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Everything posted by kreacher

  1. Kreacher is very bored. When Kreacher is bored she does things to pix of Mika. When Kreacher is guilty she talks about herself in the third person M: mmmm my lolly tastes like chicken! M: Oh shizz... NOT AGAIN!!!
  2. She tells me can't you write a happy song, get your ass to number one
  3. i had my first Mika dream last night! somewhat disappointingly it was rather not that bizzarre compared to the crap my mind usually comes up with. i dreamed i was in some hotel lobby and Mika was there looking amazing as usual but i was wearing a tee shirt and boxer shorts looking awful. we started painting this window and we got paint all over ourselves (a bit like in that photoshoot). then he went away and i stayed in the lobby, sad. some time later i saw John the tour manager there being interviewed & thought "Mika must be here still!" Sure enough I saw him (he's easy to spot towering over everybody lol!) and I ran to my hotel room room and got my TBWKTM cd and PDP dvd. i crept back up to him and said "Sorry to bother you but I forgot to ask you to sign something" so he was very nice and signed one for me and one for my sister then my very naughty cat woke me up! usually whenever i dream about meeting my favorite musicians i never have anything for them to sign, i swear i've had about 5 dreams like that, so this was a big improvement. perhaps it means i'm more prepared in real life or something
  4. i actually squealed a little when i refreshed the new posts & saw you'd posted something. Mika + Harry Potter = two of my favorites *must go manipulate some photos ASAP*
  5. i second this! he is so hot in this movie, looking all pale & tragic
  6. he looks so... has anybody seen this ad in the USA? or in any magazine from anywhere? or is it only in stores? i desperatly want this ad in glossy. i'd totally buy the mag just for the ad so i've been flipping through random men's magazines here in the USA (got some odd looks at the store since not a man!) but haven't seen it yet. i'm about ready to give up hope
  7. too right! it's so easy to slip into thinking Mika really is like this thread portrays him. also thanks to this lovely thread, i now mentally try to give captions to every pic of Mika I see
  8. oooh i've never been there, sounds like my kinda place but i don't think i deserve it this time because i meant Mika's hand is probably... tickling Mikey's other side. What'd you think i meant?
  9. ooooh Japanese snow monkeys! CYOOOOOOOT! Mikey looks happy... i bet i know where Mika's other hand is
  10. you're on fire today Wonka! TOO LATE MIKA! i made this yesterday just cuz i was soooo bored
  11. he looks so adorably happy about it. hopefully she's got a parachute! to Wonka!
  12. i just couldn't resist Extra arms are ever so helpful for fending off adoring MFCers
  13. i think so i bet somebody regretted this pic in the morning. at first i totally thought Wonka had edited that pic to give him another arm
  14. "Please Sir, I want some more." <--Obviously Oliver Twist meant more Mika captions when he said that! young Mika once was in Oliver... now he's Oliver's tasty treat *giggles*
  15. Good Gone Girl by Mika ...no wait it changed to Erase by Mika while I was looking for a dancing smilie... dancing seems kinda pointless now... how about one that's swaying with a lighter held in the air?
  16. my crazy religious mum said "God has really blessed Mika with a lot of talent" and i'm thinking DUH THANK YOU CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! but i just grinned and agreed. and my older sister listened to LICM at FYE (without me forcing her at knifepoint or anything) and i can't remember her exact quote but she liked it enough to buy it. finally all my incessant Mikatalk is paying off
  17. Rob Lowe's book cover totally looks like this still from Grace Kelly ...well, maybe not totally, but enough to make me squee when i saw it at the library!
  18. i think his dragon shirt is lovely. It fits him well, i wonder if his momma made it for him omg Steven Tyler is scary tho!
  19. okay, i've been going through the old Wonkaland threads and so often i can't stop giggling at the captions & manips, but i gotta say for some reason this one in particular just got to me: i laughed, i hypervenilated, i laughed some more, i snorted, i tried & failed to stifle it, i looked away, i laughed a bit longer just thinking about it & decided it's worth reposting. heehee i typed 'mannips' instead of 'manips' at first! gee i wonder what's on my mind?
  20. please, does anyone have this interview of Mika talking with Nicksy for download? http://soundcloud.com/nicksy/nicksy-talking-to-the-strange-mika it's so adorable, i neeeeed it on my mp3 player but it says the download limit has been reached
  21. i want to meet Mika so bad, it hurts bittersweetly to read your stories of meeting him. He seems so kind & generous to his fans if i ever did meet him though... if it was with other fans around I might be alright enough not to come off as a total idiot. but if it was randomly one on one, like at a shop or on the street or something, i'd probably go all "I See You" and just stare with saying a peep maybe if i had something to give him instead of just thanking him for his music & asking him to sign something i'd feel less awkward. i wanna make him something to express a little bit of my grattitude to him but i don't have any skills *does her best Napoleon Dynamite impression* "Mika only wants fans who have great skills."
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