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Everything posted by krysady

  1. :wub2: Really,how could you talk to him in the airport? You're so brave,I couldn't do it :aah: I saw his mom and Jasmine and the band near me,but couldn't say a word :blush-anim-cl:
  2. Well,it's only one night,you can do it! And maybe they want to avoid releasing it on Sunday
  3. And now is October 8th : "Mika’s 3rd record, “The Origin of Love,” will be released in October and features collaborations with Pharrell Williams, Empire of the Sun and Benny Benassi. As well as a host of brilliant tracks for his own record, during this time Mika also worked on “Gang Bang,” for Madonna’s new, “MDNA,” record, a track she has widely praised as her favourite on the album! Mika’s first single, “Celebrate,” (which follows on from last month’s teaser track “Make You Happy”) is due out 1st October, with the album to follow a week later on 8th October." http://www.g-a-y.co.uk/?content=25&articleid=61001
  4. Welcome back,Holly!! I knew you'll come back,that's why I didn't removed you from my friends list! When you left,I thought Rufus asked you to make a choice:Mika or him!
  5. I think the english version of EMD is Emily and it will be on the album,since it was played at the listening sessions Oh,yes,I'm with you!! Where do I have to sign??
  6. Finally!! :wub2: Thank you! :hug:

  7. Thanks,Alice! This is so true and sad: "Even today, despite the great progress our society has made for gay rights since the 20th century, intolerance exists en masse. My godparents cannot wear their wedding rings on their left hands, they cannot keep photos of their wedding, their vacations or their families on their desks at work; they cannot talk about their personal lives in the workplace or secure spousal insurance through their jobs; they cannot hold hands in public — all simple acts that the straight community takes for granted."
  8. He didn't say he is sexually attracted by women,he only said he likes women like Dita Von Teese I like some women too and that doesn't mean I'm lesbian.
  9. Here : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3760461&postcount=8
  10. Thanks for posting,Cath! A symphonic version for Make You Happy on the album?? Ah,life is wonderful !! Amaze me,Mika,I'm ready!!
  11. Noo,the guy on the stripped t-shirt is Felix! The other one,with "Harry Potter" face is Max,just like you said
  12. Still off topic,but I've been reading somewhere that the only woman in the world who has 5 octaves and a half is Mariah Carey and the only man who has 5 octaves and a third is Mihai Traistariu,you can listen to him here,at 2:30
  13. Thanks,Alba! I'm glad you had a great time! Yes,Max is a sweetie,right? Thank you,Francesco,for your pics!
  14. But don't you remember the lyrics:"where the trees I planted....."? What for do you think he planted those trees??
  15. Oh,sorry,but my english is not good enough (not that we might be a little bit off topic ).Anyway,it was a curtain at the window and it's not really too much to say
  16. From Mika's FB page: "What are you expecting from Mika's new album 'The Origin Of Love'?"
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