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Everything posted by flyingkites

  1. Another one who lives on the edge, I like it! Thanks! (See how I resisted the temptation to make something dirty out of your last sentence? )
  2. You did a very good job then! And hello Kat, I'm Elina. Hahah thank you! I'm the kind of person who likes to live dangerously, I always remove USB devices by just pulling them out of the slot.
  3. Hey gurl, clean your PM inbox, I'm not able to message you! :teehee:

  4. You put the thing I wanted to say but didn't know how into words! Awesome. Thank you.
  5. Maybe it had something to do with my boyfriend, he's got a similar physique to Mika's ( = tall and skinny). Well, Christmas is on its way, time for him to get chubbier!
  6. *high5's for similar movie taste* I love Charlotte Gainsbourg too! She was amazing in Antichrist.
  7. Simply amazing! I'm in tears from laughing so hard! I had a dream about Mika a while ago. I can't remember it very clearly, but I was backstage with him and a couple of other people in some weird orange room. He was getting ready for his gig and he was acting like a total jerk, he was rude to everyone and didn't even bother to look at me, like I didn't exist. I can't remember much of what he did, but I can clearly remember what he looked like. He'd gained a lot of weight and had very chunky, silvery bracelets on his wrists. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and these weird, semi-transparent red loose pants that showed his underpants which were similar to the ones he has in the video of WAG. The whole combination was so ridicilous I woke up laughing at some point.
  8. Great thread! I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this already, but this (The Science of Sleep) is one of my favourite films. [YOUTUBE]GUCrM5i_W3c[/YOUTUBE] The trailer is a bit cheesy, but the film itself is the sweetest I've ever seen! It's totally heartwarming but at the same time kind of sad. Nonetheless I always feel good after watching it. And hey, who doesn't love Gael García Bernal?
  9. Mika's most fatal mistake... And thanks! I'm glad others find my incredibly dry sense of humour amusing.
  10. Okay I know this isn't exactly something that's from my country since it's a Metallica cover but I just have to share this with you guys cause I just rediscovered this band and I'm love with their version of this song. [YOUTUBE]IFWdMVn_lPw[/YOUTUBE] These guys are great live, too.
  11. Hahah why thank you! Oh noes, have I started something irreversible by calling Wonka that? I consider myself warned, thank you!
  12. Aww that's so sweet! :wub2: Although I bet it's not always easy to be a parent of two teenagers! Heheh, I guess you're not the only one who suffers from a Mika-intolerant husband/boyfriend, if that's comforting somehow. :naughty:

  13. Oh you're a mother! May I ask how old your daughter is?

  14. This thread is killing me! I've been going through it some more and found this, I thought it was hilarious enough to be reposted, again! God, I've been a member of MFC only for a short period of time and I'm totally addicted already. This is not going to be good for me.
  15. Aww, thank you! And thanks for befriending me as well! :huglove: How are you?

  16. Ruin my reputation? Can it seriously be that bad?! Now I may HAVE to go through those threads to see what all this fuss is about... And obviously you are teh great mastermind/sensei/Obi-Wan, how else could you have created an entire universe like this one? Unless you're completely nuts.
  17. First part of your post about the creativity thing: Agreed. Second part of your post: I really respect you for coming out to your parents, it must have been difficult. So congratulations.
  18. So you're the mastermind behind all this! Pleased to meet you. Poor Meeks! Thank you! Three threads?! Oh my... If I go through all of them I'll never be the same innocent me again...
  19. *sneaks in* I just read the last 10 pages of this thread. I have no idea what all of this is about or what exactly is going on here, but I love it. *sneaks out*
  20. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother's reaction. That's awful. All that just because you told her you had a girlfriend... I'm glad the situation with her got better, but when your own parents do something like that (even if it's for a short period of time) it's always extremely hurtful and sad. I don't think my parents would react in such an extreme way, but you never know... It's always okay to be gay or whatever when it's not your own child. I think if I was to ever break up with my current boyfriend and start dating a girl they'd think I was having a rough time in my life and I'd gone nuts somehow and was completely lost. Like it's some sort of a phase that will pass. And thank you for your kind words. What you said is so true.
  21. Aww, that means a lot to me. Thank you. I love how you expressed perfectly how I feel about this issue! I always say that too: love is such a beautiful thing that it shouldn't be something you have to hide from the world or be ashamed about and it's also something everyone deserves. A while back I saw this little screencap from someone's Facebook status. Here's what it said: "I just asked my 11 year old autistic brother what he would do if he saw 2 boys holding hands. He said "People would think it is weird but I don't, I like holding hands with cats, I think if you love something you can hold its hand." We have a winner." Need I say more?
  22. Okay, I'm not sure if this thread will come back to life again, but here goes nothing. So uh, hi everyone. I'm a huge supporter of gay rights and equality in general, so I figured this thread might be a good place for me. I'm kind of not willing to label my sexuality but let's just say that I'm open-minded. Yes, I've has crushes on boys and yes, I've had crushes on girls. At the moment I'm in a relationship with an incredible man. But when it comes to the whole queer/gay culture thingy I've always felt sort of at home. Even when I was a kid I always felt like I could always relate to the quirky, ambiguous/androgynous characters. And even though all of the things mentioned before are a huge part of my identity I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Maybe it's because I know I can never tell my family about these things and I can never live a truely free life. Luckily I have a lot of gay friends who understand and support me, but sometimes it feels like the prejudice and hate of the surrounding world is overwhelming. I hope even some of this made sense. I kind of needed to get these things off my chest.
  23. Sort of off-topic I guess but I'm loving the accent!
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