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Everything posted by Alie

  1. Erase and Ring Ring are on the American version of LICM I have it and Ring Ring is the 6th song (between Relax and Any Other World) and Erase the 11th (just before Happy Ending). Your Sympathy is, as lollipop said, on the japanease version. Erase is one of my favourite songs.
  2. I heard Big Girls in a petshop last month I tried to find out which radio station was playing but can't find it. In one week, I went to McDonalds twice () and I heard Relax on the radio each time.
  3. I hope someone recorded it If I can't get the video, I'll listen to the audio tomorrow (thanks for posting it !! ), I was working today (why are they scheduling me when Mika does a gig, I can't get that )
  4. The pants are probably too big for him... I don't think he took his own clothes for horse riding... or he took very old pants.
  5. Watched everything too ! They are very funny. I guess everybody know it, but they filmed the 1st scene of season 9 yesterday (thanks to Jared to tweet about it). I can't wait to see it.
  6. Me me me me me me I just LOVE this TV show. I watched every single episode so far and I'm DYING for the season 9 in October. I'm a big fan and I'm in love with Castiel, alias Misha Collins. (I think it's very funny because my two favourite men in the world are named Mika and Misha. ) I started to watch Supernatural because my brother was following it. It was season 4 and I was fascinated by the angels VS demons war. After that, I decided to watch the complete serie from the beginning. While waiting for the next season, I'm listening to the old ones.
  7. Yeah, not really !

  8. Nice !!! It's funny, I go camping in two weeks :aah: Let's wish it'll still be hot and sunny. :pray:

  9. Good too ! :) A lil bit busy but I still enjoy my summer. :naughty:

  10. Hi ! It's been awhile :) How are you ??

  11. Ooops looks like there's a mistakes. He'll be at La Nuit de l'Erdre only saturday, but tomorrow he'll be at the Thonon Les Bains' festival. In France too.
  12. I know dogs very well (I'm studying that) and I know two golden retriever. Trust me, Mel has the same adorable face and perfect behavior. It's a very sweet breed.
  13. No, but in iTunes when you buy the whole album in a french country (in France or in Quebec, Canada), the miami edit of Make you Happy is "Make you Happy (French Version)". Or maybe the opposite, I'm not sure. It makes no sense and there's absolutely no french word in it.
  14. Hi ! I'm from Canada too ! Have fun here, Mika's music is a real addiction.
  15. If you want. http://www.ckoi.com/form-demandes-speciales.php Traduction: Name, last name, gender (F for girl), your age, your city (Montreal), phone number (don't put it), e-mail adress, MIKA, Live your Life and you don't need to leeve a message. And on twitter, just tweet to @CKOI to play Live your life with a link to the song on itunes or youtube.
  16. I'm still trying to get some airplay for Live your life on local radio stations. Nothing yet but I'm not done with them.
  17. It's amazing for a Mika video, but if we look closely... The Way is 2 months old and as 36 409 632 views. Popular is 1 month old and as 5 102 409 views. Ariana's effect is not 100%.... I'm very happy but at the same time, a little bit disapointed. Did Popular get some airplay on american radio ? It's not playing anymore in Quebec...
  18. Oh yes I remember now. I still don't get why he doesn't like this song.
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