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Everything posted by njloverqoj

  1. Someday when we're old and worn like two softened shoes, I will wonder on how I was born the night I first ran away from you. Now my feet turn the corner back home, sun turns the evening to rose. Stars turning higher up above, you turned me into Somebody Loved. Somebody Loved- The Weepies (one of my fave songs!)
  2. Late-night-happy-peppy drugs are fun, they just make u really bizzare sometimes I get it in the middle of the day. I hope u got the shirts, my orders for SFS is taking such a LONG time but I got an email saying that an order form one of the stores just started shipping but none of the stores tell me which one!:doh: Aww, tell ur friend I hope she gets better! The EMD vid was good tho i didn't get it at first, too much going on. I start 10th grade on thurs even tho it'll be 1/2 day for 2 days then wkend then real school starts. What sucks is I don't have my schedule yet!:doh: If they don't have it by 2morrow i'll scream! Random: saw the OK Go muppets thing and laughed thru all the times ppl were screaming at the end, Damian Kulash is a tease... waht about u?

  3. I just read my message and it looks so tangled (Tangled vines, they are deceiving... srry, am Jonas fan). I like a few of their songs but they're too... simple for me. Besides when you have a sis saying you should like them even if you don't is REALLY aggravating (ex: I went to a Beatles tribute, she went to a JoBros concert, we're technically even)... having a sis is ok, I'll miss her when she goes to college in a month (Chicago needs to get timing straight). Late-night-happy-peppy drugs are fun, they just make u really bizzare sometimes I get it in the middle of the day. I hope u got the shirts, my orders for SFS is taking such a LONG time but I got an email saying that an order form one of the stores just started shipping but none of the stores tell me which one!:doh:

  4. WIN!!!!!! YKYAMF when Mika's all your tumblr is full of his gorgeous face YKYAMF when your sister offers to go with you to his next concert in her (very soon) college town
  5. Last time didn't work so well.... let's try again! *phone rings* M: Melachi!!! Get your paws OFF of my statements about EMD, I NEED TO EXPLAIN THAT I WASN'T IN IT!!!! G: er.... Hello? Mika? M: Oh, hi! *whispers rather loudly* For god's sake, this better not be an MFC fan, I'm considering getting a restraining order from them. G: And I thought you cared about us... guess I was wrong. M: *thinking: S*** S*** S***!!!!* Hey there hun, sorry about that. I've been in a really horrible mood since... G: since Miss.roxy told you about the old man, I know about that. Doesn't give u the right to be mean. i mean, the last time I called, you were crying and being kinda bipolar. M:Wait, you were the fan who was crying on the phone that time? G-d, sorry darling. That was just.... tour things that were kinda bothering me. pressure isnt pretty. But let's talk of happier things! Are u a new fan? G: *thinking: oooook...* See, this is the Mika that I wub! I'm njloverqoj and a fan of urs as of 5/24/11. BTW.... WHEN ARE YOU EVER COMING TO FLORIDA?!?!?!?!!?!!!! M: You actually remember the date? Impressive... I WANT TO GO THERE AND NOT TO JUST PRODUCE SONGS!! John just doesn't like it for some odd reason. G: How can he not? We're awesome! and I've never been able to see u Wait, I have a week before school... come over here!!! *2 days later* M: Mon cheri, how 'bout you take me around your town. We could go to the beach.... *a few hours later* So, where's a good place for dinner? G: Mon cher Mika, pourrions-nous aller quelque part pour manger au centre-ville? Il y a un plat merveilleux là-bas s'appelle ... "Poulet Piccata" ... M: Mmm… combien délicieux…. : G: M+G: *at home a few hours later* :
  6. True, quite true. I know it's not that bad to everyone else but since I don't really like their music that much it's difficult for me since she keeps trying to convert me into a Beatles fan since she thinks my opinion is and should be (apparently) invalid. :sweatdrop: Hehe, that made me laugh as I read it w/ my dogs. It doesn't help that it's almost 1 am and that I'm sure I'm on late-night-happy-peppy-drugs (the feeling late at night where every stupid and pointless thing is funny). It shalt cometh!! I ordered SFS and 2 shirts so I know you will get it!! Little kids, little kids, whatever shall we do to you? :dunno::shocked: Not getting paid?????? That's dumb (then again i have no say since i've never had a job...) Too bad about the guy, he missed a great person. :wink2: The music vid. Will. Be. Amazing. I seriously can't wait, been freaking out soooo much! Word limits destroys potentials for conversations to connect, I say wee protest it (jk, we dont need trouble for the mfc)

  7. BTW sorry that my last message was weird cause a kid in the program was bothering me about being past time limit when I didn't have work so I had to rush off. Ooh Slovenia! How nice! Don't worry, they always forgive foreigners. If not, better run. Oh yeah, so when I came through the door, I ran to the mailbox and my cds were there and I spent the rest of the night (not counting Indian dinner w/ sis and her friends) marveling over the cds and catching up on mika vids. i've missed this so much... So how've you been? Write on soon!

  8. It sure was! BTW I'm finally back home therefore I have internet and unlimited access here again yays!!!! I wish he had been doing concerts in August :emot-sad: Mika was played 6 TIMES ON FRENCH RADIO there!!! I was like :aah::punk::mf_lustslow::wub2: and my sis and mom were probably thinking that I was a looney but they liked EMD and I think I might be on the slow road of converting them (for my sis it'll be hard seeing as she's in full blown beatlemania and I don't think she can get out) and somehow it got to me telling Mika's life story in under a minute but yeah.... It was so great. Too bad it was only 2 stations that played him. I knew that reaction was coming, trust me. :wink2: Nice avatar! Aww hon, miss you also! No reason to imaginarily cry!

  9. I absolutely can't wait for the CDs and I'm def going to get SFS. it'll be great! The play was last night and I screwed up a few times but it was hilarious since one of the characters who was a boy had to wear a dress and the hole in the wall was at the crotch so everyone was cracking up. Meeting up= no chance :( I'm leaving Oxford tommorow morning to meet my mom and sis at Nice (france, yes how coincidental) since mom was originally gonna pick me up here but she and my sis are in Paris right now so she said the load and times would be too much. cant wauit for the albuim either!

  10. Florida though I'm not there at the mo. you?

  11. Hey, I'm pretty good! You?

  12. he has such an obsession with using the words "Blame it on..." I mean here's the songs he's used it so far: BIOTW BIOTG R,TIE I see a trend here....
  13. I've never even read the play at school so I'm even more confused about what the heck is going on. Thumbs up for hot work cutie! At least you got to do something against the usual routine of everyday life and worthwhile. :) Hehe, glad i could make you laugh. it took me SUCH A LONG TIME to make it up *teehee* People who stare at people who are laughing are just nonbelievers of the real world. Looking at your message, I see I've missed your deadline SORRY! I've missed MFC SO MUCH!!!!!!! All I can say is I wish Elle Me Dit was on the iTunes Store in the US so I wouldn't have to just rely on the version I recorded. Talk to you soon!

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