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Everything posted by iliveforglitter

  1. yeah a lot has come back to me now, by seeing photos and over reviews! Also thanks!
  2. My review: Before the gig: I arrived at about 12pm- but I thought I was going to be late as I took the car and there was bad traffic! Anyway, I went looking for where Mika was but I got lost, so it took me a while to get there! I got there and managed to get a place in the second row with Eloise and Mair- which was fun because of their funny dance moves (e.g. big fish, little fish...). The stage was also a little small- but Mika and the other acts worked it! So some really WEIRD DJ's were on before- and I hate that type of music, so us three went wondering around for a bit and wrote on a wall (don't worry we were allowed to ), whilst going back 5 minutes later! So my feet were starting to hurt, and this one DJ before Mika had been on for more than an hour, and you could see people just wanted the boss! So they started to set up his band set, and underneath the stage we saw feet, so we kept looking out for Mika's feet (in a non- creepy way) but were unsuccesful! Finally we saw his mum, Yasmine and Paloma (who looked healthy and well) sit/stand in the corner of the stage whilst the band FINALLY set up, and then the fun began! The gig: This gig was my first ever Mika gig so I was screaming like mental through all of it! He first sang Relax- which was really good and I was amazed by how well he hit the high notes in it. Then I think it was BIOTG, which everyone went mental and clapped like crazy! After it was either Love Today, Make You Happy or Lollipop- all were fantastic, especially MYH as he used the 'electro' voice and that was really good live! Lollipop was interesting as one of his band used a clarinet- and as everybody said we all thought it was Stuck In The Middle, but it worked really well! Everyone knew the words to Love Today, which made Mika smiled a little (as you could tell he was a bit nervous). Next was Celebrate where I held up my sign that I made, and Eloise and Mair held up their's too. This was also where he looked at us all, and did a little smile (because Eloise and Mair's posters said OK to match the lyrics)! Celebrate had that female backing singer too, who was very good and had a powerful voice! Last was Grace Kelly, and I was so upset that it was over! He sang it full of energy and seriously looked very happy! Most people knew all the words so I could barely hear him in some places too! Overall my fave performance was Celebrate- mainly because of him noticing me. After the gig: Me, Mair and Eloise ran straight to an entrence near the stage, and waited for Mika to come out! The crowd round the entrence got bigger- and people started to push in! So Eloise managed to get to the front whilst me and Mair were pushed further back. He came out in the end- but only managed to sign a couple of things for other people, none for us three or the others near us! But it was a great experience to see him, especially as it was my first Mika gig too! Overall I had a great time, and now I can't remeber a thing!
  3. T4P! I won't be able to listen to it as I have an exam that day, and I don't want to be tired for it Hope somebody records it!
  4. OMG I loveeeee coldplay! Especially Viva La Vida and Fix You I can't wait to see them on Saturday
  5. basically on the sunday (the day mika is on), it is the ONLY day where you must be over 18 to go and they check for ID too- otherwise I would be going!
  6. It keeps stopping in places for me, and the other link does not work
  7. I can't wait either!!! I just hope that by watching it online it does not, freeze... like when I watched the NRJ music awards
  8. I can't wait now!! I just hope I can stay up at 12 am... AND I have school at 7 am Plus have fun too everyone!
  9. OMG I AM VERY EXCITED NOW!!! even though I may try to watch it online, but then it shall freeze for eternity! good to know that he's still doing public work, for Elle me dit and the origin of love
  10. not too sure... maybe? mika may mention it again, so he may clear it up *hopes*
  11. AW CONGRATS!!! hope you have an amazing time! maybe you could even update us about this AMAZING prize too? I'm even excited for you lol! HAVE FUN!!!!
  12. We shall miss you soooooooo much!!! good luck in the future, and I am positive that MFC shall never forget you! goodbye
  13. I still just want to believe that it IS the sun, well I hope it is Anyway I love the 2 sketches and I can't wait for the artwork (I think i'm looking forward to that the most )
  14. I had a dream that mika followed his fans on twitter... even, though most of them hated him or were only gaga fans (that also hated him)!?? Then I checked to see if mika had followed me, in my dream- but he did not! So finally when I woke up I really thought that my dream was real, and checked my followers list... then realising it was all fake! *dreams crushed*
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