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Everything posted by njloverqoj

  1. Been busy also! My sis came home from college on wednesday and she's leaving tommorow so I've been spending all my time w/ her. (Though it doesn't help that I think I have 2 tests on Monday and midterms in a few weeks :aah:) The name's Gabriella but you can call me Gabby, I'm 16. What about you?

  2. Either way, how's life?

  3. Nobody Knows Me At All- The Weepies http://youtu.be/xQPcXzvq7Rs アジアの純真- PUFFY (known as Puffy Ami Yumi here in the US:teehee:, they're from Japan) http://youtu.be/mMBvzpCLGHg Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key- Billy Bragg and Wilco
  4. Me too. If it really is coming early 2012, he better get started on promos now. Either way, asdfghjkl;' :fangurl:

  5. hahaha just saw it. It is a bit lonely, i think ppl have kinda been drifting a bit :(

  6. Yep, and my mom went as this:http://www.partycity.com/product/adult+miss+wonderland+costume.do?sortby=ourPicks&size=all&from=Search&navSet=Miss+Wonderland

    while I went as this: http://www.partycity.com/product/adult+miss+dorothy+costume.do?sortby=ourPicks&size=all&from=Search&navSet=Dorothy

    A nice idea, Agnostic/Humanist Jew it is!:teehee: ugh, that really sucks! Didn't go out trick-or-treating but instead watched Victoria and Albert w/ my mom as some kids came to our door, including someone I haven't seen since preschool! There's a first for everything :wink2: Catch him, just don't suck on the lollipop, k?:naughty: U too, hun! :huglove:

  7. :aah: I just switched out of my Geometry class since 1) my teacher was crap and cray-cray and 2) I was REALLY failing it so now I have 2 math tutors along with the one I have for other subjects:sneaky2: Otherwise it's Homecoming week and currently the sophomores (10th grade aka mine) are at 4th place and the seniors are winning. again. (We'll get you just like last year......:wink2:) Since we won the spirit stick as freshmen last year (which we shouldn't have done since it's not the custom), everyone's been getting alot of revenge on us. The freshmen are at 3rd place?!?! ugh srry bout that. My fave shows are South Park, the Colbert Report and I just recently just got addicted to Doctor Who (Matt and David, your future River is waiting..... :chkn::naughty:) U?
  8. All is forgiven, have a candy! :lg: (rlly, MFC? No emoticon of food?jk) The chickengirls (I mean...cheekygirl) is dressed as Dorothy for tonight so u may have a hard time finding her :teehee: Me and my mom are ok, don't worry! The whole religion thing isn't a problem really, my mom knows. How've you been? I would say happy halloween but I forget we're on diff continents. Ugh no fun -_-:wink2:

  9. Eh, it's ok. I'm pretty much used to it by now. Awww thnx hun :blush-anim-cl:. Oh, don't worry. Many CRAAAZY things happened.... mostly watching food network at 12 am :naughty: Only 1 sis, I used to have 2 stepbrothers, how about you take him from his college. Seriously, it would be a dream come true dundundun..... Homecoming's this week and Halloween's today. Here's to screaming kids and my being dragged by a 4 year old. Yay for kids.:mf_rosetinted:

  10. btw thnx for the bday wish!!! :thumb_yello:

  11. :shocked: BWAH srry, it was a late night and I was already high on late-night-happy-peppy-drugs....-__- About psychology, my dad has Bipolar Disorder but refuses to take his meds:aah: and from when I was 3-5 I was thought to have Autism but I only had a language delay. Even then I took Prozac for 10 years! Thank g-d I'm off it finally... but my dad is also a deadbeat and I haven't seen him since I was 3 or 4 and we're trying to find him since he's never paid child support but no one can find him:aah: Heading to Chicago tommorow to visit my sister in college! ::thumb_yello: Haven't seen her for a month! Tho it's a bit bad since I come home sunday night and I have 2 tests on Monday. Kill me now.
  12. WHERE ART THOU???? I've missed u!!!!

  13. AGH srry, school's been playing Kickass on me lately -____- My sister's studying Archaeology in college also! And she's an artist also! (tho she doesn't believe it... as Mika said in Birmingham ".....Stupid":teehee:) I love singing and acting so much!!!! In psychology I'm more interested in abnormal psychology or helping kids w/ Autism (long story). When it comes to me and art, I can draw things but they don't fit the rules of perspective, also can't draw ppl or animals for my life!

  14. thnx for the bday wish!!!

  15. thnx for the bday wish!

  16. awwwwwww! thnx for the bday wish!

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