate-pret? Majoritatea celor pe care i-am mai intrebat imi sugereaza Eforie... poate daca ati mai fost pe acolo mi-ati putea da niste detalii despre cum v-ati cazat si cum v-a iesit vacanta? (ma refer atmosfera si statiunea in general, dar si costuri, daca se poate) EDIT: nu ca as crede in superstitii dar am ramas un pic cand am vazut ca am postarea 667
  6. Anybody heard her song for the World Cup, Waka Waka? I only found today that she's the one who sings it... and it grows on me!
  7. There's always somebody wanting something from me so I'm kind of watching the video in pieces but holy moly I love the way she looks from 5:10 on I haven't even watched the vid til the end... but I'm starting to like it a lot! EDIT: just finished watching it. I totally didn't expect it to end the way it did
  8. woah can't believe ladygaga.com, gagadaily, twitter and I don't know how many other sites crashed because of the Alejandro premiere Anyway... the video is up, Gaga posted it, watching it right now I hope it'll be as fab as it can be! this is the link:
  9. It's Prince's 52th birthday today! Unfortunately I don't think there is a way in which we could tell him a Happy Birthday personally, but I think he hasn't forgotten that he still is the best to a good bunch of people even though he's not nearly as popular today as he was back in the 80's and 90's... so to him!! And now, some hilarious gif that Mum found a couple months ago
  10. Amazing reports, the excitement is so contagious! I'm glad you had such a great time!!
  11. Woah, all the pictures are so nice and you looked awesome as a LG (the other girls as well)! Waiting now for the reports... but don't rush it
  12. Congraaats on 4000th post (ma rog, deja e 4001 :roftl: dar nu conteaza)


    ce mai faaaci? :huglove: sper ca totul e okay incluzand terminatul scolii si asa :biggrin2: nu de alta, dar la mine de luni e greva si habar n-am cum o sa se termine...

    am colegi in clasa care sunt stresati ca au Speaking'ul duminica (aparent tocmai ce am aflat ca jumate de clasa da FCE si 2 dau CAE), daca asa ai si tu programul atunci iti urez mult succes :thumb_yello:


    Si intre timp... ne mai auzim! :pinkbow:

  13. Same here We Are Golden has been my absolute No.1 for a while now (for the same reasons that Lollipop_monkey stated, and it's really encouraging at times), while the other songs catch me depending on my mood
  14. Oh, not that I would tell them, either they would never get it, as you said... If they want to find out... they can come here and find out on their own
  15. You know you're a Mika fan (but more than that you know you've been on the MFC for a while) when you say to your friends "oh that's chickeny! :naughty:" or "no chicken tonight dear :mf_rosetinted:" and they look all because you forgot to tell them what it means and they think that you come from another planet
  16. now you had a bunch of competitions running in the middle of the night according to my timezone... have you done anything on those? :teehee:

    I stayed Saturday until 1 at night to see the winners to one comp and I was to stay as well last night until 3 AM (if Mum let me stay of course...)

    You'd better not tell me you didn't participate :sneaky2: cause you had the timezone by your side now :lmfao:

  17. I finally got them all :lmfao: it's just a matter of really concentrating to what you need to find, when I found this I had just woke up so I really needed to think a lot :lol3:

  18. yes it's very easy, just don't think of leaders for a certain country :thumb_yello:

    this is nuts, I have 2 letters of 14 and still can't realize what is it :lmfao:

  19. you struggling with no. 14 at the competition too, aren't you? :lol3:

    I've already been thinking for 15 mins about it and still can't make it up... it's weird :roftl:

  20. Confused going to a sort of local festival and dunno how things are going to end 'cause I don't really want to go...
  21. you... YOU! *must...close...this...whole...tab...right.......now* and go back to the 4 Charlie Chaplin tabs I have open... (have to write some sort of essay about him) oh thank you anyway you just made me a bit more eager to work
  22. oh man... I saw this picture when I least expected and now I'm all over it Always had a thing with Jude Law and Hugh Grant... (oh please, I hope no one posts a pic with HG or I might end lurking here forever instead of doing what I have to do now )
  23. I was happy till I realised I had to learn some useless stuff in Biology for tomorrow now I see people in here who don't feel quite okay A big for Angel and Laurel!
  24. I just discovered it today! go to http://www.jodimarr.com , then to photos and somewhere around the older pics there must be that one too love that pic
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