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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Je te souhaite une bonne fin de jour de l'an!

  2. Happy New Year dear Rian!

  3. Happy New Year, glad you like the card!

  4. We have a motto around here that you always win a man by his stomach:naughty:
  5. Merry Christmas, dear Mika! It's time to enjoy family and friends:biggrin2:
  6. Joyeux Noël Guylaine!


    J'espère que tu passes du bon temps en famille.

  7. no, I knew what they were... One question about it, usually we plant tulip bulb in the fall here. Do you think I should wait and put them in the spring?


    Thanks for your wishes, I intend to have a lovely time.


    Talk to you soon!

  8. Well, by some magical powers.. I received a box today:biggrin2:


    Thanks for the bulbs:wink2: Will put it in my garden this spring.


    Love the card:teehee:

  9. Yes, tuesday was their last school day and they go back on Jan 5.

  10. Have a great day my friend!

  11. Good morning! I hope we will be able to talk a bit today (I'll steal the computer from my kids...)

  12. she's due early January but hopes it will happen soon. So yeah, I might be around

  13. Thanks! Can't wait to go to my hometown for a week, I have a few friend I'm looking forward to see (and family.. my brother's wife is expecting a new baby boy anytime soon)

  14. Don't worry about me... I'n on vacation now!

  15. Wow that was fast! Glad you liked it

  16. Thanks for posting the interview:biggrin2: As for reference to MH, didn't Mika himself said (in the BBC new year's show on radio 2) that he used to spent hours singing and dancing to INXS songs? and when you think about it, there are a,lot of similarities between the two:thumb_yello:
  17. :wink2:Si tu lis le post de Bienie et que tu veux avoir un sneak peak de mon roman-savon, fais-moi signe:biggrin2:


    Tout va bien? t'es pas frigorifiée dans un banc de neige?

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