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Everything posted by BiaIchihara

  1. you have to say a Celeb name wich starts with ''A'' because the last letter of my celeb was ''A''
  2. Aqui tem um exemplo parecido, se chama Sobral, não muito longe de Fortaleza, um colega meu da faculdade disse que lá é tão quente que as vacas dão leite em pó :aah:
  3. Actually I pay attention more on the book/subject/story than the author , but I like some brazilian authors like Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Álvares de Azevedo (both wrote poetry too), Machado de Assis, José de Alencar, Lygia Fagundes Telles (at the moment I remembering only these ones, but there's more:aah:) and some another foreign authors too like Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe and especially Diana Wynne Jones :biggrin2:
  4. Não muito frio, mas estava, agora calor no Rio é novidade pra mim Peraí, não pode acabar em 2012, não antes de eu ir prum show do Mika e me formar :shocked: Oi Sara!!! Espero que tenha feito uma boa prova e muita sorte pra vc sweeta, a propósito, está estudando oftamologia???
  5. caraca, aqui foi céu nublado, chuva e frio o dia todo, até a água daqui tá gelando :aah:
  6. +1' date=' But I bought to my mother on Mother's Day, I, she and my sister are very fans of Gaga :aah: [img']http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/35/TheFameMonsterStandard.jpg[/img]
  7. Bom fim de tarde Mary (aqui são 17:41) Relou bequi pipou
  8. I suggest read Diana Wynne Jones books, especially the Chrestomanci series, you can know more about the autor and her books in Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Wynne_Jones
  9. :pbjt::pbjt:FELIZ NÍVER, SWEETA!!!:pbjt::pbjt:





  10. I know, I meant ''Can I join this basically, pointlessly delicious Food Party???'' :wink2:
  11. I got addicted for Fix You by Coldplay :aah:

    What do you like besides Mika???

  12. You are addicted in a song too??? Wich one??? :aah: :aah: :aah:

    And welcome to The 'KEEP MIKA GOLDEN' Voting Club :boing: :boing: :boing:

  13. Ser fã do Mika = união GOLDEN independente de questões quilométricas :punk:

    pra vc tbm sweeta :huglove:

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